Between March 21st – 22nd 2024, the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest, together with the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the State University of Moldova organized the 5th edition of the series of conferences Bucharest-Chișinău, themed Identity, patrimony, globalization.
Thursday, March 21st 2024, starting 9 AM, the Senate Hall of the Rectorate of the University of Bucharest hosted the official opening of the conference, as well as the plenary session of the event.
The program and presentation of the conference are available here.
In the opening of the event, professor Marian Preda, PhD, the Rector of the University of Bucharest, and professor Igor Șarov, PhD, the Rector of the State University of Moldova held the opening speeches. The two underlined the importance of defining national identity in the current socio-political context, as well as the mission of the universities to contribute to the construction of the dimensions of reality.
Welcome back to the University of Bucharest! We meet again today to discuss our identity and the common future of Romanians from Romania and Romanians from the Republic of Moldova. Our identities are multiple, and what seems important to me is who is speaking. I believe that the role of these conferences is essential because, in these times, it is a must to speak about national identities. I have used the plural on purpose, because there are many dimensions to these. The mission of a nation is to formulate the answer to the questions “What are we?ˮ, “How did we get here?”. If we don’t know where we come from, we don’t know where we are heading for. Many times we forget, particularly because we have multiple dimensions of reality. Universities have the fundamental mission to answer these questions, underlined professor Marian Preda, Rector of the University of Bucharest.
During the plenary session, moderated by professor Bogdan Murgescu, vice rector in charge with Budgeting and Human Resources and teaching staff of the Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest, several presentations were held which had as central themes identity, patrimony, globalization.
Professor Mircea Dumitru, PhD, teaching staff at the Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest and member of the Romanian Academy, held a lecture about the metaphysical aspects of identity, national and cultural, as well as about the rooted local cosmopolitism.
Professor Dragoș Paul Aligică, PhD, teaching staff at the UB Faculty of Business and Administration and correspondent member of the Romanian Academy continued by adding a comment to the themes highlighted by professor Mircea Dumitru, continuing to develop the idea of national identity, personal identity and collective identity.
At the same time, professor Igor Șarov, the Rector of the State University of Moldova debated the theme of retrocession of Bessarabia to the Romanian state in Russian historiography from the second half of the 19th century – the beginning of the 20th century.
Closing the conference, associate professor Constantin Vică, vice-rector for International Relations and Public Relations and teaching staff at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bucharest spoke about globalization in the context of digital totalism, as well as new forms of collectivism, from online platforms to AI.
This year’s edition of the Bucharest – Chișinău Conferences wishes to be a significant mark for the series of events through which the UB community celebrates 160 years since the founding of the University of Bucharest and 330 years of academic tradition in Bucharest, by highlighting the special role – scientific, but also affective – that its relation to the State University of Moldova occupies.
The papers will be presented at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bucharest between March 21st – 22nd 2024. These constitute not just the occasion to renew the traditional meeting between renowned specialists from the two university centers, but also an excellent opportunity to hold quality scientific debates bringing together other significant personalities from the field of socio-humanities.