Endava becomes partner of the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest to explore the benefits of using AI in archaeology

Endava becomes partner of the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest to explore the benefits of using AI in archaeology

Students from „Gheorghe Lazăr” National College explored and experienced how cutting-edge technology can improve archaeological research

The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB) recently partnered with Endava (NYSE ‘DAVA’), a global provider of digital transformation services, in a project which could revolutionize archeology through the application of AI-based technology. This innovative collaboration was showcased at the summer school “From Robotics to Archaeology: Experimental, Innovative and Exploratory Summer School”, held August 7-9, 2024, where students from „Gheorghe Lazăr” National College used AI technology and were able to test how it significantly improves archaeological research.

The summer school focused on the integration of robotics and state-of-the-art technology in archaeology, with the aim of developing new skills and promoting new innovative research directions for the University of Bucharest. The hands-on sessions at the Sultana archaeological site, Călărași county, gave participants the opportunity to learn how to integrate robotic technology into the processes of archaeological discovery and analysis. This unique experience combined technological education with a passion for history, providing students with a dynamic and interactive learning platform.

The collaboration aims to develop new solutions, aimed at revolutionizing the field of archeology and providing researchers with innovative methods of interpreting archaeological sites with unique precision and efficiency. By integrating advanced technologies such as drones, artificial intelligence, computer vision, and robotics, archaeologists can more easily conduct non-invasive surveys, create detailed 3D maps, and automate time-consuming tasks. In addition to increasing efficiency, this collaboration opens up new opportunities for exploration and analysis, thus bringing a deeper understanding of ancient civilizations.

Endava contributed with its vast experience in the field of AI and automation, having experts who coordinated brainstorming sessions, proposed and validated project concepts, and provided insights into possible applications of artificial intelligence and robotics in archaeological research.

„For Endava, the collaboration with the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest and the Gheorghe Lazăr National College is an investment in the future and innovation achieved through education. It was very interesting to work with these remarkable young people and, thanks to the expertise of my colleagues and the team at Gheorghe Lazăr, I am convinced that new opportunities and perspectives will develop”, stated Adrian Buturugă, Principal Development Consultant Endava.

“We are uncovering the roots of the past to illuminate the future. At Sultana, a 6,000-year-old Eneolithic site, we continue to reveal humanity’s hidden stories through a Romanian-German interdisciplinary research program that began in 2021. As an archaeologist, I eagerly anticipate collaborating with these young robotics specialists, creating bridges between generations, and combining modern technological expertise with a deep understanding of the past to bring new perspectives and innovative methods to archaeology,” added Dr. Cătălin Alexandru Lazăr, ArchaeoSciences Platform (ASp), Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB).

Students learned to use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Total Station (TS) for mapping and photographic analysis, looking for conceptual bridges that facilitate the integration of robotics, AI, and drones to map the Sultana archaeological site. The techniques presented included the creation of 3D models and the collection of geospatial data.

Using the same technology, students also participated in land surveys without resorting to invasive methods (electrical, geo-magnetic, GPR) to detect buried archaeological structures without invasive excavation. At the same time, they were involved in scanning and analyzing artifacts and ecofacts with the help of AI and robots in the lab.

„Innovation in automotive technology, such as the use of advanced sensors, artificial intelligence-based systems, and autonomous navigation, has major potential for applications in archaeology. Just as autonomous vehicles rely on environmental mapping and AI to make real-time decisions, these technologies can be used to scan and analyze archaeological sites. By integrating 3D modeling, geospatial data collection, and non-invasive surveying—in a similar way to LiDAR techniques and automotive sensor fusion—we can discover and understand buried structures and artifacts with remarkable accuracy, without resorting to invasive methods”, stated Ovidiu-Anton Porumb, Senior Industry Advisor, Automotive Endava.

Another debated topic was “Automating lengthy archaeological processes with the help of robots”.      Discussions focused on developing and programming robots to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks in archaeology, such as drawing, photographing, describing, and preliminary analyses, but also cleaning, restoring, packaging, and preserving artifacts.

ICUB is looking for local and European funding to advance these innovative projects to the proof-of-concept phase

About Endava

Endava is a global company with a passion for leveraging the latest technologies to drive meaningful change. By combining world-class engineering, industry expertise and a people-centric mindset, it consults and partners with its customers to create technological solutions that drive innovation and transform businesses.

Working side by side with leading brands, Endava helps businesses accelerate and take advantage of new business models and market opportunities across various industries, including payments, insurance, finance and banking, technology, media, telecommunications, retail and consumer goods, supply chain, healthcare and life sciences, automotive and travel.

From ideation to production, Endava’s agile, multidisciplinary teams support its customers through every step of their digital transformation journey, from ideation to production, creating dynamic platforms and intelligent digital experiences.

About ICUB

The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB) is an innovative research structure of the University of Bucharest (UB) and includes four divisions that interact through common vision and approaches: Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences, Exact Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities.

In addition to the 4 key areas of research, ICUB supports and hosts two specific platforms: ArchaeoSciences (The Interdisciplinary Institutional Platform for Excellence in Research, Development and Professional Training in the Field of Archaeological Sciences) and the Gender Studies Platform.

ICUB’s mission is threefold: to stimulate and promote excellence in the research activity of the University of Bucharest; to establish itself as a central hub in an international network of research institutes and to foster collaboration with other centres and projects; and to go beyond the strategies of traditional areas of fundamental research and to explore cross-cutting approaches worldwide, including cross-disciplinary research from all fields.

True to the engagement to foster collaboration both locally and internationally, ICUB organizes top-quality interdisciplinary research-oriented events, such as research seminars, summer schools, workshops, colloquia, and international conferences.

The Summer School had the support of the project SciResCareer – PNRR C9-I10: Financial Contract no. 760032/23.05.2023, cod 4/16.11.2022, financed within PNRR/C9 Investment I10 – Start-up and financial support of a national network of eight regional centres for career orientation, part of the ERA TALENT PLATFORM.


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