Eight universities take part in the European Universities initiative of the Erasmus + call for projects and have submitted, on February 28, 2019, a project named “CIVIS – A European Civic University”.
With the ambition to create an integrated university space where students, academics, researchers and staff move and collaborate as freely as in their institution of origin, eight Universities have decided to create a European civic university alliance together: Aix Marseille Université (France), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), Universitatea din București (Romania), Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain), Sapienza Università di Roma (Italia), Stockholm University (Sweden), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany).
The territorial distribution of our eight universities across Europe, from north to south and from east to west is one of the strengths of our alliance.
One of our priorities will be to tackle major societal challenges of the 21st century, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations. We thus wish to promote a challenge-based approach, centred on the Knowledge Triangle of education, research and innovation. We will make educational, science and citizen science resources as open and accessible to all as possible in line with Open Science and Open Educational Resources frames.
Being a civic university means acting both locally and globally. On the local level, we will focus on our direct impact on our communities, intending to reinforce our social, cultural and economic significance in our regions.
The Mediterranean area and Africa will be at the core of our global strategy. We firmly believe that the futures of Europe and Africa are interconnected. We will make sure that our geographical distribution on a Baltic-Mediterranean-Black Sea axis combined with our shared experiences and involvement with Southern partners will benefit both Continents in the long term. CIVIS will therefore aim to become a reference for European connections with Mediterranean and African regions in research, education and innovation.
We will involve all the stakeholders in the academic life of our universities to contribute to the definition of the alliance’s orientations and activities: students, researchers, administrative staff, and non-academic partners will all hold the future of CIVIS in their hands. The governance structure of CIVIS will reflect our willingness to favour inclusive bottom-up approaches.
CIVIS wants to contribute to the creation of a brand new vision of the higher-education landscape in Europe and will develop its long-term action programme with this ambition.
The CIVIS website, www.CIVIS.eu, is now online and will be the main communication portal of the alliance.
The Mission Statement that the University of Bucharest, as part of the European Civic University – CIVIS, adopted at the Senate Meeting on January 23, 2019, can be accessed here.