Between the 24th -29th of August 2018, the management of the University of Bucharest and of some other faculties gathered in Sinaia for the third edition of the Academic Management Summer School.
The school was honored by the active participation of the University of Bucharest President of the Senate, PhD Prof. Marian Preda, Vicepresident of the Senate, PhD Prof Simona Gherghina, and Prorectors PhD Prof. Romiță Iucu, PhD Prof. Magdalena Platis, PhD Prof. Sorin Costreie and PhD Prof. Laurențiu Leuștean. Also, at the event participated PhD Prof. Bogdan Murgescu, director of the Council of the Doctoral University Studies, together with deans, prodeans, professors and coordinators of administrative departments within the University of Bucharest.
The classes are an optimal occasion for the participants to exchange ideas and projects regarding the way in which to improve the activity of the administrative departments, the communication between faculties, but also the academic consolidation of the university.
Professor Marian Preda, specialist in strategic management and organizational behavior, stressed the necessity of management professionalization and orientation for performance in the universities, his interventions referring precisely to the kinds of strategic planning, monitoring and assessment in the universities.
In his turn, Prorector Romiță Iucu, Professor of education sciences, spoke, together with Professor Lucian Ciolan, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, about the management techniques of the study programmes, but also on the performance stimulation strategies within the academic institutions.
Prorector Laurențiu Leuștean, Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, together with Ștefania Matei, researcher at ICUB, approached different aspects regarding the complexity of research activity in the universities, highlighting the importance of research endeavors for academic reconfiguration and environment evolution.
A distinguished participant of the summer school was Professor Marius Profiroiu, prorector of international relations of the Economic Studies Academy, who spoke on the internationalization necessity in higher education. At the same time, Professor Călin Hințea, Dean of the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences of the „Babeș-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca, delivered a conference on the topic of strategic approaches in university environment, and Cătălin Baba, Professor at the same faculty in Cluj-Napoca, stressed more aspects regarding the educational reform in the universities.
Moreover, at the summer school in Sinaia, also participated representatives of the private sector, such as Elena Fecioru and Cornel Fecioru, Human Resources managers in private companies, who talked about the way in which the resource administration in the private sector may become an inspirational source for the academic environment.
Other subjects debated were higher education financing, use of public funds and their role in the development of academic management.
The Academic Management Summer School, organized annually for the members of the academic community of the University of Bucharest, aims to grow academic management professionalization and development of a coherent organizational culture at the University of Bucharest, both through promoting team spirit in the community of those who hold administrative and representative positions, as well as through facilitating exchange of ideas and positive experiences between faculties, departments and research teams of the academic community.