The members of the academic community of the University of Bucharest are invited to take part in the conference “Access to higher education in the 21st century – policies and outcomes”, organized by the University of Bucharest, through the Interdisciplinary School of Doctoral Studies (ISDS). The event is coordinated by Bogdan Murgescu, Vice-Rector of the University of Bucharest, and Romiță Iucu, President of the Board of Trustees of the University of Bucharest.
The deadline for abstract submission is Tuesday, 20 June 2023 and the conference will take place between 19 and 20 October 2023 at the University of Bucharest.
Abstracts should be submitted via this online submission form.
The organizers welcome both specific case studies and broad analytical and theoretical approaches, which may also include comparative or global analyses. Contributions can focus on one or more of the following topics but are not restricted to the list below:
- Public policies regulating access to higher education in the 21st century – answers to national, regional, and global phenomena;
- Constraints and opportunities of providing labor market tailored skills and competencies through HEIs;
- Disadvantaged or marginalized social groups and their limitations towards accessing and graduating from higher education;
- Affirmative actions – forms, controversies, outcomes;
- The emergence of micro-programs and micro-credentials and their accessibility;
- Intergenerational implications of enlarging access to higher education;
- The development of the European Higher Education Area and its implications regarding access to higher education;
- Quantity vs. quality in assessing the outcomes of access to higher education;
- Transnational cooperation – new ways of access to higher education;
- Access to higher education and the democratic infrastructure of contemporary societies..
Further details about travel, accommodation, conference fees and schedule can be found at the conference website, here.