UB Conference Series – “Science for everyone’s understanding” continues with a new online conference, held by Bogdan Suditu, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Geography of the University of Bucharest, who spoke about the roles and meanings of geography, with emphasis on the usefulness and importance of map and territorial analysis and with references to place memory and toponymy, informal settlements and even how geography can be taught so as to arouse the interest of young people.
Addressed to those passionate about geography, but also to the public, the conference “What is geography used for? Tribute to the map and the territorial analysis”, leads us through a history marked by the revelation of the importance of the map and the territorial analysis, offering concrete examples and elements of “behind the scenes” from a fascinating historical geography.
As Bogdan Suditu points out in his presentation, that consciously or not, each of us appeals to geography every day. When we look for addresses, when we read tourist maps or use Google Maps to help us get to a certain place, when we talk about member/non-member countries of the European Union or other political structures, when we identify cities in Spain or Italy where there are many Romanian migrants, the mono-industrial cities in the Jiu Valley or Muntenia that are depopulating or when we look for dynamic communities from an economic and administrative point of view, when we talk about tourist destinations, about the “weather”, quarantined localities or airports stopped by volcanic eruptions, we are actually talking about GEOGRAPHY.
Geography is an everyday necessity, and the call to the map helps us to understand and solve the unknown elements: where it is, why there, in connection with what!The full recording of the conference can be accessed here.
Bogdan Suditu is an associate professor at the Faculty of Geography of the University of Bucharest. He is the holder of the courses: Analysis and urban planning; Residential mobility and housing policies; Urban and rural development policies and strategies; Toponymy and historical geography; Social Geography – at the Faculty of Geography, but also of the Regional Development course – MA in Culture and Politics in European and International Context – Faculty of Letters and Introduction to Urbanism and Spatial Planning – MA in Law of Urbanism and Spatial Planning, organized by cooperation between the University of Bucharest, the Faculty of Law and the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, the Faculty of Urbanism.
A graduate of the Faculty of Geography of the University of Bucharest (1997), he holds a co-supervised PhD (University of Bucharest and the University of Angers, France) on the topic “Residential mobility of the population of Bucharest”/“Logements, habitants et mobilites residentielles a Bucarest. Enjeux pour le XXIeme siecle” (2006), and later became a graduate of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration – ENA, Strasbourg – France (Promotion 2010 Marco Polo). He has held positions of responsibility in the central public administration and is an active professional in the civic and private field.
Bogdan Suditu is a specialist in social geography, territorial governance, residential mobility and migration, territorial socio-demographic disparities, housing and social housing, urbanism and spatial planning, urban-rural relations and urban expansion, cultural heritage, toponymy and urban history, regional development, urban regeneration and informal settlements.
In 2017 he was appointed Professor of the Year at the University of Bucharest. Since 2016 he is a member of the Senate of the University of Bucharest, and in December 2019 he was elected President of the Commission for Monitoring the Use of Resources of the University of Bucharest.