Faculty of Chemistry within the University of Bucharest (webpage: https://chimie.unibuc.ro, Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/chimie.unibuc.ro) is a higher education institution with a tradition of over 150 years, which carries out activities of education and scientific research. Since its establishment until now, the Faculty of Chemistry has promoted and developed fundamental and applied scientific research, both in traditional and in new, interdisciplinary fields, in accordance with the strategy and priorities defined at national and European level. Nowadays, the Faculty of Chemistry has five teaching departments: Department of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis, and Doctoral School in Chemistry, as well as seven centers of advanced research. Faculty of Chemistry is now unanimously recognized as an elite higher education institution in the field of chemistry, not only nationally, but also internationally.
Main research areas
Research in the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest, spans the core areas of theoretical and applied chemistry very diverse and up-to-date research directions.
The main research areas are:
- Analytical and bioanalytic chemistry
- Inorganic and supramolecular chemistry
- Nanoscience and material chemistry
- Physical chemistry
- Chemical Theory & Computation
- Organic chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology
- Catalysis and catalytic processes.
Faculty of Chemistry has established numerous scientific collaborations and partnerships with research centers and chemistry departments from Romania and abroad.
National and international projects
There is a high capacity of the Research Centers in the Faculty of Chemistry to carry out projects and to attract funding from different institutions and foundations (CNCSIS, Volkswagen Foundation, Soros Foundation, Romanian Academy, CERES, MEN, MCT, ANSTI, INTAS, UEFISCDI, EEA Grants etc.).
Faculty of Chemistry implemented numerous research projects and scientific collaborations with prestigious institutions in France, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Belgium, USA, Brasil, Japan, China etc., as well as formative cooperation projects for undergraduate and graduate students within the European framework (Erasmus, Horizon 2010, Horizon 2020) in addition to bilateral cooperations.
Main results of the research
The scientific research activity carried out by the faculty members is broad and complex, strongly integrated in the teaching process. The results of the research activities carried out in the Faculty of Chemistry are disseminated in the form of publications. In the last 5 years, the faculty members have published more than 750 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed ISI journals in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, materials science, environmental protection etc. and contributed with more than 1000 oral presentations and posters to national and international scientific events. The number of citations for the articles published by the faculty, students and researchers of the Faculty of Chemistry is also noteworthy. Professors and researchers of the Faculty of Chemistry are the authors of a rich collection of patents and scientific books or chapters of books published in prestigious publishing houses in the country and abroad.
Awards and other elements of international recognition
Members of the Faculty of Chemistry are widely recognized for their important scientific activity, developed over the years. Professors of the Faculty of Chemistry are members of the Romanian Academy, members of editorial boards of important international journals, they are invited professors at universities in Romania and abroad, they are invited to participate in the organizing committees of national and international congresses, conferences or symposiums. Research groups are integrated into European university and research networks: MagmaNET, COST etc. Faculty of Chemistry coordinates and/or supports the activities of high profile scientific societies, such as Romanian Chemical Society, Romanian Catalysis Society, Society of Chemistry Teachers in Bucharest etc. Faculty members of the Faculty of Chemistry have been and are involved in the elaboration of national and/or European public policies, social development programs and UE policies. Members of the Faculty of Chemistry received numerous awards and distinctions: prizes of the Romanian Academy, prizes of the Romanian Chemical Society, prizes for the published articles etc. At the same time, students of the Faculty of Chemistry have won awards at important national and international scientific events. Personalities of the academic world have been awarded the distinction Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Bucharest at the proposal of the Faculty of Chemistry: Nobel laureate Jean Marie Lehn, Hermenegildo Garcia, Avelino Corma, Miguel Julve, Francesc Lloret.
Centrul de cercetări Catalizatori şi procese catalitice
Centrul de cercetări de Chimie organică aplicată
Centrul de cercetări de Chimie analitică aplicată
Centrul de cercetare de Chimie anorganică teoretică și aplicată
Colectivul de cercetări de Chimie fizică teoretică și aplicată
Laborator pentru controlul calităţii produselor – LABORQ
Centrul de cercetare – Dezvoltare pentru metode automate de analiză
The Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest is perceived by the public as being the most prestigious law school in Romania. Several factors contribute to this position, such as its unique tradition (second oldest law school in the country, home to the most famous law professionals), as well as, undoubtedly, the quality of its current professors (scientific personalities), and, not last, the results obtained by its students to the admission exams to the main legal professions.
The research within the Faculty of Law is focused on the domain Law, having different components.
Among the numerous results of the research related to this domain, the following may be emphasized:
Scientific publications. The professors of the Faculty of Law have drafted legal handbooks, monographies, commented legislation, articles, studies, notes on court decisions published in several national and international journals. We should emphasize the books dedicated to the main laws (Constitution, Civil Code, Civil Procedure Code, Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code) which benefited each from detailed explanations made by the professors of the Faculty of Law. Also, following the proposal of the Faculty of Law, the Juriscope Institute of Poitiers translated the Romanian Civil Code into French language, to be published at Dalloz Publishing House in 2013 together with the comments written by the professors of the Faculty. The Civil Procedure Code was also translated into French language in 2018. The professors were also involved in the publication of some original law journals, actively contributing in this way to the development of legal sciences. A special attention is given to the journal „Annals of the University of Bucharest – Law Series”, published since 1939. The studies published in this journal represent fundamental scientific research, having as object the main legal institutions, as well as the decisions of national and international courts. The articles are published especially in foreign languages (English, French, Spanish), which allowed the journal to be indexed by three international databases.
Participation at scientific events. The professors of the Faculty of Law constantly participate with high quality communications to conferences, symposiums, congresses, different workshops organized in Romania or abroad. Also, the Faculty of Law is often host to prestigious international events.
Drafting legislation. The professors of the Faculty of Law have contributed to the drafting of the new codes and of the laws for their application (Civil Code, Civil Procedure Code, Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code), as well as of other laws.
Another important part of research is represented by the creation and functioning of several research centers which organize various scientific activities (international conferences, debates, roundtables, case studies, practical seminars, methodological seminars, moot courts, international schools, summer schools, essay competitions, publication of journals etc.).
The professors of the Faculty of Law were involved in numerous national and international projects, funded by the European Union, by the Romanian authorities or from other sources.
For all the activities, various prizes were awarded by the Romanian Academy, by the Law Professionals Association in Romania or by other bodies or prestigious journals in the field of legal sciences. Certain professors of the Faculty of Law have received important decorations, such as the French Légion d’Honneur, Order of the Merit of the Italian Republic, National Order Star of Romania etc.
Research areas
The activity of research centers within the Faculty of Physics lies in the framework of research areas defined by projects won in both national and international competitions. Furthermore, research areas are defined by traditional collaborations with research groups affiliated to institutes on the Măgurele Campus, which carries an excellent reputation for scientific research in Romania. Research groups within the Faculty are actively involved in large international collaborations (GSI-FAIR Darmstadt, CERN Geneva, JINR Dubna, ELI-NP Măgurele.)
The main research areas of Faculty groups are as follows:
– physics of advanced materials and applications (electronic and optoelectronic devices, mesophases, unconventional techniques of environmental protection, alternative energy sources)
– theoretical physics (quantum information theory, advanced methods of many-particle systems physics)
– atomic and nuclear physics (elementary particles physics, nuclear matter in extreme conditions)
– molecular biophysics and applications in medical physics
– photonics, plasma and laser physics
Research results
The ability of Faculty research groups to access research funds has been proven by the large number of nationally- and internationally-funded research projects within the last few years (in 2019 there were 19 nationally-funded projects, as well as 12 internationally-funded projects, among which 3 received European funding.)
Research results are published in specialized journals: in 2019, 159 scientific articles were published in ISI journals, with a cumulated impact factor of 439. Faculty researchers are publishing in high-impact journals, such as Advanced Functional Materials, Energy Storage Materials, Small, Carbon, ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Applied Surface Science.
Scientific research results obtained within the Faculty also lead to registration of invention patents. During 2019, 4 invention patents were registered nationally, at the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks.
The quality of published results correlates with the number of registered citations, which amount to over 2500 in the last 5 years, as well as with awards given by the Romanian Academy to certain researchers affiliated with the Faculty.
Centrul de cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru materiale şi dispozitive electronice şi optoelectronice
Centrul de cercetare în protecția radiologică
Centrul de cercetare 3Nano-SAE
Materiale polimere, mezofaze și metode neconvenționale de protecția mediului
Applied geography, Fluvial geomorphology, Natural Hazard & Risks, Vulnerability Assessments, Risk perception, Renewable energy resources, Ocean atmosphere interaction, Remote sensing, GIS modelling and digital cartography, Relief – tourism relationship, Coastal geomorphology, Coastal and fluvial geoarchaeology, Anthropocen, Geomorphosites, Geoheritage, Integrated Analysis and Territorial Management of water resources, Biometeorology and bioclimatology, Weather and Climate Risk Phenomena, Climate Changes, General Geomorphology, Mountain area – mapping, evaluation, landscaping, Water Related Hazards, Built heritage, Territorial disparities, Geography of Tourism, Integrated Analysis and Territorial Management, Health and health care inequalities at territorial level, Demographic and social vulnerabilities, Urban ecology, Environmental Planning, Environmental Impact Assessment, landscape ecology, ecological modelling, Systematic conservation planning, Reptiles ecology and conservation, Carnivores ecology and conservation
– Identifying linearity/non-linearity in landscape evolution by Integrating satellite- based radar interferometry and ground-based monitoring data. Study area:Bucharest, STAR-CDI
– Satellite Images Analysis for fire Monitoring – SIAFIM, STAR-CDI
– Changes in storminess and coastal erosion induced by climate variability along the Black Sea coasts. Management and adaptation. ERA-NET
– Spatial analysis of land degradation sensitivity in Romania using the multi-criteria MEDALUS methodology, LANDERSER, PN3-RU-PD
– Implementation of a complex geographic informatic system for ecosystem-based management,through integrated monitoring and assessment of the biocoenosis status and its evolution trends in a fast changing environment at the romanian coastal zone of the Black Sea, ECOMAGIS, PN2 PCCA
– Green solutions for increasing resilience and sustainability of urban environments, PN3-PCE
– Integration of social networks theory into systematic conservation planning., PN2-TE
– Methodology for managing and solving environmental conflicts in Natura 2000 sites. PN2-TE
– Monitoring of the Urban Heat Island, in the current climate and in the perspective of climate change. STAR-CDI
– Vulnerability of Romanian localities and environment to floods in the context of global environmental changes, PN2 PCCA
– Argos applications for real-time monitoring of wild animals in Romania, PN3-CO-PED
– Green solutions for increasing resilience and sustainability of urban environments, PN3-PCE
– Giosan, L., Syvitski, L., Constantinescu St., Day J., 2014. Protect the world`s deltas. Nature, vol. 516, 7529, p. 31-33, IF=43,07
– Popescu V., Pop M., Chiriac S.,Rozylowicz L. 2019. Romanian carnivores at a crossroads. Science, vol. 364, 6445, p. 1041, IF=41, 063
– Prăvălie, R., 2016. Drylands extent and environmental issues. A global approach, Earth-Science Reviews, Vol. 161, p. 259-278 IF=9,53
– Mihai B, Săvulescu I, Rujoiu-Mare M, Nistor C,2017. Recent forest cover changes (2002–2015) in the Southern Carpahians: A case study of the Iezer Mountains, Romania. Science of The Total Environment 599, 2166-2174, IF=5,589
– Bandoc G., Prăvălie R., Patriche C., Degeratu M., 2018. Spatial assessment of wind power potential at global scale. A geographical approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 200:1065-1086,IF=6,395
– Hartel T., Scheele B.C., Vanak A.T., Rozylowicz L., Linnell J.D.C., Ritchie E.G., 2019. Mainstreaming large carnivore-human coexistence through institutional collaboration. Conservation Biology 33(6): 1256-1265, IF=6,155
– Badiu D.L., Onose D.A., Niță M.R., Lafortezza, R., 2018. From “red” to green? A look into the evolution of green spaces in a post-Socialist city, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 187, 156-164, IF=5,155
– Diaconu, DC; Bretcan, P; Peptenatu, D; Tanislav, D; Mailat, E, 2018.The importance of the number of points, transect location and interpolation techniques in the analysis of bathymetric measurements, Journal Of Hydrology, Vol. 570 p.774-785, IF=4,404
– Prăvălie R., Patriche C., Bandoc G., 2019. Spatial assessment of solar energy potential at global scale. A geographical approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 209: 692-721, IF=6,395
– Zăinescu, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Anthony, E., Tătui, F., Preoteasa, L., Mateescu, R., 2019. Flood deposition and storm removal of sediments in front of a deltaic wave-influenced river mouth. Marine Geology, 417, 106015, IF=3,349
– Prăvălie R., Bandoc G., Patriche C., Sternberg T., 2019. Recent changes in global drylands: Evidences from two major aridity databases. Catena, 178: 209–231, FI=3,9
– Andronache, I, Marin, M, Fischer, R, et. al 2019. Dynamics of Forest Fragmentation and Connectivity Using Particle and Fractal Analysis, Scientific Reports, vol. 9, art. number 12228, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-48277-z, IF=4,011
– Armas, Iuliana; Mendes, Diana A.; Popa, et al. 2017. Long-term ground deformation patterns of Bucharest using multitemporal InSAR and multivariate dynamic analyses: a possible transpressional system?, Scientific Reports, vol. 7, art. Number 43762, IF=4,011
– Badiu, Denisa L.; Ioja, Cristian I.; Patroescu, Maria; et al., 2016. Is urban green space per capita a valuable target to achieve cities’ sustainability goals? Romania as a case study, Ecological Indicators, Vol. 70, p. 53-66, IF=4,49
– Prăvălie R., Bandoc G., 2018. Nuclear energy: Between global electricity demand, worldwide decarbonisation imperativeness, and planetary environmental implications. Journal of Environmental Management, 209: 81–92, FI=4
Centrul de cercetare a mediului și de efectuare a studiilor de impact
Centrul de Analiză Integrată și Management Teritorial
Centrul pentru Studii de Risc Modelare Spatiala si Dinamica Sistemelor Terestre si Costiere
Centre of Landscape–Territory–Information Systems CeLTIS
Centrul de cercetari Costiere pentru Protecția mediului
Centrul de cercetare „Gestiunea Resurselor de Apă și a Riscurilor Hidrice”
Centrul interdisciplinar de cercetari avansate asupra dinamicii teritoriale
Centrul de cercetare de Petrologie și Metalogenie Aplicată
Departamentul de cercetare de Geologie și Geofizică Ambientală
Colectivul de cercetari mineralogice petrologice si de mediu
Departamentul de studii și cercetări, implemantare și microproductie
Biroul de expertiza si consulting
Geologia zacamintelor de carbuni si protectia mediului
Managmentul resurselor minerale si mediului inconjurator
Tectonica si Geologie Ambientala
FACULTY OF HISTORY (FIUB)-Research Activities. A Synthesis (2015 -2019)
The research activity at the FIUB targets several scientific paths. The first one focuses on traditional study blocks (Prehistory, Classical Antiquity, Byzantine and Mediaeval Studies, Modern History, Contemporary History) coupled with in-depth documents and material culture analyses (epigraphy, paleography, numismatics, archival science), as well as field research (archaeology). The second one deepens specific research areas (histoire des mentalités and popular culture, cultural history, gender studies, consumer studies, heritage studies, urban and social history, historical demography, history of education, international relations studies, African studies, archaeosciences etc.). The third one incorporates interdisciplinary research and digital tools in the study of the past and contemporary issues. Research activities at the FIUB have both an international and regional outlook and participate in various research networks local and abroad. During the last years, a significant part of our research activity centered on the Great Union of Romania’s Centenary and on the World War I Centenary (1918).
Published books (outside Romania)
E. Lung, D. Zaharia, S. Corlan et al. (coord.), Les Constructions Identitaires dans les Espaces Francophones d’Europe Orientale et d’Afrique, Rabat, 2015.
Corlan-Ioan, Histoire d’une légende. Regards occidentaux sur la ville de Tombouctou pendant le XIXe siècle, Rabat, 2015.
R. Dinu, L’avamposto sul Danubio della Triplice Alleanza. Diplomazia e politica di sicurezza nella Romania di re Carlo I (1878-1914), Roma, 2015.
F. Nițu, C. Ioniță et al. (eds.), Turkey & Romania. A History of Partnership and Collaboration in the Balkans, Istanbul, 2016.
A. Weber, A. Gheorghe, M. Coman (eds.), Corpus Draculianum. Vol. 1. Dokumente und Chroniken zum walachischen Fürsten Vlad dem Pfähler 1448–1650, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016.
E. Lung, Valera, C. Heath (eds.), Spaces, Times, Identities in the Play of Generations, Special Issue of the Journal Chronica Mundi, 2018.
F. Mihuț-Bohâlțea, Building a House in Rural Romania before and after 1989, Newcastle, 2019.
V. Panaite, Ottoman Law of War and Peace. The Ottoman Empire and Its Tribute-Payers from the North of the Danube. Leiden-Boston, 2019.
Research projects (coordinator)
- Economic Planning, Higher Education, and the Accumulation of Human Capital in Romania 1948-1989 (IDEI; B. Murgescu).
- Members, Sympathizers and „Comrades”. The Membership of the Romanian Communist Party in Its Illegalist Period-Prosopographical Studies (PCE; A. Cioroianu).
- Digitizing the Medieval Documents from the National Archives of Romania (M. Diaconescu, partners The National Archives of Romania, UBB and The National Archives of Norway).
- Mechanisms of Modernization in Central and Eastern Europe (M.-R. Ungureanu, host institution: Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen-IWM, Vienna).
- Romanian Journals about the Union of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania (M. Diaconescu, partner The Ars Historica assoc., self-financed).
- Dissent and Toleration in Habsburg Transylvania: A Socio-Political History of the Orthodox Protests (1740s–1760s) (R. Nedici, postdoc., UEFISCDI). https://www.dat18.ro/.
- The Making of Pemographic Science in the 20th Century: Population and Development in a South-Eastern Periphery (CNCS-UEFISCDI, (DEMOECRO), C. Doboș, mentor: B. Murgescu).
- ROMBRICKS – De la cărămizile romane de la Romula la materiale moderne pentru restaurare (PED 163/2017) (M. Negru, F. Mihuț, A. Lițu, V. Bottez).
- Multidisciplinary Platform for Integrative and Systematic Research of Tangible and Non-tangible Cultural Heritage and Identities in Romania (PATCULT#RO) (C. Lazăr, D. Zaharia; multiinstitutional project).
- A Radiography of the Past. Investigation of Neolithic Clay Artefacts Using Imaging Diagnostic Methods and Experimental Archaeology (RADART) (PED, C. Lazăr, partner IFIN-HH).
- The Geoarchaeology of the Danube Delta from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages (V. Bottez).
- Students at the Centenary (Centennial for All, F. Nițu).
Archaeological Field Projects: Capidava (Roman period, I. C. Opriș); Histria (Greek and Roman periods, sector UB – Acropolis Center-South, V. Bottez, A.Țârlea, A.Lițu); Cârlomănești (Bronze Age necropolis, M. Chicideanu, M. Constantinescu); survey-Chios, Greece-The Romanian Institute of Archaeology at Athens (E. Alexandrescu, Lukacs A., V. Nistor).
International conferences ((co-)organized by the Faculty or by departments)
- International Society for Cultural History Conference. Time and Culture/Temps et Culture, București, 7- 10 Sept. 2015 (E. Lung, D. Zaharia, M. Pop, A. Lițu-DIAAIA).
- The Fifth Balkan Symposium of Archaeometry, 2016, Sinaia, 25-29 Sept. 2016. (co-organizer: E. Alexandrescu-DIAAIA).
- History of Higher Education: Student Movements, Human Capital and Expert Culture, UB, 18-19 Nov. 2016, scientific project Economic Planning, Higher Education and Accumulation of Human Capital in Romania during Communism (1948-1989) (F. Sora, M. Gheboianu-DIRSEE).
- Workshop on the Digitisation of Archives: Results and Perspectives in Norway and Romania and New Opportunities of Cooperation”, Norway National Archives, Oslo, 20 Apr. 2017 (co-organizer M. Diaconescu-DIRSEE).
- WEast: Economic History, Growth and Development in Central and Eastern Europe – FIUB, FaETA – ASE, EHES- Bucharest, 19‐20 May 2017 (F. Nițu).
- Étudier le monde byzantin. Méthodologies et interprétations- FIUB, CEREFREA, AUF, dir. P. Odorico (EHESS), Bucarest, 30 août – 5 sept. 2017 (co-org.: Manuela Dobre-DRIUU).
- Explorer les champs de batailles, faire l’archéologie de la Grande Guerre, CEREFREA, 11 Dec. 2017(co-organizer: D. Zaharia-DIAAIA).
- 1918 and the Remaking of Central-Eastern Europe, București, 22–24 Nov. 2018. (A. Matei, F. Nițu, M.-R. Ungureanu-DIRSEE, DRIU).
- Thirty Years After – Post Communism, Democracy and Illiberalism in Central and Eastern Europe, UB, 9-11 oct.2019 (F. Nițu, M. Gheboianu-DIRSEE).
- The Bolshevik Danger in Central Europe in 1919, UB, 24-26 oct. 2019 (F. Nițu, M. Diaconescu-DIRSEE, DRIIU).
- Voyages réels, voyages imaginaires, UB, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Institut d’Études Africaines, București, 24-25 oct. 2019 (S. Corlan, E. Lung-DIAAIA).
A. Published books
Outside Romania | 8 |
In Romania | 65 |
B.Published papers (journals and scientific publications)
Erih+ and ISI papers (based on individual contribution) | 51 |
Papers in academic journals and volumes | 396 |
C. Conferences
Main organizer/total | faculty as speakers | |
International | 11/27 | 402 |
National | 164 | 418 |
International prizes – V. Panaite-TÜBA 2018 Academy Prizes (Turkish Academy of Sciences) – Social Sciences and Humanities; elected Honorary Member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (Türkiye Bilimler Akedemisi).
Research Centers (coordinators):The Archaeology Seminar Vasile Pârvan (coord. E. Alexandrescu); CICSA-The Center for Comparative History of Ancient Societies (coord. F. Mihuț); The Center for the History of the Imaginary (coord. S. Corlan); The Center for Turkish Studies (coord. S. Rachieru); CSEA- The Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies (coord. B. Antoniu); CCICC-The Center for Contemporary History Research Cont*texts (coord. A. Cioroianu, C. Doboș); The Center for Byzantine and South-East European Studies Gheorghe Brătianu (coord. Manuela Dobre); The Cartophily, Philately, and Maximaphily University Club (coord. C. Căpiță); The Research Center for the History of the 20th century (coord. F. Müller); The Center for Methodology in History D. Onciul (coord. Ș. Solcan); CeRISS-Centro Romeno-Italiano di Studi Storici (coord. R. Dinu); The Center for the History of the Church (coord. O. Bozgan); The Center for the History of Transylvania (coord. A. Lukacs, M. Diaconescu); The Center for the Editing of Historical Sorces The Historical Archive of Romania (coord. M. Diaconescu); The Center for Romani Studies (coord. A. Ciupală).
Scientific Journals at the FIUB
The Annals of the University of Bucharest-History, The CICSA online Journal (CEEOL); Euro-Atlantic Studies (CEEOL).
Departments DIAAIA-Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and History of Art; DIRSEE-Department of Romanian and South-East European History; DRIIU-Department of International Relations and World History
Centrul de cercetari în Istorie Contemporana „Cont*texte”
Centrul de Istorie a Transilvaniei
Centrul de Studii Euro-Atlantice
Centrul de editare a izvoarelor istorice „Arhiva Istorică a României”
Centrul de Istorie a Imaginarului
Centrul Româno-Italian de Studii Istorice – Centro Romeno-Italiano di Studi Storici (CeRISS)
Centrul de Istorie Comparata a Societatilor Antice CICSA
Club universitar de cartofilie filatelie maximafilie
Seminarul de Arheologie „Vasile PÂRVAN“
Centrul pentru Cercetarea Istoriei secolului al XX-lea
Centrul de Metodologie a Istoriei „Dimitrie Onciul“
Centrul de Studii Bizantine si Sud-Est Europene „Gheorghe Brătianu“
Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, University of Bucharest – 2019
Main research directions/fields/areas
Media and public space: media economics, gender and media, media and religion, media and public issues, history of mass communication, and media discourse.
Organizations and public communication: crisis communication and offline/online risk, organizational communication, advertising in Romania, health communication, nostalgia and social representations, online marketing.
Journalism/communication and new technologies: digital citizenship, media production, new media, and journalism.
Finalized/ongoing national and international projects – 2019
News Reel (Erasmus+) – new skills for the next generation of journalists – http://newsreel.pte.hu/
MARPE Diplo (Erasmus+) – strategic communication and public, corporate, civic diplomacy – http://marpenetwork.eu/marpe-diplo/
CODES (Erasmus+) – cultural diversity management in organizations
National Sports Governance Observer (Erasmus+) – transparency and governance in sports (communication)
Worlds of Journalism
Digital News Report
Journalistic Role Performance
SaIN – Réseau régional dans le domaine de la santé, de la nutrition et de la sécurité alimentaire (AUF-BECO)
7 projects for the mobility of researchers, financed by UEFISCDI/P1 – Dezvoltarea sistemului național de CD/ Proiecte de mobilitate pentru cercetători (MC)
Main research results – 2019
Articles published in ESCI/ Web of Science indexed journals
Cmeciu, C. (2019). The Refugee Crisis from Below – E-Citizens’ Framing and (De)Legitimation Strategies on the ‘Debating Europe’ Platform. Communication Today, 10(2), pp. 59-73, ESCI (Emerging Web of Science), Scopus, EBSCO, ProQuest
Giugăl A., Johnston R., Buti, D., Radu, A. (2019). Reforming an Electoral System – An Experiment that Failed: Romania 2008-2012, Representation, 56 (1); pp. 111-126.
Books published as single author (national publishing houses):
Șuțu, R. M (2019). Jurnalismul Convergent. București: Tritonic.
Gheorghe, A. (2019). Strategii și forme de comunicare ale Bisericii Ortodoxe Române în procesul construcției identitare. Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti.
Giugăl, A. (2019). Politice. Postcomunism, democrație, capitalism, Adenium: Iași.
Edited/coordinated books (national level)
Momoc, A., Butoi, I., Ștefănel, A., & Podaru, D. (2019). România protestelor din 2017. Piața Victoriei versus Cotroceni. Iași: Meridiane Publishing.
Petcu, M. (2019). Enciclopedia cenzurii din România. București: Editura Ars Docendi.
Chapters in collective volumes published at foreign publishing houses:
Bardan, A., & Vasilendiuc, N. (2019). Representations of the Communist Period in Romanian Digital Communities: A Quest for Online “Displaced Nostalgia”. În R. Lizardi, Subjective Experiences of Interactive Nostalgia (pg. 145-164). New York: Peter Lang.
Cușnir C. (2019). La Coalition pour la famille: imbrication du religieux et du politique dans le débat en ligne. In Tudor M., Clitan G. & Grillo M.M. (Eds), Politique et religion au défi de la communication numérique, pp.133-146. Paris: L’Harmattan. ISBN:978-2-343-15982-9
Moraru M. (2019). Representations of Time and Space in Advertising Stories. In T.A. Hayes, T. Edlmann și L. Brown (eds), Storytelling: Global Reflections on Narrative, Boston: Brill, 286-296.
Radu, R.‐N. (2020). Externalities and Journalism. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (eds T.P. Vos, F. Hanusch, D. Dimitrakopoulou, M. Geertsema-Sligh and A. Sehl). John Wiley & Sons. doi:10.1002/9781118841570.iejs0073.
Surugiu, R (2019). Public Service Media in Romania: the battle from independence from politics (coautoare: Liana Ionescu). In: Pillar of Democracy on Shaky Ground. Public Service Media in South East Europe (pp. 191-214). Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Ștefanel, A., Branea, S. & Boicu, R. (2019), Romania – Country Overview, eds. Otto Eibl și Milos Gregor, Thirty Years of Political Campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe (Political Campaigning and Communication), Palgrave Macmillan, London.
ISI Proceedings
Bălășescu, M. (2019). Promo-Journalism. The new attributes of an old profession. In Iancu I., Balaban D., Hosu I, Communication. Strategic Perspectives. (pp. 107-120). Cluj-Napoca: Accent. ISI Proceedings of the PR Trend International Conference, Cluj-Napoca, February 26-27.
Cusnir, C. (2019). Mapping Romanian Influencers’ Presence in the Online Environment. In Iancu I., Balaban D., Hosu I, Communication. Strategic Perspectives. Cluj-Napoca: Accent. ISI Proceedings of the PR Trend International Conference, Cluj-Napoca, February 26-27.
Vasilendiuc, N., Bardan, A. (2019). Strategies of Social Media Communication on Two Facebook Communities Corupția Ucide and #Rezistența. In I. Iancu, D. C. Balaban, & I. Hosu (Ed.), Communication. Strategic Perspectives (pg. 143-156). Cluj-Napoca: Editura Accent, ISI Proceedings of the PR Trend International Conference, Cluj-Napoca, February 26-27.
Vasile A. (2019). “Post-Truth Era and Vested Interests in Approaching Economy in Financial Newspaper Headlines and Leads. Newsworthiness Quota in the Case of Progressive Tax versus Flat Tax in the Romanian Dailies Ziarul Financiar and Financiarul”, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/EMAN.2019.341, Conference Proceedings published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Management Koper, Slovenia; Doba Business School – Maribor, Slovenia; Integrated Business Faculty, Skopje, Macedonia; Faculty of Management – Zajecar, Serbia, https://emanconference.org/2019341-2/, pp.341-352.
Șuțu, R. M. (2019). News Media Communication. Strategies for Covering Protests as Media Events. In Iancu I., Balaban D., Hosu I, Communication. Strategic Perspectives. (pp. 81-93). Cluj-Napoca: Accent. ISI Proceedings of the PR Trend International Conference, Cluj-Napoca, February 26-27.
Articles indexed in international databases
Barbu, R., Cmeciu, C. (2019). Crisis communication in Romania and social media influencers and followers. Case study: patient’s death at the Sanador Hospital, Journal of Media Research, 12, 3 (35), pp. 5-17, indexata CEEOL, EBSCO, PROQUEST.
Bardan, A., Vasilendiuc, N. (2019). Nostalgia in the Grocery Shop: a Typology of Brands from the Past. Styles of Communication, 11(2).
Bădău, H. M. (2019). Intelligence artificielle et réseaux socionumériques: étude d’impact sur la dynamique des mouvements sociaux en France et en Roumanie, Les Cahiers du Numérique, dossier „Récits en mouvements et journalisme numérique. Les mobilisations sociales à l’épreuve de la confluence des informations”, no. 15, 3-4.
Bădău, H. M. (2019). L’apprentissage non-supervise des algorithmes dotes avec Intelligence Artificielle limite ou encourage la creativite ?, Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric, 17 (2), pp. 112-127.
Beciu, C., Lazăr, M. (2019). Le problème public de la migration dans l’espace médiatique roumain: campagnes de presse interactives, Revista Română de Sociologie, nr. 1-2/2019.
Butoi, I. (2019). Natură și cultură în Școala Gustiană. O analiză conceptuală a primelor scrieri programatice ale lui D. Gusti, POLIS. Revista de Științe Politice, Volum VII, Nr. 1 (23), Serie nouă, decembrie 2018 – februarie 2019, ISSN: 1221-9762.
Matei, A. (2019). Romanian Journalists – Perceptions About Roles, Constraints and Autonomy, Social Sciences and Education Research Review, 6, 1, pp. 196 – 212
Momoc, A. (2019). Reflecții despre „războaiele juste”. Concepția lui Dimitrie Gusti despre război/ Reflections on ”just wars”. Dimitrie Gusti’s conception about war, POLIS. Revista de Științe Politice, Volum VII, Nr. 1 (23), Serie nouă, decembrie 2018 – februarie 2019, ISSN: 1221-9762. Revistă indexată CEEOL Central and Easter European Online Library, DOAJ.
Nicola, A. (2019). Women in Romanian sports media: A case study of gender inequality. Ethical Space, Vol.16 Issue 2/3. 21-27
Petcu, M. (2019). Presa partidelor politice din România, în perioada 1918-1930. Schiță istorică, Revista Română de Sociologie, an XXX, nr. 1-2/2019, pp. 135-153.
Chapters in books published at national level
Bălăşescu, M. (2019). La peste porcine sur l’agenda des médias roumains. Étude de cas : Ziare.com. In Marinescu, & D. Rovența-Frumușani, Santé et nutrition dans les médias actuels (pp. 134-146). Bucarest: Ars Docendi.
Bardan, A., & Vasilendiuc, N. (2019). Une nostalgie pas comme les autres : conservation et marchandisation des produits alimentaires de l’époque communiste. In V. Marinescu, & D. Rovența-Frumușani, Santé et nutrition dans les médias actuels (pp. 65-82). Bucarest: Ars Docendi.
Branea, S., Pelea, C. (2019). La promotion des régimes et des tendances alimentaires dans les médias de Roumanie. In Marinescu, & D. Rovența-Frumușani, Santé et nutrition dans les médias actuels (pp. 134-146). Bucarest: Ars Docendi.
Petcu, M. (2019). Incidențe jurnalism-literatură, în România. In Laza, I., Ardelean, F. (coord.), Jurnalismul și literatura, similitudini și diferențe (pp. 21-69). București: Editura Tritonic.
Petcu, M. (2019). Forme asociative ale jurnaliștilor ardeleni – schiță istorică. In Rogojanu, D. C., Boda, Ghe. (coord.), Istorie, cultură și cercetare (pp. 374-386). vol. III, Târgoviște: Cetatea de Scaun.
Podaru, D. (2019). Symboles, santé et consommation. In Marinescu, & D. Rovența-Frumușani, Santé et nutrition dans les médias actuels (pp. 83-93). Bucarest: Ars Docendi.
Prizes or other forms of international recognition – 2019
Emilia Șercan – 2019 Academic Integrity Award, European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI)
Centrul de cercetare a comunicarii de masa in spatiul Public
Our Faculty´s strategy concerning its scientific research has as main objective the increase of the institution´s prestige and of that of the University of Bucharest implicitly, both on a national as well as on an international level, by promoting inter- and multidisciplinarity, the enhancement of knowledge and the consolidation and extension of the existing research infrastructure. A telling example in this respect is the position earned for UB by its researchers working in the domain of linguistics within the QS Global World Ranking 2020, where UB ranges with universities such as Stuttgart University or the Free University of Brussels along the 201-250 interval[1]. It is also worth mentioning that the position occupied by UB for linguistics has been kept constant since 2018.
Besides the domain of linguistics, which includes a wide range of research areas such as language acquisition, second language learning, theoretical linguistics, historical linguistics, linguistic typology, sociolinguistics, traductology, discourse analysis, the teaching staff of FFLL also devote their attention to areas including the theory and history of literature, comparative literature or cultural studies a.o.. Here are some indicators of the good progress regarding the research activities within FFLL:
Our faculty firstly stands out as the host and organizer within its 8 departments and 14 research centers of a wide variety of scientific events, many of which enjoying a long standing tradition and international recognition. To only mention an example in this respect, consider the AICED conference of the English Department which has been organized uninterruptedly since 1998 and which annually brings together over 100 international researchers.
In a similar vein, the number of scientific events from within FFLL has been steadily growing since the academic year 2015-2016[2], which indicates an intensification of the institutional relations with other universities and research centers worldwide. Along the same lines, the faculty members have taken part in a large number of international scientific manifestations in the country (197) and abroad (153). The number of participations to national scientific events is also quite significant (271). National and worldwide recognition is likewise reflected in the 20 awards which the members of our teaching staff have been granted during the academic year 2018-2019.
The same upward trend may be noticed when it comes to publications, the faculty teaching staff contributing 4 single-authored books released by publishing houses abroad and 33 single-authored volumes issued by various acknowledged national publishing houses. To these, we add 7 edited volumes published abroad and 21 other edited volumes released nationally, 14 articles published in various volumes of Proceedings from ISI conferences or in ISI journals, 28 articles indexed as BDI and 47 articles published in non-indexed journals. The Faculty also boasts 6 journals indexed as Ebsco or BDI, which cover a large variety of languages and research areas and through which the works of the FFLL teaching staff and of numerous colleagues from other national and international universities and research centers are disseminated (Romano-Arabica, Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, Analele UB – Limbi și Literaturi Străine, University of Bucharest Review – Literary and Cultural Studies Series a.o.).
One also needs to take into consideration the significant number of translations reported for the academic year 2018-2019 (58), on the increase with respect to the previous year (44), which represent an important and specific product of the philological domain within which we are carrying out our activities and which contribute to the dissemination of literature and culture in Romania.
Finally, but not in the least less importantly, the number of research projects currently unfolding at FFLL cover a wide range of research areas and amount to 16 projects financed by European Funds, 7 projects which are nationally funded and one project whose funds come from sources other than European ones.
[1] https://www.topuniversities.com/universities/university-bucharest
[2] 22 in 2015-2016; 28 in 2016-2017; 42 in 2017 – 2018; 42 in 2018 – 2019
Centrul de cercetare de Lingvistică comparată şi cognitivism
Centrul de Studii în filologie, iconografie medievală şi receptarea Evului Mediu – Iconographè
Centrul de Execlenta Paul Celan
Centrul de Excelenţă pentru Studierea Identităţii Culturale (CESIC)
Centrul de Studii Americane (CSA)
Centrul de Studii Canadiene (CSC)
Centrul pentru Studiul Dezvoltării Limbajului și al Comunicării Lingvistice (CSDLCL)
Centrul pentru Traducerea și Interpretarea Textului Contemporan (CTITC)
Departament of Mathematics
Main research directions: Commutative algebra (T. Dumitrescu, D. Popescu, D. Stamate, M. Vladoiu), Noncommutative algebra (D. Bulacu, S. Dascalescu, G. Militaru, D. Stefan), Complex geometry ( L. Ornea, V. Vuletescu), Algebraic geometry (M. Aprodu, V. Vuletescu), Riemannian Geometry (I. Mihai),
Functional analysis (C. Bereanu, R. Munteanu), Differential equations (A. Cernea), Partial derivative equations (C. Bereanu, C. Cazacu), Optimization (A. Cernea, M. Patriche, V. Preda), Probabilities (L. Beznea, I. Popescu), Statistics (A. Amărioarei, V. Preda), Numeric analysis (L. Marin), Solid mechanics (S. Tigoiu, L. Marin),
Top journals in which papers have been published in the last years: Inventiones Mathematicae, Journal fur di reine und angewandte Mathematik, Journal of Plasticity, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Journal of Functional Analysis, Journal of Probability, Annales de l’Institut Fourier, Journal of Algebra, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Advances in Mathematics, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, Journal of Geometric Analysis, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Israel Journal of Mathematics, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Nonlinearity, Numerical algorithms, Computers & Structures.
Department of Computer Science
Main research directions: Artificial intelligence (M. Popescu, Marina Cidotă), Natural language processing (F. Hristea, L. Dinu), Computer Vision (R. Ionescu, B. Alexe), Data Science (B. Ichim, F. Suter), Formal methods for verification, testing and cybersecurity (A. Ștefănescu, F. Ipate, T. Șerbănuță, S. Preduț, A. Turlea, P. Irofti, L. Vasile, M. Drăgan), Logic (L. Leustean, I. Leuștean, D. Denisa, C. Muresan, A. Dragomir, N. Moangă, C. Chiriță), Theoretical computer sceince, Bioinformatics, Formal languages (A. Păun, V. Mitrana, R. Gramatovici, G. Georgescu, D. Drăgulici), Algorithmics, Graphs (A. Popa, S. Stupariu, R. Marinescu-Ghemeci, D. I. Banu, R. Mincu, G. Ducoffe, R. Tache, S. Popescu, A. Dobrovăț, M. A. Dumitran), Distributed systems (G. Ștefănescu, C. Păduraru, B. Ghimiș), Databases (G. Mihai, L. Marin), Cryptography (M. Prunescu, R. Boriga, R. Olimid), Optimization (A. Pătrașcu)
Books and articles in top conferences and journals:
- P. Irofti si B. Dumitrescu. Dictionary Learning Algorithms and Applications, Springer, 2018
- Ionescu, M. Popescu. Knowledge Transfer between Computer Vision and Text Mining, Springer, 2016
- Stefanescu. Network algebra, Springer, 2000
- M. Holcombe, F. Ipate. Correct systems, building a business process solution. Springer, 1998
- A. Ciobanu, L. Dinu. Automatic Identification and Production of Related Words Computational Linguistics, 2019
- Coudert, G. Ducoffe, A. Popa. Fully Polynomial FPT Algorithms for Some Classes ACM Trans. Alg. 2019
- Wu, A. Paun, Z. Zhang, L. Pan. Spiking Neural P Systems with Polarizations. IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learning Syst. 29(8), 2018
- Di Nola, S. Lapenta. I. Leustean, An analysis of the logic of Riesz Spaces with strong unit, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169(3), 2018
- Patrascu, I. Necoara. Nonasymptotic convergence of stochastic proximal point methods J. Mach. Learn. 2017
- Ionescu et. al. Object-centric Auto-encoders and Dummy Anomalies for Abnormal Event Detection, CVPR 2019
Current national and international projects:
- Bogdan Alexe: EEA-RO-NO-2018-0496
- Alexandru Dragomir PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-0004/2020
- Radu Ionescu RO-NO-2019-0184, TE72/2020
- Paul Irofti 12PD/2020, 287PED/2020
- Andrei Pătrașcu 143PD/2020
- Marius Popescu 32PTE/2020, 48PTE/2020
- Alin Ștefănescu 17PCCDI/2017, 56PTE/2020, PN-III-P2-2.1-PED2019-5392
- Proiect international: EEA-RO-NO2018-0496 “Spacetime Vision – Towards Unsupervised Learning in the 4D World” – proiect EEA Grants Norvegia (PI UB: B. Alexe)
- Proiect national: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0272 “Hub inovativ pentru tehnologii avansate de securitate cibernetică” (PI UB: A. Stefanescu)
- Proiect international: COST CA 15210 “European Network for Collaboration on Kidney Exchange Programmes” (PI UB: A. Popa)
- Proiect international: IKTPLUSS 308909 Norvegia “5G Management and Orchestration for Data and Network Integration” (PI UB: Ruxandra Olimid)
- Proiect international: ITEA 3 14009 “Measuring Software Engineering” (PI UB: A. Stefanescu)
- Proiect national: PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0210 Modelling and Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems. (PI UB F. Ipate)
- Many colleagues received the “Grigore Moisil” Award from the Romanian Academy
- Best paper awards at computer science conferences
Centrul de cercetare in geometrie, topologie si algebra
Research directions in the domain of Educational Sciences
- Lifelong learning and education in formal and informal settings;
- Integration of the research results in didactics and study programs;
- Identification of the actual issues impacting education and their utilization in educational practice (eg. Generation of digital natives, the impact of social media, serious gaming, civic participation online, wellbeing of children);
- Translation of the actual issues of the national education system in relevant research themes and development of solutions for the national education system;
- Scientific grounding of the main problems for the national education decision makers;
- Dissemination of the scientific results to influence the public policies, the public practices and the public perceptions on education (conferences, debates, workshops, forums).
Research directions in the domain of Psychology
- Neurosciences and cognitive sciences;
- Development of new psychometric tools for psychological assessment;
- Support and preventive interventions for mental health in educational environment;
- Clinical and occupational health psychology;
- Psychopathology and trauma psychology – investigation of the role of psychological trauma in aetiology of mental disorders and development of resilience.
Research projects
- RODAWELL – objective: improvement of the level of socio-emotional wellbeing of children and improvement of quality of learning;
- Scientix – objective: promotion of the participative and innovative teaching methods, capable to stimulate students’ interests for the study of their domains and subsequent professions.
- Access4 All Laboratory for Policies and Practices of Social Development in Higher Education;
- Erasmus+ project Promoting Teachers’ Success in Their Induction Period-PROTEACH – objective: investigation of the junior teachers’ opinion on their career insertion period;
- ROSE projects;
- IRIS project – Impact and adoption of innovative video technologies in public services of education and local administration.
Other accomplishments
- Participation in interdisciplinary research project in neurosciences – e.g. participation in grants MET and STADT, in partnership with UNATC și CINETIc;
- Development of the research structures at FPSE: start-up of the Applied Psychology Center, establishment of the Clinic for Psychological and Educational Assistance and Intervention of the University of Bucharest, establishment of new research labs;
- Increase of the number of relevant scientific publications (articles in highly ranked journals such as Clinical Psychology Review or Intelligence, chapters published at Sage);
- Development of the doctoral school in psychology and educational sciences as well as of the doctoral research.
Centrul de dezvoltare și formare în domeniul învățământului superior
Centrul romano-danez pentru starea de bine a copiilor
Research interests
Social structures, inequalities, territorial communities, social risks, and social marginality; quantitative methodologies (surveys, network analysis, big data); qualitative methodologies (ethnographies, focus-groups, netnografies, interviews); development, environment and territory; body, technology, public health
National and International Projects;
- “Widening European Social Survey participation – RODA-NSD cooperation in implementing ESS round 9 in Romania”, cca. 250000 Euros, EAA Grants, Adrian Duşa, coordinator.
- Reenty: An Ethnography of Prisoners’ Transitions, EAA Grants, cca. 780000 Euros, Ionuţ Durnescu coordinator, together with the University of Oslo.
- Probation Observatory, Training and Network, D.G. Justice, cca. 200000 Euro, Ionuţ Durnescu coordinator. https://probationobservatory.eu/partners/.
- Longitudinal Analysis of Coauthorship Networks and Citations in Academia (iCoNiC). PN-III-P1-1.1-TE2016-0362 (2018 – 2020). Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, coordinator (University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology), cca. 100000 Euros, iconic.unibuc.ro.
- Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program 2016-2017, Marian Preda, George Washington University, Social Welfare Policies in Romania and the US
- Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program 2017-2018, Liviu Chelcea, New School for Social Research, Municipal Water Infrastructure in New York City.
- Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program 2020-2021, Călin Cotoi, Indiana University, National Parks
- Dușa, A. (2019) QCA with R. A Comprehensive Resource. Springer International Publishing, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-75668-4
- Grünberg, L.&Matei, Ș. (2019). Why the Paradigm of Work–Family Conflict is No Longer Sustainable: Towards More Empowering Social Imaginaries to Understand Women’s Identities.” Gender, Work & Organization. În curs de apariție. [https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12343], FI=2.27
- Lazăr, F., Mihai, A., Gaba, D., Ciocănel, A., Rentea, G., & Munch, S. (2019). Romanian social workers facing the challenges of neo-liberalism. European Journal of Social Work, 22(2), 326-337. (IF= 0.667)
- Matei, Ș. & Preda, M. (2019). “When Social Knowledge Turns Mathematical – The Role of Formalisation in the Sociology of Time.” Time & Society 28(1):247–72.
- Zamfirescu I. & Chelcea, L. (2020). Evictions as infrastructural events. Urban Geography, Early online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02723638.2020.1778281.
- Cotoi, C. (2019). The geopolitical turn in interwar Romanian sociology and geography: From social reform to population exchange plans. History of the Human Sciences, 32(2), 76–100. https://doi.org/10.1177/0952695118771248.
- Jderu, G. (2020). Motorcycling in a Repair Society: A maintenance and repair-centered approach to autmobility. East European Politics and Societies. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0888325420950802.
- Crăciun, M & S. Lipan. (2020). Introduction: Middle Class in Post-socialist Europe. East European Politics and Societies 34(2): 423-440.
- Durnescu, I. (2019) Pains of reentry revisited. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 63(8): 1482-1498. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0306624X19828573
- Dușa, A. (2019). Critical tension: sufficiency and pasimony in QCA. În Sociological Methods and Research, DOI: 10.1177/0049124119882456.
- Stan, O.M. (2020). Sticking to the Script: Woman managers do it all. Journal of East European Management Studies 1:131-149.
- Marinescu, V. (2020). Ed. Food, Nutrition, and Media. Palgrave-MacMillan.
The Faculty of Political Science was founded in 1991 as a part of a Francophone consortium and as an institution meant to provide a novel and modern approach to the study of political science. Faculty members embrace an interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of social, political, and legal phenomena intermingling and overlapping in the areas of Romanian politics, comparative politics, European and international affairs. Throughout the years, the Faculty has incrementally diversified its linguistic profile (English- and Romanian tracks were added to the initial French-teaching track) and expanded its pool of expertise to encompass political history and theory, security studies, regional studies, and gender studies.
Professors are currently involved in numerous European research networks, such as the international project H2020/COURAGE Connecting Collections/692919, or COST actions CA18119 (Constitution-making and deliberative democracy, Who Cares in Europe?). Other colleagues are active in research networks focusing on new and old political challenges, such as the evolution of sovereignty and statehood, political corruption, intellectual transfers, and changes in the value systems (e.g. World Values Survey – Romania, Les frontières des données anthropologiques (ANR France), Politics and corruption : current comparative history and sociology (GDRI CNRS 842)).
Publications: Recent research projects have resulted in publications with top-level social science journals, such as Higher Education, European Political Science Review, Problems of Post-Communism, European Constitutional law review, Globalizations, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Quality & Quantity, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, Ayer, Journal of Family History, Osteuropa, etc. Monographs recently authored or books edited by colleagues came out with major publishing houses For example: I. Motoc (co-ed. with van Aeken). 2018. The ECHR and General International Law, Oxford University Press; B. Iancu (co-ed. with Tănăsescu) Governance and Constitutionalism: Law, Politics and Institutional Neutrality. London: Routledge; C. Preda. 2017. Art and Politics under Modern Dictatorships. A Comparison of Chile and Romania. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, Silvia Marton et al. (co-ed). 2017. Moralité du pouvoir et corruption en France et en Roumanie, XVIIIe-XXe siècle. Paris : USorbonne ; Iulia Motoc (co-ed. With I. Ziemele) The impact of the European Court of Human Rights and the case-law of democratic change and development in Eastern Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2016, etc.
Ongoing research projects (directed by FSPUB members):
- “Campagnes « anti-genre » en Europe: enjeux de savoir, enjeux de pouvoir”- CAGE, AUF-IFA 2019-2020 (ULB Bruxelles and University of Sofia) PI: Prof. Ionela BĂLUȚĂ.
- “Forms ofsoft power in Cold War Humboldt fellowships for Romanian scholars. (1967-1989)”, PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-0610, in cadrul PNCDI III, ctr. nr. PD 49/2018 (PD, UEFISCDI). PI: Assistant prof.: Irina MATEI
- “Transregional remembrance of dictatorships: restoring human dignity through artistic practices in South America and Eastern Europe”, University of Bucharest (UEFISCDI, 97.000 Euro), octomber 2018-october 2020, http://transregional-artistic-memory.caterinapreda.ro/ . PI: Senior Lecturer: Caterina PREDA.
Centrul pentru Politicile Egalității de Șanse (CPES)
Centrul European de cercetare, Analiză şi Modelare a Culturii Politice (EPCAM)
Centrul pentru Studii de Dezvoltare și Cooperare Internațională
A) Directions / Domains / Research Areas
Direction: Humanities
Domains: Religion / Theology / Religious Studies; Visual Arts, Musical Arts; Pedagogy / Religious Education; Philology; History; Sociology;
Research Areas: Biblical Theology, Dogmatic Theology, Universal Church History, History of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Patristics, Byzantinology, Moral Theology, Fundamental theology / Apologetics, Missiology, Liturgical Theology, Pastoral Care, Canonical Law, Homiletics, Catechetics, Social Theology, Religious Education, Christian Pedagogy, Art History, Aesthetics, Sociology of Religion, History and Philosophy of Religions, Ecumenical Studies, Church Music, Biblical and Patristic Philology, Drawing / Painting Ecclesial Art, Restoration of Ecclesial Art, Restoration of Cult Books.
B) National and international projects
– The operation, within the Faculty, of the following Research Centers: Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Studies and Dialogues; Center for Interreligious and Interdisciplinary Studies; Center for Dialogue and Research in Theology, Philosophy and Science;
– Organizing within the Faculty tens of International Symposiums on various topics of current theology, with the publication of works in collective volumes, by prestigious publishers;
– Participation in prestigious conferences and symposia around the world and publishing of the contributions in collective volumes, printed in USA, Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Greece, Finland, Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, France, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Iran, Poland.
– Organizations / participations in research programs: The Bible in Linguistic Context: Introduction to Bibical Hebrew; The dynamics of the intellectual life in Palaiologan Byzantium (1261-1453) under the influence of polemics; The Mental Imagery of Eastern Christianity and Islam According to Western Travel Descriptions during the Second Half of the 16th Century; Courses on the Relation among Science, Religion and Philosophy from an Orthodox Christian Perspective; Rezeptionsgeschichte des Texte Joh 1,14b in der frühchristlichen Literatur bis 325;
– Editing two own publications: “The Yearbook of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology Justinian Patriarch” (reached the 19th edition) and “Studia Doctoralia” (2 editions).
C) Research results
- Books published by prestigious publishers, such as: University of Bucharest, University of Al. I. Cuza from Iași, Polirom – Iași, Basilica – Bucharest, Nemira – Bucharest, Cerf – Paris, Lit Verlag – Zurich, Al Mustafa – Tehran, Gutenberg – Sofia, G&B Press – Rome, Saint Paul – Freiburg, Città Nuova – Rome, VVB Laufersweiler Verlag – Wettenberg, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft – Darmstadt, Kovac – Hamburg, Mohr & Siebeck – Tübingen etc.
- Articles published in prestigious journals, such as: International Journal of Orthodox Theology, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Bogoslovska Misil, International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science, Teologia, Ephemerides Liturgicae, Bollettino della Badia Greca din Grottaferrata, Transilvanian Review, Studia UBB Theologia Ortodoxa, Revue Romaine de Philosophie, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, Studia Patristica, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, Church Studies, European Journal of Science and Theology, Theoforum, International Cultic Studies Association Magazine, Irénikon, Ortodoksia, Pastoral Ecumenica, Studii Teologice, Revista Teologică, Dokumentation, Ostkirchliche Studien, Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica, Contacts, Forum Theologicum Sardicense, Revue des sciences religieuses, L’Année Canonique, Laicidad y Libertades, Escritos jurídicos, Istina, Studia Missionalia, Acta Missiologiae, Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion etc.
D) Awards or other elements of international recognition
– Ecclesiastical distinctions granted by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Patriarchate of Moscow, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Romanian Patriarchate;
– Inviting faculty staff as visiting professors from the Universities of the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, Finland, Portugal, Lebanon, Iran, Turkey, Moldova, Russia, Belgium, Italy, Hungary;
– International scientific prizes and distinctions awarded by prestigious institutions and artistic forums in Iran, Japan, Korea, France, Greece, Germany, Russia.
Centrul de Dialog şi Cercetare în Teologie, Filosofie şi Ştiinţă
Synopsis of the research activities conducted at the Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology of the University of Bucharest
A) Directions/ Domains/ Research Areas
Direction: Humanities.
Domains: Religion / Theology/ Religious Studies ; Philosophy; Sociology / Social Work.
Research Areas: Biblical Theology, Dogmatics, Church History, Patristics, Moral Theology, Fundamental theology, Canon Law, History and Philosophy of Religion, Moral Philosophy, Biblical and Patristic Philology, Social Theology, Sociology of Religion, Social Law, Social Institutions and Social Action.
B) National and international projects
– The Faculty has one research center: The Interdisciplinary Center of Theology and Religious Studies.
– The Faculty has organized two international conferences and numerous national symposia, which proceedings have been published in edited volumes issued by prestigious international and national publishing houses and academic journals .
– Various members of the Faculty have attended conferences; and symposia and published their contributions in edited volumes, printed in USA Italy, Germany, Great Britain The Netherlands, Bulgaria, France, Austria.
– International research programs organized by the Faculty: Faith in a Secular Age; Religion, the Sacred and Hospitality; The Concept of Love and Its Meaning in Mystical-Theological, Literary and Philosophical Contexts.
– Editing of two academic journals: Caietele Institutului Catolic (until 2020) și Verbum. Revista de Teologie Catolică (since 2020).
C) Research results
1. Books and book chapters published by relevant publishing house : New Academic Press (Wien-Hamburg), Brill (Leiden-Boston), Oxford University Press, The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (Washington, D ), The State of New York University Press, Notre Dame University Press, Springer Verlag, Citta di Vita (Firenze) Editura Universității din București, Editura Universității Al. I. Cuza din lași , Presa Universitară Clujeană, Editura Academiei Române, Humanitas (București), Litera (București), Vremea (București), Editura Arhiepiscopiei Romano-Catolice de București , Polirom (lași), lnstitutul European (lași), Sapientia (lași), Ratio et Revelatio (Oradea).
2. Articles published in academic peer reviewed journals: European Journal of Science and Theology. Studii Tomiste. Dialog Teologic, Jurnal Teologic, Plērōma, Studii și Cercetări Teologice, Caietele Institutului Catolic.
D) Awards or other elements of international recognition
– Faculty members were visiting or guest professors at American, Italian and French Universities.
– Faculty members have been received into the Romanian Academy, Academia Europaea and the European Academy of Sciences and Art (Salzburg) .
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