The Science Communication Program is the answer that the University of Bucharest gives to all those who want to know more about science, about the latest research and its concrete results, as well as about the applicability and relevance of research in real life.
At the same time, the Science Communication Program at UB is an invitation to approach in an interactive and open way the challenges of today’s world and the possible solutions provided by science. Let’s communicate on scientific topics! #let’s find out
Thus, the Science Communication Program of the University of Bucharest, initiated in June 2018, aims to promote the scientific activity carried out within the University of Bucharest, but also in other academic and scientific milieus. In this sense, the program promotes the dissemination and popularization of results obtained in various fields of research, while seeking to increase public involvement in issues related to science.
The program was initiated out of a desire to create a framework favorable to promoting the relevant results and facilitating dialogue between scientists as well as between scientists and the non-specialist public.
As such, the Science Communication Program, designed to promote science in all its diversity, research projects and relevant results, explicitly aims at some fundamental objectives. These objectives aim to increase the awareness of research results within UB and other academic communities, to clarify their applicability in practice, as well as to educate and involve the non-specialist public and the young generation in science-related topics.
At the same time, the program aims to create the necessary framework for establishing valuable connections between researchers, designed to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations, partnerships and the spread of research results.
Thus, the Science Communication Program primarily includes the organization of events dedicated to researchers, science enthusiasts and the public in order to promote scientific activities and results, as well as the creation of content related to various fields of science (articles, audio interviews or videos, reports and other promotional materials).
The Science Communication Program is coordinated by the Communication and Public Relations Department of the University of Bucharest.

UB Conferences – “Science for everyone’s understanding”
Ready for a clear, laborious and exciting journey into the world of real science? Eager to “embrace” with your mind the diversity of sciences and their approaches? Ready to travel from the present to the past, from the present to the future and from the past directly to the future? We are waiting for you at the UB Conferences – “Science for everyone’s understanding” for an immersive adventure in the exciting world of various sciences! #let’s find out

UB Science Dose
Science or pseudo-science? Do you want to have the tools to differentiate them? Concerned about the diversity of sciences? Eager to cut out the main ideas about the reality and evolution of today’s society? Solutions for a world in which the phenomenon of fake news has taken on a surprising development and in which many people think they can give lessons to scientists? Let’s give a voice to true experts, the only ones able to distinguish by scientific means the mechanisms that influence the reality of today’s world. In this sense, the University of Bucharest launched the series of videos entitled “UB Science Dose”. #let’s find out

microSCOPE: UB researcher at the microphone
Curious to find out the main research directions and the most important scientific projects within UB? The series “microSCOPE: UB researcher at the microphone” aims to promote those approaches (patents, articles, books, etc.) that, through the major contribution to the field they belong to, have come to benefit from international recognition, thus encouraging the connection between UB and various foreign universities and research institutions. #let’s find out

Do you wonder what is the scientific truth behind current society topics? Are you curious how people’s trust in homeopathic practices can be explained? How does the TikTok algorithm function? What are the controversies regarding vaccination, climate change or women’s representation in science? The “SKEPSIS” series invites you to explore, from a sociology point of view, the less visible areas of subjects that influence our day-to-day life, when our health, identity or future are at risk. #find out
| Latest news
In the 6th episode of the SKEPSIS series, professor Cosima Rughiniș, PhD, teaching staff at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work of the University of Bucharest, and PhD student Diana Moga from the UB Doctoral School in Sociology, propose a discussion on the attitudes regarding vaccination.
Associate professor Sorina Dinescu, teaching staff and researcher at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Bucharest invites us, in a new episode of the UB Science Dose, to an incursion in the world of stem cells, tissue engineering and personalized regenerative medicine.