Orșova Research Station, coordinated from a scientific point of view by the Faculty of Geography in Bucharest, was established in 1964 with the aim of conducting research in the fields of geomorphology, hydrology, clime and biogeography, as well as of conducting specialized practice sessions for students in geography.
The Station is situated on the Dealul Mosului mountainside (267 m), close to the Cioaca Mica peak (217 m), in the southern side of the city, in a place which offers a unique landscape and view of the reservoir and of the Cerna Gulf.
The Station features a main building (200 square meters) which offers optimal accommodation for more than 70 people, which are separated into several rooms, located on two floors.
On the ground floor there are two laboratories for various geographical specializations: geomorphology-environment, meteorology-hydrology, humanistic-regional geography, study (conference) room and specialized library, meant for conducting both therein and in the neighbouring area specialized practice sessions for students: geographers, geologists, biologists, chemists, all locals and from abroad.
Also, within the institution there is another secondary building with accommodation for about 30 people (which is currently non-functional), 1,5 hectares of terrain with incipient vegetation; an automated meteorological station, a classical one, including a meteorological platform, a research laboratory (“The Laboratory House”) at Gratca, which is currently not usable and which can be found on the Danube shore.
The Station hosts annually teachers and students of the Faculty of Geography of the University of Bucharest, of the Faculty of Geography in the same university, as well as students from other higher education institutions in the country or guests from abroad, who conduct here preparation sessions and specialized practice sessions in subjects such as: Meteorology, Climatology, Hydrology, Cartography, Geomorphology, Pedology, Geology, Humanistic and Economical Geography, Biogeography etc.
The Station houses instruments, devices and equipment which allow for the carrying out of detailed and comparative studies and analyses in the fields of meteorology, hydrology, geomorphology, to which the students have access during the practice programme.
The Orsova Geographical Station offers two buildings on Street Panfil Seicaru no. 2:
– The main building has two floors and comprises the administrative bureau, personnel rooms for the station (guards, rooms allocated for the maintenance personnel), laboratories, conference room and lodging rooms which can be found on the two levels, as well as an attic;
– A secondary building which is currently conserved (currently unavailable for lodging);
– A meteorological platform situated in the area of the park that surrounds the station;
– A building called The Gratca Laboratory ssituated on Street Gratca no. 2, which is currently conserved;
– A building which only has one room, also called The Pump House, which feeds the station with water, and which is also to be found on Street Gratca.
The Orsova Geographical Station currently hosts a team of 8 employees which are responsible with the carrying forth of the didactic and research activity.
Aside from the maintenance personnel, the station hosts a research geographer, who carries out research activities in fields such as applied climatology and environmental protection, hydrology and geomorphology, by carrying out studies on the monitoring of the air, water, soil, on the conservation of rare vegetation species, on the current mountainside processes and on atmospheric and geomorphological risk phenomena.
The Objectives of the Faculty of Geography of Bucharest and of the Orsova Geographical Station:
a) Focusing the research on theoretical and practical application problems regarding the natural and anthropic hazards, environmental geomorphology, dynamic geomorphology, and the current geomorphological processes, the dynamics of the geographical landscape, topo-climatology, the human impact on the geographical environment, the touristic evaluation of the natural and economic potential, humanistic and applied economical geography, natural resources and durable development;
b) The development of projects and cooperation partnerships with universities, institutions and research facilities, local and national authorities, non-governmental organizations etc. The activities carried out within the institution take into account the institutional context and the functional relationships of the station with the institution to which it subordinates.
1. Lodging on the grounds of the Orsova Geographical Station, of the students of the Faculty of Geography in Bucharest during the practical applied sessions on the field, as well as lodging for all students of the University of Bucharest and of those from within the country and from abroad.
2. Carrying out experimental practical applications in situ and on the field by students along with the research personnel of the Orsova Geographical Station, in collaboration with the university staff.
3. Carrying out research activities done by researchers hired within the station, of researchers and academic staff within the University of Bucharest or of other similar institutions, of Ph.D. students, MA students and of students of geography in the laboratories of the institution or on the field, which consists of:
– Recording, collecting, sorting, classifying and archiving of data gathered using the research apparatus of the station, necessary for the didactic and research process of the Faculty of Geography, as well as of the collaborating institutions;
– On the field mobility, sample collection, carrying out of measurements necessary to the documentation meant for getting involved in projects and research studies.
4. The hosting and co-organization of national and international scientific reunions carried out on a academic level.
5. Collaboration with local and regional decisional elements in order to become part of the administrative process of BA, MA and Ph.D. students.
Orșova Research Station of the Faculty of Geography has represented the place of development of various scientific manifestation: congresses, symposiums, colloquiums, into which academic staff from the country and from abroad have partaken.
Panfil Seicaru no. 2 Street, Orsova City, Mehedinti Region, România
E-mail: savulescu@geo.unibuc.ro
Website: http://orsova.geo.unibuc.ro
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