On Tuesday 7 June 2022 at 2.30 pm, the “Inclusive universities in the era of migration” event will be held by Sapienza University of Rome at the Aula Organi Collegiali of the university Rectorate, organized as part of the UNI(di)VERSITY project, to discuss the strategies and role of European Higher Education Institutions for the creation of inclusive universities in the era of migration.
The programme of the event can be consulted here.
Interested participants can join the event in person and/or online here (Zoom).
The event is part of the UNI(di)VERSITY training week entitled “Strategies for inclusion of refugees and migrants in European Universities” (7-10 June 2022) which will be attended by 40 academic experts and officials from Italian and European universities interested in learning about tools and strategies for the inclusion of refugees and migrants in higher education. After the institutional greetings, there will be speeches by UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the presentation of the book “Opening Up the University: Teaching and Learning with Refugees” by Ian Cook of Central European University.
At the end of the day, representatives of European universities will share about the support actions carried out for migrant and refugee students, with the scope of creating universities open to diversity and inclusion.
To know more about the project and for updated information about the UNI(di)VERSITY Training Week, follow us at www.unidiversity.eu.