Wednesday, July 17th 2024, UB will host the conference The University of Bucharest – 160 – catalyst of the modernization of Romania, which marks a double event: on one hand, 160 years since the founding of the University of Bucharest and, on the other hand 330 years since the establishment of the first form of higher education on the territory of Wallachia.
The event, hosted at the University House (46 Dionisie Lupu Street, Bucharest), has an interdisciplinary character, reuniting specialists from various fields to discuss and analyze the evolution of Romanian higher education.
The main goal of the conference is to generate new analytical and methodological approaches regarding the history of education, with a strong focus on the institutional development of the University of Bucharest as a main vector of progress in the Romanian space.
On this occasion, the members of the UB academic community are invited to register for the conference to discover the possibilities of the themes established. Participants who wish to attend the conference will fill in this form online, no later than Tuesday, July 9th 2024. The organizers will notify acceptance in a very short time, coming up with the full program of the conference by July 10th.
The persons attending the conference will have the chance to explore various aspects of university history, to share the recent results of their research and to discuss the challenges and future perspectives of higher education in Romania.
The preliminary list of scientific themes that the organizers propose for the interested candidates are: Undiscovered sources: presenting unpublished memorialist papers, personal archive funds and other funds which have known little or no research at all; Institutional evolution: the analysis of the evolution of the Rectorate, of the Senate, Faculties, Botanical Garden and students dorms or student refectories in this period; The University: the catalyst of modernization; Academic activity: evaluating educational, research and scientific popularization activities; Humanitarian actions: documenting existing humanitarian actions; The Patrimony of the University of Bucharest; UB management: the History of the rectors of the University of Bucharest; Student life; Statistic studies: the study of the evolution of the number of students and the teaching staff; National collaborations: the cooperation between the University of Bucharest and other higher education institutions in the country and International collaborations.
The history of higher education in Romania is a research direction in continuous evolution, both quantitatively and qualitatively. This transformation is the result of the constant and dedicated efforts of the researchers, including those present at this conference. These contributions have been essential for improving the understanding and development of this field, facilitating a significant progress in the way we perceive and study the history of Romanian higher education.
The organizing committee of the conference includes associate professor Matei Gheboianu, teaching staff at the UB Faculty of History, who can be contacted via email, at
At the same time, in the context of the anniversary of 160 years since the founding of the University of Bucharest, between July 8th – 9th, UB will organize the conference Excellence (also) at feminine in UB. Towards an inclusive history of UB personalities.