CIVIS is inviting all the interested academics to a series of workshops on Innovative Pedagogies, starting 9th of October. Based on the main needs identified during the first 4 years of CIVIS, the workshops are opened to the entire Alliance academic community.
The first workshop covers the Legal implications in innovative teaching and it’s taking place on the 9th of October, between 15:00 – 17:00 CET. We will discuss about professors and students being the right holders of copyright, data protection right and the right to image, among other rights. On the other hand, they can also affect third parties’ copyright, data protection right and the right to image in their daily activity. For this reason, it is very important to know them and to respect them when we organize teaching activities. In this workshop, we will discuss the main problems that arise in classes in relation to these legal topics.
The second workshop, Methodological recommendations for designing a BIP with Service-Learning, is scheduled right the next day, on the 10th of October, between 15:00 – 17:00 CET. This type of programme combines online teaching with a short period of physical mobility in which the students participate in an international service-learning project. Service-learning in higher education is an experiential educational method in which students engage in community service, reflect critically on this experience, and learn from it personally, socially and academically. The activities address human, social and environmental needs, and aim at enriching learning in higher education, fostering civic responsibility and strengthening communities. By combining online sessions with a short face-to-face trip in which students provide a service to the local community, this innovative format opens up opportunities for international study and the development of civic awareness to new groups of students.
These two frist workshops are coordinated by the UAM and they will be followed by others. You can keep track of them following the dedicated page on the CIVIS website, here.
At CIVIS we are developing an educational offer that tries to respond to the needs of a changing time: interdisciplinary, intercultural, increasingly digital and able to connect local and global challenges. This sets an educational landscape that is new for most teachers and students. We believe that the best way to adapt to this and offer the best possible learning experiences to our students is to learn from experts from all CIVIS universities.