For the fifth consecutive year, the students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Bucharest achieved exceptional results in the 17th edition of the Southeastern European Mathematical Competition for University Students – SEEMOUS 2023.
Organized under the patronage of the Mathematical Society of Southeastern Europe, the Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Skopje, the 2023 edition took place in Struga, North Macedonia between March 7-12, 2023.
The University of Bucharest was represented at the competition by three students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. All three students at the University of Bucharest conquered the podium of the SEEMOUS competition: gold – Mario-Cosmin Drăguț and Octavian-Ionut Joița, and silver – Divia-Petra Negoescu.
Remarkable is the performance of the student Mario-Cosmin Drăguț who obtained the highest score in the competition.
All three winners are first-year students majoring in Mathematics.
The team was coordinated by Dan Dumitrescu, a former medalist at this competition, currently a first-year master’s student at the Probability and Statistics in Finance and Sciences program within the IMF. Andrei Bâra also contributed to the training of the team, a former medalist at SEEMOUS, master’s student in the second year of the FMI’s Didactic Mathematics master’s program.
In the 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 editions, UB students were also on the podium of the competition
On the podium, like at home. This is how we could describe the experience of the last years of participation in SEEMOUS: gold in 2018, gold in 2019, gold in 2020, gold in 2022 and gold in 2023.In 2019, the University of Bucharest was represented at the event by Dragoș Manea, a second-year student in Mathematics, who won the competition, ranking first, with the highest score and a gold medal. Dragoș also participated in the 2018 edition of the competition, where he won a silver medal. Also in 2019, Andrei-Robert Bâra, first-year student in Mathematics, ranked 2-3, and Călin-Daniel Spiridon, second-year student in Mathematics, 4th place, both receiving a gold medal. Călin also won a gold medal at last year’s edition of the competition. Andrei-Alexandru Jelea, a first-year student in Mathematics, also won a gold medal, who placed 6th, competing for the Politehnica University of Bucharest, where he is also a student. You can read more on the success of UB students at SEEMOUS 2019 here.
The 2020 edition of competition took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 3-8 March and brought together students from 14 universities in Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia and Romania. The University of Bucharest was represented at the competition by three students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.All three students obtained gold medals, with a special mention for Andrei-Robert Bâra, who ranked absolute 1st place, with the maximum score. Second-year student in Mathematics, Andrei was, as previously mentioned, also on the podium at the 2019 edition of SEEMOUS, when he ranked 2-3. A gold medal was also won by Dan-Ștefan Dumitrescu, ranked 5th, as well as Andrei-Vlad Catăron, who ranked 6th. At the time of the competition, the two were first-year students in Mathematics. More details on the participation of UB students in the 2020 edition of SEEMOUS can be accessed here.
Also, in 2021, the students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Bucharest achieved exceptional results in the XVth edition of SEEMOUS. Three students obtained gold medals, with a special mention for Sergiu-Ionuț Novac, who ranked first. Gold medals were also obtained by Dan-Ștefan Dumitrescu and Vlad-Nicolae Robu, who ranked 2nd. Last but not least, the student Ana-Teodora Bercaru obtained a silver medal. More details on the participation of UB students in the 2020 edition of SEEMOUS can be accessed here.Last year’s edition (2022) of SEEMOUS took place in Belgrade, Serbia, from 27 May to 1 June. The University of Bucharest was also represented at the competition by three students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.All three students at the University of Bucharest conquered the podium of the SEEMOUS competition: gold – Vlad Nicolae Robu, silver – Andrei Tiberiu Pantea and bronze – Paul Florin Rebenciuc.The students at the University of Bucharest were accompanied to the competition by prof. Cornel Băetica, PhD, teaching staff at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (UB).More details on the participation of UB students in the 2022 edition of SEEMOUS can be accessed here.