The series “Project under the lens ” invited physicists Bogdan Dobrică and Ioan Stamatin, as well as students Andreea-Ștefania Anisei, Alexia Maria Vișan and George Ionescu, to discuss about Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, but most particularly to speak about a course at the end of which attendants acquire practical abilities and are more prepared for the real life and the work market.
The second edition of the series “Project under the lens” is available bellow.
The discussion was made possible with the implementation of the innovative IoT & AI course at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest by specialist Bogdan Dobrică, with the support of professor Ioan Stamatin, PhD.
Designed as an interactive and friendly course, in which the students and trainer work as a team, the format is circumscribed to a new learning concept, namely innoversity, which refers to the integration of learning with innovation, research and development and implies, among others, combining the course with the laboratory and seminary, and theory with practice.
During the course, students learn practical things and acquire real abilities by working on practical projects, such as a semantic search engine, a cleaning robot or a solar cell system. One of the innovations that this format brings is the fact that activities undertaken during it reproduce the manner of work specific to corporations, inclusively by using tools specific to the field.
Another innovation concerns the manner of evaluation at the completion of the course. Students don’t receive grades, but they have to go through an interview that resembles the hiring process in a real company, and includes three evaluation sessions with three different experts, recruiters with experience in the field of IoT and Machine Learning. Moreover, the feedback of the evaluations is noted in the participation certificate, emitted by a company with experience in professional training. Both the certificate, as well as the feedback can be used on LinkedIn to increase one’s chances of being hired.
More information about this course and what its aims are, on the interaction and atmosphere at the course, the reasons students chose it and the fields they can pursue after finalizing it, in episode no. 2 of the “Project under the lens”, with physicists Bogdan Dobrică and Ioan Stamatin and students Andreea-Ștefania Anisei, Alexia Maria Vișan and George Ionescu.
PhD Bodgan Dobrică is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Bucharest. He also chose a Master’s program in Distributed Systems and obtained his PhD in Physics in 2014. He was involved in research projects which were finalized with three patents. He has experience in the IoT field in financing and integrated product market placing. Since 2017, he is dedicated to the field of Artificial Intelligence in the corporate sector, currently working as a ML Ops Engineer for Bolt ride-hailing company. More details are available on Bogdan Dobrică’s LinkedIn profile.
Professor Ioan Stamatin, PhD, is part of the teaching staff and PhD coordinator at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest, and is Director of the 3Nano-SAE Centre. Nanosciences – Alternative energy sources. He is the author of a impressive number of specialty papers. His fields of research include mainly regenerable energies and alternative energy sources. At 3Nano-SAE Centre he coordinates and undergoes activities with electrochemical energy converters (fuel cells, batteries, supercapacitors), stocking and converting energy, eco-nanotechnologies and the synthesis of nanomaterials. At the same time, he is specialized in polymers, biopolymers, bio-nanotechnologies, rapid prototyping.
More information about professor Ioan Stamatin are available here and here.
Details about the IoT & AI course can be accessed here.