Notable individuals who have received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa
- SEBASTIAN CHARLETEY, Rector of the University of Paris, France (1934 – the first award)
- His Majesty King CAROL THE SECOND (1938)
- SUKARNO, President of Indonesia (1960)
- HAILE SELASSIS, Emperor of Ethiopia (1964)
- MOHAMMAD REZA PAHLAVI ARYAMEHR, Shahanshah of Iran (1966)
- RENE MAHEU, General Director of UNESCO (1966)
- SIGVARD EKLUND, Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Sweden (1971)
- GLEN SEABORG, President of the Atomic Energy Committee of the US, Nobel prize laureate (1971)
- ALFRED KASTLER, Professor at the Normal Superior School in Paris, France, Nobel prize laureate (1971)
- JEAN PIAGET, Professor at the University of Geneva, Switzerland (1971)
- KURT WALDHEIM, General Secretary of the UN (1973)
- ARPAD BOGSCH, General Director of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), US (1991)
- OLIVIER REVERDIN, President of Switzerland’s National Committee (1991)
- FEDERICO MAYOR, General Director of UNESCO, Spain (1992)
- Academician DUMITRU STĂNILOAIE, Theology, Romania (1992)
- Commander JACQUES YVES COUSTEAU, Member of the French Academy, of the French Institute and a honoris causa member of the Romanian Academy, France (1993)
- SAMUEL C. C. TING, Director of the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Nobel prize laureate for Physics, US (1993)
- RENAUD VIGNAL, Ambassador of France in Romania (1993)
- JACQUES LE GOFF, medieval historian, Professor at Collège de France (1994)
- SHANKER DAYAL SHARMA, President of the Republic of India (1994)
- VACLAV HAVEL, President of the Czech Republic (1994)
- JAMES McGILL BUCHANNAN, Nobel prize laureate for Economy, US (1994)
- JUAN ANTONIO SAMARANCH, President of the International Olympic Committee (1994)
- BOUTROS- BOUTROS GHALI, General Secretary of the UN (1994)
- JOHANES BLIX, General Director of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (1994)
- TEOCTIST, The Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (1995)
- MARGARET THATCHER, prime-minister of Great Britain (1996)
- JULIO MARIA SANGUINETTI, President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay (1996)
- BERNARD BOYER, Ambassador of France in Romania (1996)
- ISMAIL SERAGELDIN, Vice-President of the World Bank (1996)
- MAIE AYOUB von KOHL, UNICEF Director in Romania
- ANTONIO ORTIZ, Ambassador of Spain in Romania, (1996)
- FRITZ WAGNER, President of the Free University of Berlin (1996)
- JACQUES CHIRAC, President of France (1997)
- CHARLES SUSANNE, Professor at the University of Brussels (1997)
- JAVIER SOLANA, General Secretary of NATO (1998)
- LENI FISCHER, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1998)
- SULEIMAN DEMIREL, President of Turkey (1998)
- RENATO A. RICCI, President of the Italian Physics Society (1998)
- ALAIN GAUDEMER, President of the Paris XI University (1998)
- HANS CHRISTIAN KRUGER, Assistant General Secretary of the European Council (1999)
- MASSIMO D’ALEMA, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic (1999)
- ALEKSANDER KWASNIEWSKI, President of Poland (1999)
- His Sanctity BARTHOLOMEW I, Patriarch of Constantinople (1999)
- PAUL POUPARD, Cardinal (1999)
- JOSEPH H. HAMILTON, Professor at the Vanderbilt University of Nashville Tennessee, US (1999)
- ROBERT BLINC, Professor at the University of Ljubljana (1999)
- CATHERINE LALUMIERE, Member of the European Parliament (2000)
- LUZIUS WILDHABER, President of the European Court of Human Rights (2000)
- PATRICK VALDRINI, Rector of the Catholic University of Paris (2000)
- Cardinal Dr. CRISTOPH von SCHONBORN, Archbishop of Vienna (2000)
- Princess CHULAHORN MAHDIDOL, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (2000)
- JOHN R. SEARLE, Professor at the University of California, US (2000)
- LEO ESAKI, Professor at the University of Tsukuba, Japan (2000)
- Lord RALF DAHRENDORF, German sociologist, member of the British Academy (2001)
- SHIMON PERES, Minister of External Affairs, Israel (2001)
- MANFRED OSTEN, General Secretary of the “Alexander von Humboldt” Foundation (2001)
- GIOVANNI SARTORI Italian researcher in the field of political sciences (2001)
- IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN, researcher in the field of the sociology of international relationships (2001)
- JEAN MAWHIN, Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain, President of the Royal Academy of Belgium (2002)
- BERNHARD HANSEL, Professor at the Free University of Berlin (2002)
- SAM NUJOMA, President of the Republic of Namibia (2003)
- MICHELE GENDREAU, Rector of the Francophone University Association (2003)
- JEAN-CLAUDE JUNCKER, Prime-Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (2003)
- JEAN-PAUL COSTA, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights (2003)
- JAQUES THOBIE, Emeritus Professor of the History of Contemporary International Relationships at the Paris 8 University (2003)
- JEAN-JACQUES WUNENBURGER, Pro-Rector of the “Jean Moulin” University, Lyon III (2003)
- PATRICK OSWALD, General Director of C.N.R.S. – the National Superior School of Lyon (2004)
- ABDOU DIOUF, General Secretary of the International Organisation of “la Francophonie” (2004)
- RICARDO LAGOS ESCOBAR, President of the Republic of Chile (2004)
- GUIDO VERGAUWEN, Professor and Vice-Rector of Fribourg Orthodox Theology University (2005)
- JEAN CUISENIER, Professor and specialist in Anthropology (2005)
- BRUNO HALLER, General Secretary of PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) (2005)
- REINHARD LETTMAN, Bishop of Munster (2006)
- ADALBERTO VALLEGA, President of the International Geographical Union (2006)
- ZENON GROCHOLEWSKI, Cardinal of Vatican (2006)
- ANTONIO MATIAZZO, Arch-Bishop of Padua (2006)
- GUGLIELMO CINQUE, Dean of the Faculty of Letters of the Ca Foscari’ University of Venice (2006)
- MASSIMO CACCIARI, Professor at the University of Architecture and Mayor of the City of Venice (2007)
- GEORGE ROUSSEAU, Professor at the University of Oxford (2007)
- NORBERT LAMMERT, President of the German Bundestag (2007)
- ORHAN PAMUK, Turkish writer, Laureate of the Nobel Prize for Literature (2008)
- SHASHI THAROOR, Indian writer, former General Sub-Secretary of the State of the UN (2008)
- LUDWIG M. EICHINGER, Director of the Institute of German Language in Mannheim (2008)
- HORST STOCKER, Professor laureate at the Faculty of Physics and Pro-Rector of the “Johann Wolfgang Goethe” University (2008)
- JAMES GRUNIG, Emeritus Professor at the University of Maryland (2008)
- LUC PIRAUX, Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain (2008)
- TULLIO DE MAURO, Professor at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome (2009)
- JAAP de HOOP SCHEFFER, General Secretary of NATO (2009)
- RICHARD H. PRATT, Emeritus Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh, USA (2009)
- PETER VON BRENTANO, Professor at the University of Cologne, Germany (2009)
- DENNIS L. WILCOX, Professor at the San Jose State University, USA (2009)
- JEAN MICHEL DE WAELE, Professor at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium (2009)
- CARLO GINZBURG, Professor at the University of Pisa, Italy (2009)
- VASSILIOS SKOURIS, President of C.J.E.U. – Court of Justice of the European Union (2009)
- MIHAI GHIMPU, Interim President of the Republic of Moldovia (2010)
- ELIHU KATZ, Professor in the field of Mass Media Sociology and of Communication Sciences (2010)
- KONSTANTINOS A. DIMADIS, Professor at the Freie Universitaet, Berlin, Germany (2010)
- JAAKKO HINTIKKA, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Boston, USA (2010)
- THOMAS NAGEL, Professor of Philosophy at the New York University, USA (2010)
- MAURO CALISE, Professor of Political Sciences at the Federico II University of Naples, Italy (2010)
- JOSE MANUEL DURAO BARROSO, President of the European Committee (2010)
- GIANFRANCO FINI, President of the Deputy Chamber of Italy (2010)
- JEAN CLAUDE COLLIARD, President of the Paris 1 “Pantheon Sorbonne” University, France (2010)
- HAYDEN WHITE, Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA (2010)
- LEONARDO MORLINO, Professor at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences of Florence, Italy (2010)
- JEAN BAPTISTE HUMEAU, Professor at the University of Angers, France (2011)
- JOANO DIONIGI, Rector of the University of Bologna, Italy (2011)
- DAVID DAMROSCH, Professor at the Harvard University, USA (2011)
- THEO D’HAEN, Professor at the Leuven-Louvain University, Belgium (2011)
- His Excellence WATSON OF RICHMOND, Lords’ Chamber, London, Great Britain (2011)
- MICHEL ZINK, Professor at the French College in Paris, France (2011)
- His Eminence Cardinal SLANISLAW DZIWISZ, Metropolitan Bishop of Krakow, Poland (2011)
- BRUNO DELVAUX, Rector of the Louvain-La-Neuve Catholic University, Belgium (2011)
- SAUL KRIPKE, Professor, Graduate Centre of the City University of New York, USA (2011)
- RICHARD KAYNE, Professor of Linguistics at the University of New York, USA (2011)
- DANIEL C. DENNETT, Professor at the University of Tufts, USA (2011)
- ROLF DIETER HEUER, General Director of CERN – The European Laboratory of Particle Physics for Nuclear Research (2011)
- HERMENEGILDO GARCIA, Professor at the Technical University of Valencia, Spain (2011)
- His Eminence GIANFRANCO RAVASI, Cardinal of the Holy See – Vatican (2011)
- DANTE GATTESCHI, Professor at the University of Florence, Italy (2011)
- EVANGHELOS MOUTSOPOULOS, Member of the Academy of Athens, Member of the Moral and Political Academy of France, Honourable Member of the Romanian Academy (2011)
- THIERRY DE MONTBRIAL, Member of the Moral and Political Academy of France, Member of the Scientific Academy of Russia (2011)
- JEAN-LEON-MARIE-JOSEPH-ANDRE DELUMEAU, Honorific Professor at the College de France, Paris, France (2011)
- His Royal Highness, Prince EL HASSAN BIN TALAL (2011)
- CHARLES ALEXANDER NELSON III, Professor at the Harvard University, USA (2011)
- LINDA HUTCHEON, Professor at the University of Toronto, Canada (2011)
- PAT ROGERS, Professor at the University of South Florida, USA (2011)
- AMOS OZ, Professor of Hebrew literature at the Ben Gurion University of Beer Sheva (2012)
- DANIEL GARBER, Professor of Philosophy at the Princeton University (2012)
- THOMAS POGGE, Professor of Philosophy and International Relationships at the Yale University (2012)
- HELENE CARRERE D’ENCAUSSE, Permanent Secretary of the French Academy (2012)
- NIYAZI SERDAR SARICIFTCI, Full Professor of Physics-Chemistry at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) of Linz, Austria (2012)
- GERARD MOUROU, Professor Member of Haut Collège de l’École Polytechnique (2012)
- PIERRE LOUIS LIONS, Professor of Mathematics at the Collège de France, as well as at the prestigious École Polytechnique (2012)
- CEDRIN VILLANI, Director of the “Institut Henri Poincaré” of Paris (2012)
- His Majesty,King MIHAI I of Romania (2012)
- NEAGU DJUVARA, Memorialist, Philosopher of history, Romanian historicist (2012)
- PAT SANDRA, founder and director of the Metablys Research Institute for Chromatography (2012)
- KEITH HITCHINS, Professor of History at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (2012)
- His Royal Highness, King SIMEON the II of Bulgaria (2012)
- PETER BURKE, British Historicist, former Professor at the University of Sussex, Cambridge and then at the University of São Paolo, Brazil (2012)
- HERBERT GRABES, Full Professor in Giessen and Director of the Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (2012)
- PHILIP KOTLER, Professor of International Marketing at the J. L. Kellogg Superior School of Management, at the Northwestern University, USA. ( 2012)
- PASCHALIS KITROMILIDES, Professor of Political Sciences at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration at the “Ioannis Kapodistrias” National University of Athens (2013)
- IAN ROBERTS, Professor of Linguistics at the University of Cambridge and Dean of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages of Cambridge (2013)
- JOSEPH H. H. WEILER, Professor of Law at the New York University School of Law, Jean Monnet desk (2013)
- ANDRES FOGH RASMUSSEN, General Secretary of NATO (2013)
- MARTIN MAIDEN, Professor of Romance Languages at the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford (2013)
- JEAN-LUC MARION, Member of the French Academy (L’Académie Française) (2013)
- FRANÇOIS TERRÉ, Member of the French Academy (2013)
- GIANNI BUQUICCHIO, President of the Committee of Venice (2013)
- PIETRO GROSSO, President of the Senate of the Italian Republic (2013)
- ELINOR SHAFFER, Professor at the Advanced Studies School, at the University of
London (2013) - His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales (2014)
- MUGUR ISĂRESCU, Governor of the Romanian National Bank (2014)
- SERGE FAUCHEREAU, literary critic and French art critic (2014)
- THOMAS LIPPERT, Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (2014)
- JULIAN SAVULESCU, Professor of Ethics at the University of Oxford (2014)
- DENYS SIMON, Professor of Public Law at the Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University (2014)
- MIGUEL JULVE, Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Valencia (2014)
- FRANCESC LIORET, chemist specialized in the field of molecular magnetism (2014)
- AVELINO CORMA, founder and Director of the Chemical Technology Institute at the University of Valencia (2014)
- JAN SADLAK, President of IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence (2014)
- JACQUES DE DECKER, Professor of Dutch Literature at the Free University of Brussels (2014)
- BERNARD CERQUIGLINI, Rector of the Francophone University Association (2014)
- XU LIN, Hanban General Director, Executive Director of the General Headquarters of the Confucius Institutes, councillor in the State Council of the People’s Republic of China (2014)
- JOSEPH THEODOOR LEERSSEN, Chair of Modern European Literature, at the University of Amsterdam (2014)
- His Beatitude Father THEOPHILOS III, Patriarch of Jerusalem (2014)
- EDWARD LUTTWAK, consultant in military strategy, doctor at Johns Hopkins University (2014)
- DIETER GRIMM, former judge at the Federal German Constitutional Court (2015)
- GIAMPAOLO SALVI, Professor and Researcher at the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, specialist in Romance linguistics (2015)
- WOLF LEPENIES, German sociologist, Emeritus Professor at the Free University of Berlin (2015)
- DONATELLA DELLA PORTA, Professor of Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the European University Institute (2015)
- ALAIN TOURAINE, French sociologist, founder of the “Centre d’étude des mouvements sociaux” (2015)
- PETER SINGER, Professor of bioethics at the Princeton University (2015)
- STEPHEN PRICKETT, Professor of English Literature, Emeritus Professor at the University of Glasgow (2015)
- DEAN SPIELMANN, President of the European Court of Human Rights (2015)
- ANDREW DAVID HAMILTON, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford (2015)
- Xuanxue Mo, Academician and renown Professor in the field of geosciences in the People’s Republic of China (2015)
- WOLFGANG MIEDER, paremiologist at the University of Burlington, Vermont (2015)
- GRZEGORZ ROZENBERG, Professor of Theoretical Computer Sciences, at the University of Leiden (2015)
- TIMOTHY WILLIAMSON, Professor of Philosophy and Logics at the University of Oxford (2015)
- ADAM LEDGEWAY, Dean of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Cambridge and Professor of Romance and Italian linguistics (2016)
- JAMES DRUMMOND BONE, renown in the field of English literature (Balliol College, Oxford), vice-president of the Byron Society, editor of the Byron Journal and co-editor of the “Romanticism” journal (2016)
- KATHERINE VERDERY, renown anthropologist on the US academic scene, specialized in the study of socialist and post-socialist societies at the City University of New York Graduate Centre (2016)
- ANTOINE COMPAGNON, Professor of the French language and of Compared Literature at the University of Columbia and Professor of Modern and Contemporary French Literature at the “Collège de France” (2017)
- STEPHEN CUTLER, Emeritus Professor at the University of Vermont and President of the Gerontology Association of America (2017)
- MANFRED NOWAK, human rights expert, Professor at the University of Vienna, scientific director of the human rights master program, visiting professor at the University of Stanford and director of the European Inter-University Center (EIUC) Venice (2017)
- ANGELA GHEORGHIU, a remarkable personality of international opera (2017)
- EVGHENI VODOLlAZKIN, novelist and specialist in ancient Russian literature, member of the Russian Literature Institute (Pushkin House) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (2017)
- RADIVOJE KONSTANTINOVIĆ, professor, writer, translator, comparative critic, literary translator and cultural scientist from Serbia (University of Montenegro, University of Bosnia and Herzegovina) (2017)
- PETER DAHLGREN, professor, expert in communications science and the relationship between the media, new technologies and democracy, professor emeritus at Lund University, Doctor Honoris Causa of the Université de Lorraine, Metz, Franța. (2017)
- JOHN MACLEOD BALL, professor at Oxford University, with a remarkable activity in applied mathematics, materials sciences and also in organizing and promoting science (2018)
- JEAN-MARIE LEHN, one of the most renowned chemists of all times, laureate of the Nobel Prize in 1987 for his researches regarding cryptands and supramolecular chemistry (2018)
- JACKY MATHONNAT, Professor of Exceptional Class at the Auvergne University, France, contributed to the general institutional and international development of health economy through a remarkable research activity and projects of impact (2018)
- GENEVIEVE VINEY, professor emerita at Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne, specialist in Law, Doctor Honoris Causa of many universities and member of the Academia Europaea from 1992 (2018)
- VICTOR A. MATVEEV, general director of the Unified Institute of Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia, renowned physicist, with contributions in the development of Elementar Particles Physics, of High Energies Physics, of the quantic theory of field (2018)
- JEROEN DIJSSELBLOEM, economist and financial specialist, ex-president of the Eurogroup – organism reuniting Finance ministries of Euro member states – between January 2013 and January 2018 (2018)
- MALCOLM PAYNE, professor emeritus at Metropolitan University from Manchester, docent of the Helsinki University, professor at Kingston University and at Chichester University, recognized specialist in social work (2019)
- MICHEL GRIMALDI, professor la Paris II Panthéon-Assas, ex-director of the Henri Capitant Association of the Friends of Juridical French Culture, specialist in Law, with distinctive contributions in successor and patrimonial law of the family (2019)
- LUDMILA ULIȚKAIA, one of the most important contemporary Russian writers and translator from Mongolian language and scenarist (2019)
- DACIA MARAINI, writer, dramatist, poet, essayist, critic, and also an assiduous defender of the rights of the oppressed: women, children and emigrants (2019)
- MIHAIL ȘIȘKIN, one of the most important and beloved contemporary Russian writers, which novels are translated in more than 30 languages (2019)
- DANIEL CHIROT, specialist in political sciences, published an impressive number of papers which fundamentally contributed to the development of important topics regarding historical sociology – with a focus upon the study of social, political and economic changes, ethnic and religious conflicts, political violence, modern tyrannies and revolutions and their consequences (2019)
- ALAIN A. LEVASSEUR, one of the most important French specialists in Law, professor at the State University of Louisiana (2019)
- MIKHAIL ITKIS, deputy director of the Unified Institute of Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia and professor at the Institute of Nuclear Physics within the Academy of Kazakhstan (2019)
- MANOLIS VARVOUNIS, professor at Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), he developed a prodigious research activity in Greek popular culture, in history, art and traditions belonging to the church and Orthodox world, in general (2019)
- MELVIN FITTING, one of the greatest contemporary specialists in mathematical logic, professor emeritus at City University of New York and at the Lehman College of New York (2019)
- ROGER CHARTIER, renowned historian and researcher in cultural history, author and coordinator of numerous scientific papers about reading practices, functionality and symbolic destination of the written book, of writing, and of the author as such (2019)
- JEAN-LOUIS BAUDOUIN, one of the greatest contemporary specialists in juridical sciences, professor at the University of Montreal for 25 years (2019)
- BAUDOUIN DECHARNEUX , one of the most reputed nowadays specialists in humanities and Director of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies within the Libre University of Bruxelles (2021)
- SVEND HANSEN, member of the German School of Prehistoric Archaeology, professor, archaeologist and director of the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin – Eurasia Department (Eurasien-Abteilung des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts) (2022)
- FRANCIS DELPÉRÉE, one of the emblematic names of Belgian Public Law, lawyer and Emeritus Professor at the Louvain Catholic University (2022)
- GEORGES DIDI-HUBERMAN, French philosopher and art historian, professor at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences in Paris. In July 2017, was elected a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy (FBA), the United Kingdom’s National Academy for the humanities and social sciences (2022)
- ARMIN VON BOGDANDY, Professor at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt and Director, then co-Director of the world-renowned Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Public Law in Heidelberg (MPIL Völkerrecht) (2022)
- MANFRED F.R. KETS DE VRIES, a leading personality, a professor with a world-renowned activity – at McGill University, the École des Hautes Études Commerciales, Montreal, the European School for Management and Technology (ESMT), Berlin, and the Harvard Business School, eminent specialist and member of several first rank societies. (2022)
- HELENA CARVALHÃO BUESCU, Professor and director of the Centro de Estudos Comparatistas of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon (2022)
- IONEL HAIDUC, one of the foremost personalities of Romanian chemistry who created a strong school of organo-metallic and supramolecular chemistry at Babeș- Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca; between 2006-2014, was President of the Romanian Academy, as a result of the respect and appreciation he enjoys among its members (2023)
- DIANE F. HALPERN, american psychologist and former president of the American Psychological Association (APA). Dean of Social Science at the Minerva Schools at KGI (Keck Graduate Institute) and at the McElwee Family Professor of Psychology at Claremont McKenna College (2023)
- CIPRIAN MANOLESCU, one of the greatest contemporary specialists in Mathematics, professor at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (2023)
- NU XU, is one of the most prominent and remarkable personality of contemporary Physics, his activities had a substantial impact on the development of Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, Professor and Dean at the College of Physical Science and Technology, Central China Normal University, Adjunct Professor at the National Institute of Science Education and Research, India (2023)
- ENNO AUFDERHEIDE, Secretary General of the “Alexander von Humboldt Foundation” (2023)
- YONGDONG WANG, Professor at Nanjing University and Shenyang Normal University. He is also the Director of the Nanjing Palaeontology Museum of NIGPAS and Deputy Director of the NIGPAS State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy
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Call for Papers for conference „The Long View and the Short in Building Resilience: Natural Resources and Geoeconomics in the 21st Century”, held at The University of Bucharest. Abstract submission deadline: 1 March 2025
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The University of Bucharest hosted a unique science exhibition at the Drumul Taberelor Shopping Center as part of the SciResCareer, aimed at bringing science closer to the public
Events, Research, UB Student, UB NewsPostări asemănătoare: Games of Science 2025: UB students and young researchers are invited to bring science closer to the general public MA Students, PhD Students and UB Researchers Invited to Join the Second Games of Science Edition...
Didn’t get a chance to sign up for UBtalks 2025? Great news: the submission deadline has been extended until February 28
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Researchers from the Faculty of History at the University of Bucharest, co-authors of the study „The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans” on the origin of the Indo-Europeans, published in „Nature” journal
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Working discussion on the use of geothermal energy and the transition to green energy, in Oradea, with the participation of the University of Bucharest
Events, Research, International, UB NewsPostări asemănătoare: Workshop on Geophysics and Green Transition, organized with the participation of the University of Bucharest, brought together 152 students, educators and experts in Buzău Call for papers for the International...
Call for Papers for conference „The Long View and the Short in Building Resilience: Natural Resources and Geoeconomics in the 21st Century”, held at The University of Bucharest. Abstract submission deadline: 1 March 2025
Events, International, UB Student, Calls, Announcements, UB NewsPostări asemănătoare: Call for Papers for conference „The Long View and the Short in Building Resilience: Natural Resources and Geoeconomics in the 21st Century”, held at The University of Bucharest Call for papers for the...
Call for submissions for a Springer Nature Group collection dedicated to the development of effective and sustainable approaches to mitigate the environmental impact of oil spills
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The University of Bucharest hosted a unique science exhibition at the Drumul Taberelor Shopping Center as part of the SciResCareer, aimed at bringing science closer to the public
Events, Research, UB Student, UB NewsPostări asemănătoare: Games of Science 2025: UB students and young researchers are invited to bring science closer to the general public MA Students, PhD Students and UB Researchers Invited to Join the Second Games of Science Edition...