– More than 100 olympic students chose to study at the University of Bucharest – The University of Bucharest confirms again this year its good reputation and attractiveness among young graduates. Almost 22,000 candidates (21,937) chose to continue their higher education studies at the 19 faculties of the University of Bucharest. This represents the highest number of candidates in the last three years. Thus, if in 2017 the University of Bucharest registered more than 20,800 candidates at the bachelor programs, in 2018 the general data showed a number of nearly 21,500 candidates who opted to study at one of the UniBuc faculties. The University of Bucharest thus registered a competition of almost 5 enrolled candidates / budgeted place. Moreover, this year 106 olympic students chose the University of Bucharest to continue their studies and academic formation. Among those, 37 opted for the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 26 for the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 12 for the Faculty of Geography, 10 for the Faculty of Letters, 5 for the Faculty of Political Sciences, 4 for the Faculty of Physics and for the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, 3 for the Faculty of Philosophy and for the ” Patriarch Justinian” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, and 2 olympics for the Faculty of Chemistry. In view of the continuous decline of high school graduates who passed the baccalaureate exam, the general picture of this year’s admission confirms the growing interest of young people in studying and forming in an academic community with a strong tradition. The University of Bucharest is the first option for study also for a significant number of bachelor graduates. In July 2019 session, 3,650 candidates chose to enroll on the 2,424 budgeted places available for Master’s degree studies. It is important to note that four faculties of the University of Bucharest are organizing an admission to the Master only in September. These are the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, and the ” Patriarch Justinian” Faculty of Orthodox Theology. The University of Bucharest offered to the candidates for this year’s admission a number of facilities, such as paying the registration fee online, free accommodation in their own dorms and free access to the “Dimitrie Brândza” Botanical Garden. Considered the most appreciated university among employers, according to QS University Rankings, the University of Bucharest offers to the students and the teacher- members of the academic community, the opportunity to study in a prestigious international community, built around the CIVIS Consortium – the European Civic Alliance which includes universities from France, Greece, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Germany. Moreover, the University of Bucharest develops partnerships and strategic projects with national and international institutions, companies and non-governmental organizations, which become opportunities for our students and graduates.