Physicist Ioan Stamatin, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest and director of the 3Nano-SAE Center. Nanosciences – Alternative Energy Sources of UB, in a new episode of the microSCOPE series, gave us the opportunity to enter the world of physics and of the connection areas between physics, chemistry and biology.
The fifth episode of the microSCOPE series can be accessed here.
Aiming to make a brief history of the 3NanoSAE Research Center. Nanosciences – Alternative Energy Sources of the UB, this episode of the microSCOPE series presents the Center from its establishment, the definition of research areas and the identification of its main objectives to its present activities and the interaction between the teaching staff and researchers of the Faculty of Physics with the students at the University from Bucharest. Thus, prof. Ioan Stamatin spoke to us about the main achievements of the Center since its foundation until now, about national and international projects, some materialized in patents.
Prof. Ioan Stamatin leads us through a challenging journey into the world of renewable energies and biofuel cells, the use of microorganisms in biofuel cells for the recovery of platinum metals, while also revealing details on a new research direction of the Center, namely the use of nanoparticles in the study of plants.
Conceived as a meeting area between students, professors and researchers, the Center has become that interdisciplinary point of learning and experimentation that allows students to have a deeper contact with various technologies. Thus, by experimenting, “playing”, as prof. Ioan Stamatin says, they manage to understand how research and studies have direct implications in everyday reality and how they can directly contribute to identifying those solutions that will come to meet the challenges that society faces.
More information on the 3Nano-SAE Center. Nanosciences – Alternative Energy Sources are available here.
Prof. Ioan Stamatin, PhD, is a professor and PhD supervisor at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest and director of the 3Nano-SAE Center. Nanosciences – Alternative Energy Sources of UB. He is the author of numerous specialized works.
His research areas mainly focus on renewable energies and alternative energy sources. Within the Center 3Nano-SAE coordinates and carries out activities with electrochemical energy converters (fuel cells, batteries, supercapacitors), energy storage and conversion, eco-nanotechnologies and the synthesis of nanomaterials. At the same time, he specializes in polymers, biopolymers, bio-nanotechnologies, material characterization and rapid prototyping.
More details on prof. Ioan Stamatin’s activity are available here.
Part of the science communication program developed by the University of Bucharest, the “microSCOPE: UB Researcher on Air” series aims to present in a dynamic and concise manner information on the concrete results of some notable research efforts within the University of Bucharest.
In terms of format and objectives, the microSCOPE series comes to complete the science communication program of the University of Bucharest, which also includes the UB Conferences – Science for Everyone and the UB Dose of Science.
The objective of the series is to promote those research projects (patents, articles and books) which, through the major contribution made to the field of which they belong, have come to benefit from international recognition, thus encouraging the connection between UB and various universities and research institutions abroad.
The microSCOPE, whose guests are primarily researchers from the UB awarded for their research results, aims to contribute to informing the Romanian academic milieu, but also other categories of interested public, on the main research projects carried out within the UB, thus stimulating the development of future collaborative initiatives.