Liviu ANDREESCU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Anca Monica ARDELEANU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Emanuela - Maria AVRAM | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Catalina Ioana BONCIU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Anca BRATU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Andreea BUCUR - ARDELEAN | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Marin BURCEA | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Dan CIMPOERU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Mariana Camelia COJOCARU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Silviu Stefan Traian COJOCARU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Adela COMAN | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Constantin GHICA | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Ionut CONSTANTIN | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Eleonora Gabriela CONU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Mihail Cristian DITOIU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Irina Virginia DRAGULANESCU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Elena Nolica DRUICA | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Catalin GRADINARU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Ana Maria GRIGORE | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Radu HERMAN | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Oana Simona HUDEA | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Rodica IANOLE - CALIN | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Cosmin Ionut IMBRISCA | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Vladimir Codrin IONESCU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Magdalena IORDACHE-PLATIS | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Gabriel Liviu ISPAS | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Ioana Julieta JOSAN | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Valentin Mihai LEOVEANU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Paul MARINESCU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Cornelia NISTOR | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Bogdan OANCEA | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Cosmin Catalin OLTEANU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Razvan Mihail PAPUC | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Cristina Marilena PARASCHIV | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Mihaela - Marilena PAUN | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Cristian George POPESCU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Cristina Raluca POPESCU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Dumitru RADESCU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Corina Manuela RADULESCU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Mihaela Cornelia SANDU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Alexandrina SERBAN | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Camelia SPASICI | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Camelia SURUGIU | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Sorin George TOMA | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Marin ZULEAN | Business and Administration | Economic and Administrative Sciences | AA | |
Florin AIOANEI | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Bogdan AMUZESCU | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Paulina ANASTASIU | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Speranta AVRAM | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Alexandru BABES | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Mihaela BALAS | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Ilda BARBU | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Florina BOTEZ | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Zanfira BOTOS | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Corina BRADU | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Liliana BURLIBASA | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Constantin CAZACU | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Mariana Carmen CHIFIRIUC | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Gheorghe Danut CIMPONERIU | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Elena Maria CIOBANU | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Anisoara C?MPEAN | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Nicoleta CONSTANTIN | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Ruxandra CONSTANTIN | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Liliana COSTACHE | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Marieta COSTACHE | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Nicolai CRACIUN | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Ortansa Elisabeta CSUTAK | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Daniela Marcela CUCU | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Natalia CUCU | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Carmen CURUTIU | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Florian Alexandru DEFTU | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Mihaela Stefania DIACONU | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Sorina DINESCU | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Anca DINISCHIOTU | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Diana DINU | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Lia Mara DITU | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Cornelia DRAGOMIR | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Lucica Elena DRAGU | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Angelica Andreea DUDU | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Mihaela DUMITRU | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Cornescu Georgiana DUTA | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Alexandru ECOVOIU | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Maria Luisa FLONTA | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Doru Vasile GABOR | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Bianca GALATEANU | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Sergiu Emil GEORGESCU | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Irina GHEORGHE | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Liliana GHEORGHE | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Geanina Beatrice HARALAMBIE | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Alina Maria HOLBAN | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Oana IFTIME | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Claudia Nicoleta ION | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Robertina Adriana IONESCU | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Elena Emilia IONICA | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Virgil Alexandru IORDACHE | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Alexandru IORGESCU | Biology | Platform of Research in Biology and Systemic Ecology | B | |
Leontina IOSIF | Biology | The Ecological Research Resort in Sinaia | B | |
Daniela Anca LAZAR | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Veronica LAZAR | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Sanda Paula LITESCU | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Lapadat Mihaela MARCU | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Luminita Gabriela MARUTESCU | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Alina Cristina MATANIE | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Maria Alexandra MERNEA | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Daniela Clara MIHAI | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Dan Florin MIHAILESCU | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Marina Tamara NECHIFOR | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Liana NEGUTOIU | Biology | The Ecological Research Resort in Sinaia | B | |
Georgeta NICULAE | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Violeta Luminita NISTOR | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Elena Alina OLARU | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Amalia OLTEANU | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Ioana OPREA | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Pavelescu Mihaela OPRINA | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Mariana PANA | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Aglaia PARVU | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Cornel PARVU | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Diana Roxana PELINESCU | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Elena PETRACHE | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Livia PETRESCU | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Mihaela PIRVULESCU | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Maria Daniela POJOGA | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Cristina Maria POPESCU | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Carmen POSTOLACHE | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Gentiana Mihaela Iulia PREDAN | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Beatrice Mihaela RADU | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Irina RADU | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Violeta Paula RISTOIU | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Geta R?SNOVEANU | Biology | Systemic Ecology and Sustainability | B | |
Traian SAITAN | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Anca SARBU | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Mihaela SAVA | Biology | The Ecological Research Resort in Sinaia | B | |
Tudor Richard SELESCU | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Mirela Violeta SERBAN | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Alexandra SIMON GRUITA | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Tamara Daniela SMARANDACHE | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Andrea Cristina STAICU | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Daciana Elena STAICUT | Biology | The Ecological Research Resort in Sinaia | B | |
Liliana STAMATIN | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Miruna Silvia STAN | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Gheorghe STOIAN | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Ileana STOICA | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Ana Maria TANASE | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Daniela TEODORESCU | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Georgeta TOMA | Biology | Botany and Microbiology | B | |
Cristina Daniela TUDOR | Biology | Anatomy, Animal Physiology and Biophysics | B | |
Camelia-Diatrisa VASILE | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Tatiana VASSU-DIMOV | Biology | Genetics | B | |
Otilia ZARNESCU | Biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | B | |
Maria ANDRONE | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Marius Carmen ANDRUH | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Emilian ANGELESCU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Sorin Marius AVRAMESCU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Elena Mihaela BADEA | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Irinel Adriana BADEA | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Camelia BALA | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Daniela BALA | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Mihaela BULEANDRA | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Ana Alexandra CALIN | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Mirela Maria CALINESCU | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Mariana Giorgiana CALMAN | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Natalia CANDU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Stefana CAZACU | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Mihaela Carmen CHEREGI | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Mariana Fidelia CHIONCEL | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Marilena CIMPOESU | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Ludmila Otilia CINTEZA | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Viorel CIRCU | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Anton Alexandru CIUCU | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Bogdan Eugen COJOCARU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Simona Margareta COMAN | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Rodica CONSTANTINESCU | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Anca CRUCEANU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Gabriela Iulia DAVID | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Vasile DAVID | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Victor DAVID | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Mariana Loredana DIANU | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Mariana DUCA | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Emil ENACHE | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Ileana Cornelia FARCASANU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Magda FIFIRIG | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Mircea Serban FLESCHIN | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Eugenia GARAIMAN | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Adriana GHEORGHE | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Ruxandra Florina GHEORGHE | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Adriana HRISTESCU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Monica Victoria ILIS | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Sorana Stefania IONESCU | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Petre Ion IONITA | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Bogdan IORGA | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Florentina Gabriela IORGA | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Emilia Elena IORGULESCU | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Maria IVAN | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Alina JURCA | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Ciprian Bogdan JURCA | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Paul LAZAR | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Gheorghe LINTES | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Madalin Augustin MADALAN | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Ioan Cezar MARCU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Tudora MARIN | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Maria MARINESCU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Mihaela MATACHE | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Catalin MAXIM | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Andrei Valentin MEDVEDOVICI | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Marin MICUT | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Constantin MIHAILCIUC | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Gheorghita MITRAN | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Violeta MITRAN | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Mariana MOISE | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Zenovia MOLDOVAN | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Elena NAN | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Ioana NICOLAU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Petruta OANCEA | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Marioara Rodica OLAR | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Eliza OPREA | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Carmen PARNAU | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Vasile PARVULESCU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Anca Luciana PAUN | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Dumitru Octavian PAVEL | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Elena PINCU | Chemistry | Chimie Fizic | C | |
Iunia PODOLEAN | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Claudia Valentina POPA | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Dana Elena POPA | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Codruta Constanta POPESCU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Delia Laura POPESCU | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Ioan Laurentiu PRICOP | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Elena Mihaela PUIU | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Gabriela PURIS | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Mariana PUSCUTA | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Adina Liana RADUCAN | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Mihaela ROPOT | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Dumitru Lucian ROTARIU | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Lavinia Liliana RUTA | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Mariana SANDU | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Madalina Valentina SANDULESCU TUDORACHE | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Ana SAVULESCU | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Vasilica SAVULESCU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Teodora STAICU | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Ioana Rodica STANCULESCU | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Liliana STOICESCU | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Herbert STORCH | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Marius Cristian STROE | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | | |
Florentin TACHE | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Alexandru TANASE | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Anca Monica TENCALIEC | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Constantina Cristina TONEA | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Irina TRANDAFIR | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | C | |
Violeta TUDOR | Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | C | |
Adriana URDA | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Marin VLADA | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | C | |
Christina Marie ZALARU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Irina ZARAFU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C | |
Rodica ZAVOIANU | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis | C |
Daniela ADUCOVSCHI | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Ghiocel BOTA | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Remus DUMITRESCU | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Mihaela GANCIU | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Oana Maria GANCIU | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Bogdan GOZU | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Monica Tania GULAP | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Marius Catalin LESTARU | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Marin Florin LITOI | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Costinel MIHAIU | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
George Dan MOISE | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Monica Cristina SAKIZLIAN | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Robert SAKIZLIAN | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Catalin SERBAN | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Alina Mihaela STOICA | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Adriana STOICOVICIU | | The Department of Physical Education and Sports | SPO | |
Carmen Gina ACHIMESCU | Law | Public Law | D | |
Vicentiu Bogdan AELENEI | Law | Franco-Romanian Business Law Institute | D | |
Maria Adriana ALMASAN | Law | Private Law | D | |
Aurel Jean ANDREI | Law | Public Law | D | |
Alexandru ATHANASIU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Bogdan Lucian AURESCU | Law | Public Law | D | |
Marieta AVRAM | Law | Private Law | D | |
Flavius Antoniu BAIAS | Law | Private Law | D | |
Teodora Maria BANTAS VADUVA | Law | Private Law | D | |
Radu Bogdan BOBEI | Law | Private Law | D | |
Traian Cornel BRICIU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Claudiu Paul BUGLEA | Law | Private Law | D | |
Nicolae Bogdan BULAI | Law | Criminal Law | D | |
Alexandru Sorin CIOBANU | Law | Public Law | D | |
Aurel CIOBANU | Law | Criminal Law | D | |
Petrut CIOBANU | Law | Criminal Law | D | |
Valerian Dumitru CIOCLEI | Law | Criminal Law | D | |
Nicolae Dragos COSTESCU | Law | Public Law | D | |
Simona CRISTEA | Law | Public Law | D | |
Anastasiu CRISU | Law | Criminal Law | D | |
Sorin Virgil DAVID | Law | Private Law | D | |
Stefan DEACONU | Law | Public Law | D | |
Daniela Anca DETESEANU | Law | Public Law | D | |
Vladimir Florin DIACONITA | Law | Private Law | D | |
Elena Luminita DIMA | Law | Private Law | D | |
Ionut Bogdan DIMA | Law | Public Law | D | |
Razvan DINCA | Law | Private Law | D | |
Claudiu Constantin DINU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Mihaela Augustina DUMITRASCU | Law | Public Law | D | |
Ion GALEA | Law | Public Law | D | |
Sandra Liliana GATEJEANU GHEORGHE | Law | Public Law | D | |
Simona Nely GHERGHINA | Law | Public Law | D | |
George Alexandru ILIE | Law | Private Law | D | |
Elena LAZAR | Law | Public Law | D | |
Lavinia Valeria LEFTERACHE | Law | Criminal Law | D | |
Cristian MITRACHE | Law | Criminal Law | D | |
Claudia Ana MOARCAS | Law | Private Law | D | |
Raluca Ioana MOCANU | Law | Criminal Law | D | |
Marian NICOLAE | Law | Private Law | D | |
Cristina Mihaela NICOLESCU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Dan OANCEA | Law | Public Law | D | |
Mihaela Lucica PARASCHIVESCU | Law | Franco-Romanian Business Law Institute | D | |
Cristian PAZIUC | Law | Private Law | D | |
Maria Cristina PETRE | Law | Private Law | D | |
Gheorghe PIPEREA | Law | Private Law | D | |
Paul POP | Law | Private Law | D | |
Dan POPA | Law | Public Law | D | |
Manole Ciprian POPA | Law | Private Law | D | |
Corneliu Liviu POPESCU | Law | The Doctoral School of Law | D | |
Radu Romeo POPESCU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Ramona Delia POPESCU | Law | Public Law | D | |
Monica Amalia RATIU | Law | Public Law | D | |
Radu Alexandru RIZOIU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Radu Cristina ROTARU | Law | Criminal Law | D | |
Oana Mihaela SALOMIA | Law | Public Law | D | |
Mirela STANCU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Andreea Teodora STANESCU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Serban Alexandru Nicolae STANESCU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Valeriu STOICA | Law | Private Law | D | |
Elena Simina TANASESCU | Law | Public Law | D | |
Camelia TOADER | Law | Private Law | D | |
Dana TOFAN | Law | Public Law | D | |
Ioana Laura TOMA DAUCEANU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Milena TOMESCU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Doru Florel TRAILA | Law | Private Law | D | |
Andra Roxana TRANDAFIR | Law | Criminal Law | D | |
Traian TUNSOIU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Verginia VEDINAS | Law | Public Law | D | |
Bogdan VISINOIU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Ana-Maria VLASCEANU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Cristina Elisabeta ZAMSA | Law | Private Law | D | |
Andrei ZARAFIU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Gheorghe Liviu ZIDARU | Law | Private Law | D | |
Marin BALAN | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Vasile Romulus BRANCOVEANU | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Viorel CERNICA | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Carmen Viviana CIACHIR | Philosophy | UNESCO Department for Intercultural and Inter-religious Exchange | F | |
Catalin Danut CIOABA | Philosophy | Theoretical Philosophy | F | |
Valentin Sorin COSTREIE | Philosophy | Theoretical Philosophy | F | |
Ileana DASCALU | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Radu DUDAU | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Mircea DUMITRU | Philosophy | Theoretical Philosophy | F | |
Laurentiu Marius GHEORGHE | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Sebastian George GRAMA | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Cristian Vasile IFTODE | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Daniela Rodica JALOBEANU | Philosophy | Theoretical Philosophy | F | |
Nicu Emilian MIHAILOV | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Bogdan MINCA | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Dorina Mihaela PATRUNSU | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Mihaela Alexandra POP | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Emanuel Mihail SOCACIU | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Mihai Laurentiu STAICU | Philosophy | Theoretical Philosophy | F | |
Gheorghe STEFANOV | Philosophy | Theoretical Philosophy | F | |
Constantin STOENESCU | Philosophy | Theoretical Philosophy | F | |
Savu TOTU | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Gabriel VACARIU | Philosophy | Theoretical Philosophy | F | |
Constantin VICA | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Viorel VIZUREANU | Philosophy | Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy | F | |
Vlad Andrei ANTOHE | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Adriana Elena BALAN | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Virgil BARAN | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Marcela Elisabeta BARBINTA PATRASCU | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Andrei BARBORICA | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Valentin BARNA | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Marian Cornel BAZAVAN | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Doinita BEJAN | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Ciceron BERBECARU | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Ionut Vasile BERCU | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Catalin Iulian BERLIC | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Madalina BOCA | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Ana-Nicoleta BONDAR | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Mircea BULINSKI | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Marius CALIN | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Ovidius Tiberius CHECHE | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Claudia Gabriela CHILOM | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Alecsandru Vladimir CHIROSCA | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Gianina CHIROSCA | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Ion CONSTANTIN | Physics | Prof. tefan Atanasie Patrascu -Surlari Didactic and Research Facility | FIZ | |
Nicolae COTFAS | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Petrica CRISTEA | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Elena Crina DASCALESCU | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Mihai Robert DIMA | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Mihai DINCA | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Victor Ioan Corneliu DINU | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Mihai DONDERA | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Daniela DRAGOMAN | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Aurora DRAGU | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Aurelia Anca DUMITRU | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Valeriu FILIP | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Adriana Claudia GAGYI PALFFY | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Zoltan Gheorghe GAGYI PALFFY | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Gheorghe Eduard GATIN | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Iulia GHIU | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Ion GRUIA | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Sorina IFTIMIE | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Lucian ION | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Iulian IONITA | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Alexandru JIPA | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Ioana Luminita JIPA | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Ionel LAZANU | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Mihai MARCIU | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Cristina Mihaela MIRON | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Cristian Constantin NECULA | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
George Alexandru NEMNES | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Alexandru NICOLIN | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Cornel Mironel NICULAE | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Cristian George PANAIOTU | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Nicoleta Melania PANAIT | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Constantin-Augustin-Dan PISTOL | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Gabriela Mihaela POPA | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Laurentiu POPOVICI | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Adrian RADU | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Oana RISTEA | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Ion SANDRU | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Luminita Rodica SIMION | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Mihaela SIN | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Radu-Alexandru SLOBODEANU | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Serban Nicolae STAMATIN | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Florin Gabriel STANCULESCU | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Adrian STOICA | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Cristian STOICA | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Cezar TAZLAOANU | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Octav TEODORESCU | Physics | Electricity, Solid Physics and Biophysics | FIZ | |
Tudor TIBERIU | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Claudia TIMOFTE | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Ovidiu Theodor TOMA | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Anabella Cristina TUDORA | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Sanda Cristina VOINEA | Physics | Structure of Matter, Physics of Atmosphere and Earth, Astrophysics | FIZ | |
Roxana ZUS | Physics | Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Optics, Plasma and Lasers | FIZ | |
Florin ACHIM | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Andreea Andra TOPARCEANU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Iuliana ARMAS | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Georgeta BANDOC | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Elena BOGAN | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Cristian BRAGHINA | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Marius BUDILEANU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Gheorghe Sorin CARABLAISA | Geography | Orsova Research Station | G | |
Andreea Loreta CERCLEUX | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Mioara CLIUS | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Octavian COCOS | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Laura Georgiana COMANESCU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Dana Maria CONSTANTIN | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Stefan CONSTANTINESCU | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Silviu COSTACHIE | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Roxana CUCULICI | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Traian Dorin DEMETER | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Daniel Constantin DIACONU | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Mihaela Elena DOBRE | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Robert Razvan DOBRE | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Cristian Constantin DRAGHICI | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Doina Daniela DUMBRAVEANU | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Liliana DUMITRACHE | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Mihail Gheorghe DUMITRACHE | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Marian ENE | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Aurel GHEORGHILAS | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Grigore GOCIU | Geography | Drobeta Turnu Severin | G | |
Florina GRECU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Elena GRIGORE | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Ioan Cristian IOJA | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Nicoleta IONAC | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Manuel Stefan IORDACHE | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Radu Petru IRIMIA | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Daniel IVANOV | Geography | Sfantu Gheorghe Marine and Fluvial Research Station | G | |
Gheorghe LAZAR | Geography | Calimanesti | G | |
Dinca Ana Irina LEQUEUX | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Gabriela MANEA | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Valentina Mariana MANOIU | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Alina Ioana MARECI | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Marian MARIN | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Elena MATEI | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Florentina Cristina MERCIU | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Bogdan Andrei MIHAI | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Nicolae MOCANU | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Anca Victorina MUNTEANU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Mariana NAE | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Alexandru NEDELEA | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Mihaita Iulian NICULAE | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Constantin NISTOR | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Mihai Razvan NITA | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Amalia Mihaela OGLINDOIU | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Diana Andreea ONOSE | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Constantin Razvan OPREA | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Gheorghe Mircea OPREA | Geography | Orsova Research Station | G | |
Gabriela OSACI COSTACHE | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Ionut OVEJANU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Ileana Georgeta PATRU STUPARIU | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Daniel PEPTENATU | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Radu Daniel PINTILII | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Vasile POPA | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Razvan Andrei POPESCU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Diana Alexandra POPOVICI | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Cristian Remus PRAVALIE | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Mihaela Daniela PREDA | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Luminita PREOTEASA | Geography | Sfantu Gheorghe Marine and Fluvial Research Station | G | |
Ana Maria ROANGHES MUREANU | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Laurentiu ROZYLOWICZ | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Costina Luminita SAFTOIU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Ionut Cosmin SANDRIC | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Marius Iulian SANDULACHE | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Ioan SARBU | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Ionut SAVULESCU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Cosmina Bianca SIMION | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Gabriel Marius SIMION | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Ilinca Valentina STOICA | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Daniela STRAT | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Bogdan Alexandru SUDITU | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Cristian TALANGA | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Ana Maria TALOS | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Florina TATU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Ion Florin TATUI | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Camelia TEODORESCU | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Maria Laura TIRLA | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Adrian Amadeus TISCOVSCHI | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Gabriela Ioana TOROIMAC | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Anca TUDORICU | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Eftimie Corneliu TUDOSE | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Mariana Mihaela UTA | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Gabriel Ovidiu VANAU | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Mihaela Iuliana VERGA | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Ionut Alfred VESPREMEANU STROE | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Iuliana VIJULIE | Geography | Regional Geography and Environment | G | |
Marina Ramona VIRGHILEANU | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Mircea Cristian VISAN | Geography | Geomorphology-Pedology-Geomatics | G | |
Liliana ZAHARIA | Geography | Meteorology and Hydrology | G | |
Daniela ZAMFIR | Geography | Human and Economic Geography | G | |
Alexandru ANDRASANU | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Gina ANDREI | Geology and Geophysics | Geophysics | GG | |
Doru BADESCU | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Ioan Alexandru BALINT | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering | GG | |
Dumitriu Andrei BOCIN | Geology and Geophysics | Geophysics | GG | |
Gabriela CRACIUN | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Zoltan CSIKI SAVA | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Daniela DIMOFTE | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Alina FLOROIU | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Mihaela GRADINARU | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Paul ILIE | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Gheorghe ILINCA | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Marian IVAN | Geology and Geophysics | Geophysics | GG | |
Denisa Laura JIANU | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Iuliana LAZAR | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Anca Cornelia LUCA | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Elena Victoria Izabela MARIS | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Cristian MARUNTEANU | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering (professor emeritus) | GG | |
Rozica Irina MIRCEA | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering | GG | |
Victor MOCANU | Geology and Geophysics | Geophysics | GG | |
Marius MOCUTA | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering | GG | |
Loreta Virginia MUNTEANU | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Florin NACHE | Geology and Geophysics | Geophysics | GG | |
Antonela NEACSU | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Bogdan Mihai NICULESCU | Geology and Geophysics | Geophysics | GG | |
Dragos PANAITESCU | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Ionelia PANEA | Geology and Geophysics | Geophysics | GG | |
Laurentiu Lucian PETRESCU | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Iulian POPA | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering | GG | |
Mihai Emilian POPA | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Relu Dumitru ROBAN | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Mihaela ROCA | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering | GG | |
Mihai Alexandru SAMOILA | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering | GG | |
Daniel SCRADEANU | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering (professor emeritus) | GG | |
Mihaela Luminita SCRADEANU | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering | GG | |
Barbara SOARE | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Mihaela STANCIUCU | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering | GG | |
Marius STOICA | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Florina Mihaela TULUCA | Geology and Geophysics | Geophysics | GG | |
Sorin Silviu UDUBASA | Geology and Geophysics | Mineralogy | GG | |
Constantin UNGUREANU | Geology and Geophysics | Geological Engineering | GG | |
Gheorghe Viorel UNGUREANU | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Stefan VASILE | Geology and Geophysics | Geology | GG | |
Andrei ALEXANDRESCU | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Dumitru Emilian ALEXANDRESCU | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Bogdan George ANTONIU | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Valentin Victor BOTTEZ | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Ovidiu Edvin Traian BOZGAN | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Ion BUCUR | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Simion Nicolae CALTIA | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Carol CAPITA | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Monica CHICIDEANU | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Miron CIHO | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Adrian Mihai CIOROIANU | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Alin Ionut CIUPALA | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Marian COMAN | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Mihai - Dan CONSTANTINESCU | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Laurentiu CONSTANTINIU | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Liviu DAMIAN | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Gheorghe Marius DIACONESCU | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Rudolf Mihai DINU | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Manuela DOBRE | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Mihail DOBRE | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Matei GHEBOIANU | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Cristina GUDIN | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Simona Mariana IOAN | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Cosmin Constantin IONITA | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Alexandrina Victoria LITU GIRBOVICEANU | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Antal LUKACS | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Ecaterina Gabriela LUNG | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Bogan Mihaela MARCU | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Ioan Dragos MATEESCU | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Alin Victor MATEI | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Florica MIHUT | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Alexandru Murad MIRONOV | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Florin MULLER | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Bogdan Costin MURGESCU | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Mirela Luminita MURGESCU | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Christian NASULEA | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Radu NEDICI | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Gheorghe Vlad NISTOR | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Florentina NITU | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Ioan Carol OPRIS | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Viorel PANAITE | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Silvana RACHIERU | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Sorin Mihai RADULESCU | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Sarolta SOLCAN | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Florin Andrei SORA | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Valentin STAN | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Elena Emilia STEFAN | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Alexandra Clara TARLEA | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Mihai Razvan UNGUREANU | History | History of Romanians and Southeast Europeans | I | |
Daniela ZAHARIA | History | Ancient History, Archeology and Art History | I | |
Dragos ZAHARIA | History | International Relationships and Universal History Department | I | |
Anca Gabriela ANTON | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Horea Mihai BADAU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Madalina BALASESCU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Mihaela Oana BALUTA | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Alexandra BARDAN | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J |
Camelia BECIU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Valentina BOUREANU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Viorica Silvia BRANEA | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Moraru Elena Madalina BUGA | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Irene BUHANITA | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Ionut BUTOI | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Zecca Daniela BUZURA | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Camelia Mihaela CMECIU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Cristina Donca COMAN | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Camelia CUSNIR | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Georgeta DRULA | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Otilia Alina GAINAR | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Florica IUHAS | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Mirela LAZAR | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Antonia Ioana MATEI | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Antonio Roberto MOMOC | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Anamaria NICOLA | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Mihaela PAUN | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Marian PETCU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Florian PETRICA | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Dan Niculae PODARU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Raluca Nicoleta RADU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Luminita ROSCA | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Emilia SERCAN | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Adriana Daniela STEFANEL | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Romina Gabriela SURUGIU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Rodica Melinda SUTU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Manuela TIMBOLSCHI PREOTEASA | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Valeriu TURCAN | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Aurelia Ana VASILE | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Natalia VASILENDIUC | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Marius Iulian VEGHES RUFF | Journalism and Communication Studies | Cultural Anthropology and Communication | J | |
Valentin VILCU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Mirela Luminita ADASCALITEI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Vlad Tudor ALEXANDRESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Maria Sabina ALEXANDRU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Raluca ANDREESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Liliana ANGHEL | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Mioara Adelina ANGHELUTA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Corina Susana ANTON | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Asa Anna Elisabet APELKVIST | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Bjorn Johan APELKVIST | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Andrei AVRAM | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Larisa AVRAM | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Madeea Larisa AXINCIUC | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Alexandra Ileana BACALU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Ileana BACIU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Luminita Rodica BALAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Ilinca BALAS | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Oana Dana BALAS | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Maria Yvonne BANCILA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Eva BANYAI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Ana Maria BARBULESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Diana BENEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Sonia BERBINSCHI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Anca Maria BERCARU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Gabriela BILBIIE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Aliona BIVOLARU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Adina-Camelia BLEOTU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Marta Teodora BOBOC | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Irina Ioana BOCIANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Maria BOGHIU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Daniela BORDEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Malin Oana Iuliana BOSCA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Alina Monica BOTTEZ | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Razvan BRAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Anton BREINER | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Daniela Olimpia BROWN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
James Christian BROWN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Gabriela Anidora BROZBA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Miruna Ioana BULUMETE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Aura Cristina BUNORO | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Carmen BURCEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Paul Dacian BUZILA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Clara Georgeta CAPATINA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Daniela Lucia CARSTEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Jordi Joan CASSANY BATES | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Luca CEGLIA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Ioana Andreea CHIRITA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Adriana Emilia CIAMA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Tincuta Mianda CIOBA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Mihaela CIOBANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Cristina CIOVARNACHE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Dana COJOCARU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Diana Alina COLCERIU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Lidija COLEVIC | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Sorana Mihaela CORNEANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Alexandra CORNILESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Departamentul de English | L | |
Ruxandra COSMA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Ioana Miranda COSTA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Filologie Cla_ica, Neogreaca | L | |
Lidia Cristina COTEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Maria Aurelia COTFAS | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Marioara Camelia CRACIUN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Ioana Maria Constanta CRACIUN FISCHER | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Axinia CRASOVSCHI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Anca Elena CRIVAT | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Vlad Victor CUCU OANCEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Ioana Maria CUSIN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Horatiu Gabriel DECUBLE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Luminita Emanuela DIACONU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Sonia Cristina DIAS MENDES | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Anda DIMITRIU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Ana Camelia DINU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Anca Daniela DINU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Tudor Augustin Valeriu DINU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Cristina DOGARU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Katarina DOVC | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Ana-Andreea DOVGAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Ruxandra Mihaela DRAGAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Evemarie DRAGANOVICI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Mihai DRAGANOVICI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Lucia DRAGOMIR | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Andreea Luminita DUNAEVA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Mihail ENACHESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Ioana Hermine FIERBINTEANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Maria Aurora FIRTA-MARIN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Markus Michael FISCHER | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Flavia Carmen FLOREA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Anca FOCSENEANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Liviu FRANGA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Anamaria GEBAILA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Simona GEORGESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Theodor GEORGESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Filologie Cla_ica, Neogreaca | L | |
Alexandra Marina GHEORGHE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Elisabeta GHEORGHE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Nicoleta Gabriela GHEORGHE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Catalina Andreea GIRBEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Cristina Daniela GODUN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Ioana GOGEANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Delia Madalina GRIGORE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Gheorghe GRIGORE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Maria HOSCIUC | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Mihai IACOB | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Marina ILIE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Carmen ILIESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Alexandra Elena ILINA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Daniela Claudia IONESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Daniela Corina IONESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Departamentul de English | L | |
Eliana Cristina IONOAIA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Mihaela Lidia IRIMIA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Departamentul de English | L | |
Ana IROAIE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Maria IROD | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Dragos Alexandru IVANA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Mariana JATOP | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Dragos Ionel JIPA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Limba _i Literatura fFrancez | L | |
Ana KARLSTEDT | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Alena KLIMESOVA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Mariana KOCH | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Susanna KONNERTH | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Ruxandra LAMBRU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Maria LATCHICI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Ioan Gabriel LAZARESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Suau Joan LLINAS | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Gabriela LUPU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Marilena Felicia LUTA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Dragos Cristian MANEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Cristina Monica MANOLACHI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Florentina MARIN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Lucia MARINESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Dan MATEESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Lorena Clara MIHAES | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Lucia MIHAILA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Camelia Dana MIHAILESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Rodica MIHIL | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Anca Doina MILU-VAIDESEGAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Daniela-Violeta MIRODONE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Martin Borja MOZO | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Ioana MUNTEANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Luminita Simona MUNTEANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Gabriela MYERS | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Andrei NAE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Petruta Oana NAIDUT | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Octavia NEDELCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Simona NICOLAE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Alexandra NICOLAESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Madalina Alexandra NICOLAESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Adrian NICOLESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Mihai NISTOR | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Andreea Corina NUTU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Monica OANCA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Maria Luiza OANCEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Roxana Elena OLTEAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Antoaneta Liliana OLTEANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Viorel Sorin PALIGA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Mara PANAITESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Irina PAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Ioan PANZARU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Andreea Cristina PARIS-POPA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Lucia PARLEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Nikolay PASKALEV | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Marina Oltea PAUNESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Anca Georgeta PEIU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Roxana Cristina PETCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Roman PETRASUC | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Ovidiu PIETRAREANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Sabine PLESU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Vesna PODGORAC | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Ioana Sabina POPARLAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Anca POPESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Diana Florentina POPESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Ana POPOVICI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Mihaela PRECUP | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Daria Georgiana Venera PROTOPOPESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Catalina PUIU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Reka Maria PUPP | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Raluca Andreea RADULESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Ruxandra Oana RAIANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Ileana Maria RATCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Dusita RISTIN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Cornel Octavian ROSKE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Oana SALISTEANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Diana SAMARINEANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Valentin Adrian SANDULESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Gheorghe SARAU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Anca SEVCENCO | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Margareta SFIRSCHI LAUDAT | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Sorina Dora SIMION | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Laura Mariana SITARU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Daniela SOREA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Catalina STANCIU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Melania STANCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Mihaela Gabriela STANICA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Silvia Alexandra STEFAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Bogdan STEFANESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Claudiu-Marian STOIAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Irina STOICA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Alexandra Livia STOICESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Ioana STOICESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Stefan Mihai STROE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Radu SURDULESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Departamentul de English | L | |
Justyna Anna SZCZEPANIAK | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Szilard SZILAGYI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Iuliana TANASE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Mihaela Valentina TANASE DOGARU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Elena Alina TARICEANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Andreea TELETIN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Paula TEODORESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Alina Mihaela TIGAU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Simona Luiza TIGRIS | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Iuliana TIMOFTE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Madalina Maria TOADER | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Modern Languages | L | |
Veronica TOMESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Lucia-Anna TRUBACOVA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Roxana UTALE | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Anca Marina VELICU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Lidia VIANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Cristian Stefan VIJEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Carmen Gabriela VIOREANU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Nadina VISAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Ruxandra VISAN | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Lucia Mihaela VISINESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Claudia VLAD | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Romance Linguistics, Ibero-Romanian and Italian Languages and Literatures, Classical Philology and Modern Greek | L | |
Roxana Adriana VOICU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Camelia Diana YUKSEL | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Mihaela ZAHARIA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Germanic Languages and Literatures | L | |
Oana Alis ZAHARIA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Mihaela ZAMFIRESCU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Ramona ZAVOIANU PETROVICI | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Ioana ZIRRA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | English | L | |
Mugurel Dan ZLOTEA | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Oriental Languages and Literatures | L | |
Alexandru Laurentiu ZOICAS | Foreign Languages and Literatures | French Language and Literature | L | |
Andras ZOPUS | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Gyozo ZSIGMOND | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Hungarology, Jewish Studies and Rromani | L | |
Nicoleta Cristina ALBU | Letters | Administrative Sciences | LIT | |
Simona Maria ANTONESCU | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Gheorghe ARDELEAN | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Laurentiu Dorel AVRAM | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Iulian Coman BAICUS | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Olga Carmen BALANESCU BOBARNAT | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Cezar Cristian BALASOIU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Gabriela BARAN | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Silvia Alina BARUTCIEFF | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Roua Gabriela BIRIS | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Cristina Madalina BOGDAN | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Raluca BRAESCU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Constantin Emil BUCUR | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Minodora BUCUR | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Mircea CARTARESCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Paul CERNAT | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Stefan Cristian CIORTAN | Letters | Administrative Sciences | LIT | |
Cosmin CIOTLOS | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Valentina COJOCARU | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Mihaela CONSTANDA | Letters | Distance Learning Department | LIT | |
Stefan Catalin CONSTANTIN | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Mihaela Cristina CONSTANTINESCU | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Mihaela Viorica CONSTANTINESCU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Romanita Alexandra CONSTANTINESCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Robert Florin CORAVU | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Iulian Ioan COSTACHE | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Alexandra Florina CRACIUN | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Mihail Daniel CRISTEA ENACHE | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Mihaela CRISTESCU | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Cristina Ioana DIMA | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Caius DOBRESCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Simona DRAGAN | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Carmen Giorgiana DRAGOMAN | Letters | Distance Learning Department | LIT | |
Adina DRAGOMIRESCU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Oana Anca DUBALARU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Mihail DUMITRACHE | Letters | Administrative Sciences | LIT | |
Laura Ioana DUMITRESCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Roxana EICHEL | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Ionel ENACHE | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Claudia Mariana ENE | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Stefan FIRICA | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Monica FLOREA | Letters | Administrative Sciences | LIT | |
Balanoiu Simona FORTIN | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Ioana Ruxandra FRUNTELATA | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Ionut GEANA | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Andrea Cristina GHITA | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Andreea Victoria GRIGORE | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Liviu GROZA | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Viorel Vasile GURUIANU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Elena IONESCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Emil IONESCU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Elena Ruxandra IORDACHE | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Eugen ISTODOR-BERCEANU | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Oana Simona IUCU-BUMBU | Letters | Administrative Sciences | LIT | |
Ioana Cristina JOITA | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Gabriela JURUBITA | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Cristina Simona LEFTER | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Ion Bogdan LEFTER | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Raluca Mihaela LEVONIAN | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Octavia Luciana MADGE | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Ion MANOLESCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Luminita Anca MARCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Cornel Aurelian MICU | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Luminita Anca MIHAILESCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Emil MOANGA | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Cristian MOROIANU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Ioana Valentina MURARUS | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Carmen Silvia MUSAT | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Mihaela Isabela NEDELCU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Alexandru Cosmin NICOLAE | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Alexandru OFRIM | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Lucia OFRIM | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Helga Iuliana OPREA | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Emanuela Fernanda OSMAN | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Liviu PAPADIMA | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Irina Claudia PARASCHIV | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Ioana PARVULESCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Adriana Ramona POPA | Letters | Distance Learning Department | LIT | |
Catrinel Madalina POPA | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Sebastian Vlad POPA | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Constantin POPESCU | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Cristina POPESCU | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Oana Georgia PREDA | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Roxana Magdalena PREDA | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Enida-Maria PREDA-CINCORA | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Iuliana PRIOTEASA | Letters | Distance Learning Department | LIT | |
Doina Magdalena RADUTA | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Melania ROIBU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Dorina Florentina SAMIHAIAN | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Andrei SIPERCO | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Andreea SOARE | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Madalina SPATARU PRALEA | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Monica Michaela SPIRIDON | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Camelia STAN | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Alexandru STEFAN | Letters | Distance Learning Department | LIT | |
Ariadna Paula Domnica STEFANESCU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Loara STEFANESCU | Letters | Romanian Studies Center | LIT | |
Narcisa Alexandra STIUCA | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Gabriela STOICA | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Adrian STOICESCU | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Madalina Ramona TABACITU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Mihai Bogdan TANASE | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Miroslav Valeriu TASCU STAVRE | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
Ana Maria TEODORESCU | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Elena TIRZIMAN | Letters | Administrative Sciences | LIT | |
Cristina Alice TOMA | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Adela Emanuela TOPLEAN | Letters | Communication Sciences | LIT | |
Mihaela Izabela TUDOSE | Letters | Distance Learning Department | LIT | |
Delia Mihaela UNGUREANU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Camelia Gabriela USURELU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Oana UTA | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Niculina VARGOLICI | Letters | Administrative Sciences | LIT | |
Carmen VASILE | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Andra Maria VASILESCU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Mircea VASILESCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Ioana VASILOIU | Letters | Administrative Sciences | LIT | |
Constantin Ovidiu VERDES | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Razvan Mihai VONCU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Alexandra VRINCEANU | Letters | Literary Studies | LIT | |
Felicia WALDMAN | Letters | The Goldstein Goren Center for Hebrew Studies | LIT | |
Rodica Ileana ZAFIU | Letters | Linguistics | LIT | |
Rodica ZANE | Letters | Cultural Studies | LIT | |
George ANGHELESCU | Letters: CESI | The Multidisciplinary Doctoral School Space, Image, Text, Territory | LITC | |
Mihaela Raluca BIBIRI | Letters: CESI | The Multidisciplinary Doctoral School Space, Image, Text, Territory | LITC | |
Cristinel CIOCAN | Letters: CESI | The Multidisciplinary Doctoral School Space, Image, Text, Territory | LITC | |
Ileana MARIN | Letters: CESI | The Multidisciplinary Doctoral School Space, Image, Text, Territory | LITC | |
Laura MARIN | Letters: CESI | The Multidisciplinary Doctoral School Space, Image, Text, Territory | LITC | |
Laura Diana MESINA | Letters: CESI | The Multidisciplinary Doctoral School Space, Image, Text, Territory | LITC | |
Dumitru Bogdan ALEXE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Alexandru-George AMARIOAREI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Marian APRODU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Cornel Claudiu BAETICA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Iulia Teodora BANU DEMERGIAN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Cristian BEREANU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Lucian BEZNEA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Radu Eugen BORIGA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Ion Daniel BULACU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Cristian Mihai CAZACU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Aurelian CERNEA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Rodica CETERCHI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Daniela CHEPTEA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Carmen Elena CHIRITA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Carmen Elena CIDOTA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Mihai Constantin CRISTEA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Sorin DASCALESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Denisa DIACONESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Petrisor Liviu DINU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Anca Madalina DOBROVAT | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Mihaita DRAGAN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Dumitru Daniel DRAGULICI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Guillaume Jean Dominique DUCOFFE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Adrian Marius DUMITRAN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Tiberiu DUMITRESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Adela GEORGESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Gianina GEORGESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Catalin Liviu GHERGHE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Petre Valentin GHISOIU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Alexandru GICA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Radu Valer GRAMATOVICI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Andrei Dan HALANAY | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Iulia Elena HIRICA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Florentina HRISTEA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Petre Sorin ILIAS | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Radu Tudor IONESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Florentin Eugen IPATE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Paul IROFTI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Ioana LEUSTEAN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Laurentiu LEUSTEAN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Letitia Ana MARIN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Liviu MARIN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Ruxandra MARINESCU GHEMECI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Gabriela MIHAI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Ion MIHAI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Alexandru Iancu MIHAIL | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Gigel MILITARU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Gabriel MINCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Radu Stefan MINCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Victor MITRANA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Liliana MITRE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Natalia Gabriela MOANGA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Bianca MOGOS | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Iuliana MUNTEANU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Radu Bogdan MUNTEANU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Claudia MURESAN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Maria Corina NEGRU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Cristian NICULESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Sergiu NISIOI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Cristina Madalina NOAICA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Ruxandra Florentina OLIMID-NENCIONI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Vasile Teodor OPREA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Liviu ORNEA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Ciprian Ionut PADURARU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Varujan PAMBUCCIAN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Raisa PASCAN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Andrei Mihai PATRASCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Iulia Monica PATRICHE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Paul Andrei PAUN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Alexandru POPA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Ionel POPESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Marius Nicolae POPESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Stefan George POPESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Sorina Nicoleta PREDUT | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Gabriel Teodor PRIPOAE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Mihai-Dumitru PRUNESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Mihai-Dumitru SERBANUTA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Razvan Cornel SFETCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Dumitru Ioan STAMATE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Dragos STEFAN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Alin STEFANESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Gheorghe STEFANESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Mihai Sorin STUPARIU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Florentina SUTER | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Rozica Maria TACHE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Ana Maria TELEMAN | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Ana-Cristina TURLEA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Daniela VASILE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Silviu Laurentiu VASILE | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Elena Speranta VLADOIU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Grigore Marius VLADOIU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Cristian VOICA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Victor Corneliu VULETESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics | MI | |
Viorel AGHEANA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Stefan Lucian ALECU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Hellen Beatrice ALMASAN | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Eugen AVRAM | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Mariana BADEA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Lavinia Corina BARLOGEANU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Marilena BRATU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Cristian BUCUR | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Bucure_ti | P | |
Cristian BUICA BELCIU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Vlad Mihai BURTAVERDE | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Andreea BUTUCESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Elena Luminita BUZEA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Laura CAPITA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Claudia Elena CEAUSU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Bucure_ti | P | |
Ruxandra Claudia CHIRCA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Dana - Georgiana CHIVU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Foc_ani | P | |
Mihaela CHRAIF | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Laura Elena CIOLAN | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Bucure_ti | P | |
Lucian Ion CIOLAN | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Ileana Sanziana CIUNCAN | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Bucure_ti | P | |
Romeo Zeno CRETU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Diana CSORBA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Bucure_ti | P | |
Ioana Cristina DAVID | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Florina Ancuta DUMINICA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Anisoara DUMITRACHE | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Verginica Nicoleta DUTA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Gheorghe ENACHE | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Buzu | P | |
Luiza Elena ENACHI VASLUIANU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Foc_ani | P | |
Silvia FAT | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Aneta FELDMAN - SHAFIR | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Gina FLOREA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Foc_ani | P | |
Ruxandra Georgeta FOLOSTINA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Victoria GHEORGHE | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Buzu | P | |
Marina Cristina GHITA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Bucure_ti | P | |
Cezar Constantin GIOSAN | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Alin Sebastian GODEANU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Cristina Denisa GODEANU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Florinda Tinela GOLU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Adrian GORBANESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Claudia Iuliana IACOB | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Corneliu Ciprian ILADE | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Foc_ani | P | |
Dragos ILIESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Andrei Gabriel ION | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Bogdan Cezar ION | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Dragos Daniel IORDACHE | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Silvia ISTRATE | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Romita IUCU-BUMBU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Adrian LUCA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Flavia Lacramioara MALUREANU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Foc_ani | P | |
Elena MARIN | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Cornel Laurentiu MINCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Cosmina Marinela MIRONOV | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Laurentiu MITROFAN | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Iuliana Elena MOLNAR | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Oana Monica MOSOIU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Teodora Irina MOTATAIANU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Catalin NEDELCEA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Anca NEDELCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Elena NEGOITA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Buzu | P | |
Bogdan Teodor OPREA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Crenguta Lacramioara OPREA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Emilia OPRISAN | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Georgeta PANISOARA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Ion Ovidiu PANISOARA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Claudiu Cristian PAPASTERI | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Florentina Adina PESCARU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Bucure_ti | P | |
Ligiana Mihaela PETRE | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Anca Cristina PETRESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Bucure_ti | P | |
Mona Lisa PISLARU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Buzu | P | |
Ioana Roxana PODINA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Ovidiu Alexandru POP | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Doru Vlad POPOVICI | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Elena Anca POPOVICI | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Camelia Marinela RADULESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Bucure_ti | P | |
Violeta Stefania ROTARESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Sabina Veronica STAN | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Elena STANCULESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Cornelia STEFANESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Foc_ani | P | |
Valeriu STEFANESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Foc_ani | P | |
Mihaela Monica STINGU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Lidia Oana STOICAN | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Foc_ani | P | |
Marcel SULTANESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Buzu | P | |
Antoaneta Firuta TACEA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Daniela TIRCAVU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training - Buzu | P | |
Raluca TOMSA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Victorita TRIF | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Teacher Training | P | |
Loredana Adriana TUDORACHE | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psihopedagogie Special | P | |
Catalina ULRICH HYGUM | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Educational Sciences | P | |
Ionela Roxana UREA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Valentina Georgeta VARTIC | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Diana Lucia VASILE | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Emilian Florin VERZA | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Special Psychopedagogy | P | |
Elena Otilia VLADISLAV | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Andrei Serban ZANFIRESCU | Psychology and Educational Sciences | Psychology | P | |
Luminita Monica ALEXANDRU | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Mirela ANGHEL | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Radu BALTASIU | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Andreea BOBB | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Doru BUZDUCEA | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Claudia Nicoleta CAMPEANU | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Liviu CHELCEA | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Alexandra Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Claudia CONSTANTINESCU | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Calin Nicolae COTOI | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Mihael COZARESCU | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Elena Magdalena CRACIUN | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Darie Catalin CRISTEA | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Aurelia CURAJ | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Nicolae Adrian DAN | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Vasile DINCU | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Petronel Mirel DOBRICA | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Sorina Daniela DUMITRACHE | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Dan Gheorghe DUNGACIU | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Ioan DURNESCU | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Adrian DUSA | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Theodora Elena ENE | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Valeriu FIRTALA | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Claudia GHISOIU | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Vlad Alexandru GRIGORAS | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Laura Roxana GRUNBERG | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Marian Gabriel HANCEAN | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Raluca Andreea IROFTI | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Gabriel JDERU | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Mihaela Beatrice LAMBRU | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Florin LAZAR | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Elena Iulia MARDARE | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Valentina MARINESCU | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Gabriel MATAUAN | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Sanda Luminita MIHAI | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Gheorghita NISTOR | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Luana Miruna POP | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Lucian Bucur POP | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Mariana Mihaela POPA | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Marian PREDA | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Ana RADULESCU | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Georgiana Cristina RENTEA | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Ana Cosima RUGHINIS | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Valentina Ioana RUJOIU | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Ioana Alexandra RUSU | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Ionel SAVA | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Oana Mara STAN | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Anamaria SZABO | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Paul Cosmin TOTH | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Paula Andreea TUFIS | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Marian URSAN | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Daniela URSE | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Octavian Marian VASILE | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Smaranda WITEC | Sociology and Social Work | Social Work | SA | |
Irina Maria ZAMFIRACHE | Sociology and Social Work | Sociology | SA | |
Raluca Ioana ALEXANDRESCU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Catalin Marian AVRAMESCU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Ionela BALUTA | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Daniel Constantin BARBU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Ana Maria BARSAN | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Felicia BEJAN | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Radu CARP | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Mihai CHIOVEANU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Florin DIACONU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Cosmin Stefan DOGARU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Anca DOHOTARIU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Georgeta GHEBREA | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Luciana Alexandra GHICA | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Armant Constantin GOSU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Alexandru Gheorghe GUSSI | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Alexandra Alina IANCU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Bogdan IANCU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Alexandra Gabriela IONESCU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Ruxandra IVAN | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Dorin-Dan LAZEA | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Ligia Mihaela LIVADA CADESCHI | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Silvia MARTON | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Irina MATEI | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Antoanella Iulia MOTOC | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Elena Brindusa NICOLAESCU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Damiana Gabriela OTOIU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Camil Alexandru PARVU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Dan Antoniu PAVEL | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Cristina PETRESCU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Dragos PETRESCU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Andreea Bogdana PETRICA | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Caterina Laura PREDA | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Cristian Dan PREDA | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Victor Constantin RIZESCU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Octavian SOFRONEA | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Ioan STANOMIR | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Oana Valentina SUCIU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Oana Valentina TATARU CAZABAN | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Claudiu Daniel TUFIS | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Florin TURCANU | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Laurentiu Danut VLAD | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Camelia Florela VOINEA | Political Science | Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies | SP | |
Sorin BADRAGAN | Baptist Theology | Baptist Theology | TB | |
Emil BARTOS | Baptist Theology | Baptist Theology | TB | |
Corneliu BOINGEANU | Baptist Theology | Baptist Theology | TB | |
Otniel Ioan BUNACIU | Baptist Theology | Baptist Theology | TB | |
Emilia CEUTA | Baptist Theology | Baptist Theology | TB | |
Mihail MALANCEA | Baptist Theology | Baptist Theology | TB | |
Emanuel Adrian SARBU | Baptist Theology | Baptist Theology | TB | |
Alexandru VLASIN | Baptist Theology | Baptist Theology | TB | |
Nicolae ACHIMESCU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Emanoil BABUS | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Alexandru Atanase BARNA | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Nicusor BELDIMAN | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Daniel BENGA | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Ștefan BUCHIU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Elena Iuliana BUGHIRICA | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Mihai BURLACU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Vasile Adrian CARABA | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Ion CARSTOIU | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Dan Ilie CIOBOTEA | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Mihai COMAN | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Tanasache COSTEA | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Vasile CRETU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Costel Lucian DOGAN | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Alexandru Marius DUMITRESCU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Constantin Traian GEORGESCU | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Nicolae GIOLU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Octavian Gheorghe GORDON | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Vasile GORDON | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Georgica GRIGORITA | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Gheorghe HOLBEA | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Cristinel IATAN | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Doinita ILIE | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Valentin ILIE | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Stelian IONASCU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Stefan Catalin IONESCU BERECHET | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Nicolae Adrian LEMENI | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Daniel Ciprian LOVIN | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Eugen MAFTEI | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Zaharia MATEI | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Aurel MIHAI | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Marian MIHAI | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Alexandru MIHAILA | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Ioan MOLDOVEANU | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Radu Petre MURESAN | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Sebastian Laurentiu NAZARU | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Sebastian NAZ?RU | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Jean NEDELEA | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Mihaela PALADE | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Constantin PATULEANU | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
George PAUNESCU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Georgian PAUNOIU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Mugurel PAVALUCA | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
David PESTROIU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Ovidiu Nicolae POP-BRANCUS | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Andreea Cosmina PREDA | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Constantin PREDA | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Ionel Sabin PREDA | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Nicolae PREDA | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Cosmin Daniel PRICOP | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Dumitru RADU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Vasile RADUCA | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Costena Cristina ROGOBETE | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Mihail Simion SASAUJAN | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Sorin Constantin SELARU | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Dumitru SORICA | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Petre SPERLEA | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Laurentiu TANASE | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Ionut Alexandru TUDORIE | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Silviu TUDOSE | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Marian VASILE | Orthodox Theology | Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art | TO | |
Marian VILD | Orthodox Theology | Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology | TO | |
Elise Marta ANDRO | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Stefan Cristian BECA | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Nicolae Gabriela BLEBEA | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Wilhelm DANCA | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Lucian DINCA | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Victor Emilian DUMITRESCU | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Eduard GIURGI | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Ioana ILIESCU | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Daniela Ionela MARE | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Cristina MARES | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Emil MORARU | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Tarciziu Hristofor SERBAN | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Wilhelm TAUWINKL | Roman-Catholic Theology | Theology and Socio-Religious Studies | TR | |
Mihai COMAN | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Mariana MAGIULEA JATOP | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Anca Maria BERCARU | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Russian and Slavic Philology | L | |
Marian POPESCU | Journalism and Communication Studies | Journalism | J | |
Bogdan ICHIM | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Cezara BENEGUI | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Alexandru DRAGOMIR | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Bogdan GHIMIS | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Traian Florin SERBANUTA | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |
Virgil Emil CAZANESCU | Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science | MI | |