ERC Day at University of Bucharest
13 May 2019
On Tuesday, June 11, 2019, the University of Bucharest hosts the Information Session of the European Research Council at the Faculty of Law, Constantin Stoicescu Hall (Mihail Kogalniceanu Blvd., 36-46, 1st floor). The event is open to researchers across Romania who wish to learn more about what the ERC could do for them. Organized by […]
International Congress CEESSGA 2018 Curiosity and Censorship in the Modern Age
05 December 2018
The International Congress Curiosity and Censorship in the Modern Age, organized by the University of Bucharest and the Romanian Academy on 13th-15thSeptember 2018, is the first of a series of biannual meetings that aim at bringing together as many as possible of the researchers in Central and Eastern Europe, who dedicate their activity to the […]