Tracking Report on Specific Indicators for 2022/2023
- Centre for Research on the Field of Human Resources, Management and Marketing, Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance
- Research Centre in Applied Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy
- Observatory of University of Bucharest Graduates’ Employment Research Centre
- Human Resources Research Centre, Management and Marketing
- Centre for Administrative, Cultural, and Economic Studies
- Centre for Reference and Information in Professional Practice and Entrepreneurship
- Centre for Studies in Competition Law
- The affective economies of emergent private renting markets: understanding tenants and landlords in post-communist Romania
- Chaotic Training device for experimenting the crypto-systems: Methods and platforms.
- Investigating the influence of optimistic/pessimistic sentiment from text in press releases on the stock market
Institutional structures
- Labour Market Bureau
- Staff Training and Development Bureau
Employment practice
At the University of Bucharest, salaries are paid in compliance with the national regulations in force. According to the document on salary income transparency published on the UB website, employees are paid at least the minimum gross salary in the country. In addition, there are applicable pay scales for didactic and auxiliary posts. Furthermore, employees may be eligible for merit-based salary increases through annual competitions, recognizing their results and performance. Different routes are available for teachers and administrative staff.
Members of the university community, according to Article 29(1) of the UB Charter, have the right to establish or belong to student, trade union, professional and cultural, national and international associations and organisations, as well as to legally constituted political organisations. The UB has three labour unions which defend and promote the interests of its members. Recognition of the right of employees to belong to trade unions is also provided for in the UB’s Internal Regulations, Article 68: “Employees shall have the following rights in particular: … the right to form or join a labour union”. Also, Art. 62 (1), lit. J of the Internal Regulations states that “It is prohibited, according to art. 9 of Law no. 202/2002, republished, to discriminate through the use by the employer of practices that disadvantage persons of a particular sex, concerning labour relations, concerning the right to join a trade union and access to the facilities granted by it”.
The University of Bucharest has a policy of ending discrimination in the workplace.
- Following this line, through its internal regulations, establishes a series of rules to promote non-discriminatory behaviour in the workplace. Thus, section II of the UB Internal Regulations establishes in articles 57-67 the rules on the respect of the principle of non-discrimination and the elimination of any form of violation of dignity.
- According to Art. 11, para. 2, lit. d of the Code of Ethics and Deontology of the University of Bucharest, it is forbidden “Discrimination, understood as any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference, based on race, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, social category, beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, illness of any kind, membership of a disadvantaged category, as well as any other criterion which has the purpose or effect of restricting, eliminating the recognition, use or exercise, on equal terms, of human rights”.
- The UB Charter also states, in Article 7(1), that “Academic freedom does not justify defamatory language, obscene behaviour, discrimination based on ethnicity, race, gender, age, social origin, religion, political opinions, sexual orientation, or other conduct lacking ethical integrity.”
The University of Bucharest has a policy commitment against forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour.
- The University of Bucharest enforces the legal regulations in force, among which we mention Law 53/2003 – Labour Code, which states in Article 4, paragraph 1, that “Forced labour is prohibited.”
- We include here the regulations and fundamental documents of the UB that regulate such practices:
- The Internal Regulations, Section II. Rules on the observance of the principle of non-discrimination and the elimination of all forms of violation of dignity state that “In relations between employees of the University, between them and other individuals with whom they come into contact in the performance of their duties, any conduct which, by its effects, disadvantages or subjects to unfair or degrading treatment a person or group of persons is prohibited.” (Art. 57)
- Code of Ethics and Deontology of the University of Bucharest, art. 11 para. 1 and 2, oblige members of the university community “to behave in a way that excludes, both offline and online, the formulation in writing or verbally of biassed opinions, the use of vulgar, offensive, irreverent language, as well as harassment, threats, humiliation, intimidation, bullying, attacks on the person, misinformation, slander or denigration of the University of Bucharest, of the faculties, of persons in their own institution, of students or the academic community as a whole. Expressly, the following are prohibited:
(a) Verbal or written insult;
(b) Abuse of power;
(c) Harassment, understood as degrading, intimidating or humiliating conduct that interferes with a person’s ability to carry out his or her professional and scholarly activities in a natural manner or to exercise his or her rights, regardless of the forms it may take (such as sexual harassment, systematic harassment, and the like);
(d) Discrimination, understood as any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, social group, belief, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, disease of any kind, membership of a disadvantaged group, or any other criterion which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights.”
The University of Bucharest enforces the legislation in force in all its activities, including transfers. Thus, according to Article 3, paragraph 8 of the Collective Labour Agreement, “All employees who perform work are recognized the right to equal pay for their work, the right to collective negotiations, the right to protection of personal data and the right to protection against unlawful dismissal.” Art. 37, para. 1 of the same document states, “Delegated teaching staff from the establishments listed in Annex No. 2 accompanying students to regional, national and international competitions shall be entitled to free transport, accommodation and daily subsistence allowance as provided by law. The reimbursement of these sums by the employer shall be made in compliance with the law.” In addition, according to the UB Internal Regulations, employees have the right to protection in the event of dismissal (art. 68).
The University of Bucharest complies with the regulations of the Law no. 202/2002 on equal opportunities between women and men, references regarding this law being found in the UB Internal Regulations: “Measures to promote equal opportunities between women and men in order to eliminate direct and indirect discrimination based on sex shall be applied in compliance with the provisions of Law no. 202/2002 on equal opportunities between women and men.” (art. 60). According to Art.62 (1) “It is prohibited, according to Art.9 of the Law No.202/2002, republished, to discriminate through the use by the employer of practices that disadvantage persons of a particular sex in connection with employment relations.” Furthermore, employees may be eligible for merit-based salary increases through annual competitions, recognizing their results and performance. Different routes are available for teachers and administrativ
The payment of salaries to the employees of the University of Bucharest is carried out in compliance with the legislation in force. Therefore, there are no salary differences based on gender, an aspect also regulated by the Internal Regulation, art. 62, paragraph 1: “It is prohibited, according to art. 9 of Law no.202/2002, republished, discrimination through the use by the employer of practices that disadvantage people of a certain gender, in connection with employment relations, regarding the calculation of earnings“.
At the University of Bucharest, there is a process for employees to appeal for employee rights and/or pay.
- They can address the University Ombudsman whose “role is to provide members of the university community and the technical-administrative staff of the University, in conditions of complete confidentiality, with independent and impartial advice, as well as information on the resolution of disputes and problems, with special reference to cases of violation of the rights and freedoms provided for by the Law, this Charter and university regulations, for the resolution of disputes in the workplace” (UB Charter, art. 140, para. 1). Members of the UB academic community whose rights and freedoms have been infringed in the course of their work at the University may contact the Ombudsman by submitting requests, complaints or audience requests.
According to the Internal Regulations, UB employees have the right to submit petitions concerning their work and problems arising in the workplace (art. 72, para. 1), and “the employer’s legal representative is obliged to notify the employee of the reply, as a rule within 30 days of the date of submission of the request or complaint” (art. 73, para. 4).
Marc, 21 – International Forest Day
March, 22– International Water Day
April, 22 – International Earth Day
May, 10 – Birds and Trees International Day
May, 15 – International Day of Climate Action
May, 22 – International Biodiversity Day
June, 5 – World Environment Day
June, 8 – World Oceans Day
June, 21 – World Sun Day
September, 23 – World Cleanliness Day
October, 1 – World Habitat Day
October, 31 – International Black Sea Day
December, 5 – International Soil Day
December, 11 – International Mountain Day
- Department for sustainable development in Romania
- The national strategy for the Sustainable Development of Romania 2030
- United Nations Department of Global Communications
- United Nations – Sustainable Development Goals
- United Nations Development Programme
- United Nations – Agenda for Sustainable Development
- European Commission – Sustainable Development Goals
- Eurostat – Sustainable Development Goals Overview
- European Commission – Sustainable Development Goals – Visualisation tools
- Times Higher Education – Impact Rankings