In the context of the spread of the infection with Coronavirus COVID-19 internationally, but also of a small number of cases in Bucharest, cases that have no connection with our institution, the University of Bucharest, through the Executive Office of the Board of Directors, meeting on the 9th. March 2020, made the following decisions:
1. Within the management of the University of Bucharest, a Coordination and Monitoring Group of the situation regarding Coronavirus COVID-19 was set up, of which they are part: conf. univ. dr. Sorin Costreie, Vice-Rector of University Networks and Public Relations, prof. dr. Bogdan Ştefănescu, Vice-Rector of Internationalization, prof. dr. Carmen Chifiriuc, Vice-Rector of Research, prof. univ. dr. Lucian Ciolan, Vice-Rector of Development Projects, Continuous Learning and Educational Infrastructure and associate professor dr. Radu Gramatovici, Vice-Rector for Students and Computerization. They will act in a coordinated manner so as to ensure that the best measures are taken to prevent and control the situation in all UB faculties;
2. The University of Bucharest adopts, as a preliminary internal procedure, the provisions of the Procedure and the criteria for suspending the school courses in the educational establishments in the context of confirming one case / several cases of COVID-19 in the Decision no. 6 of 6.03.2020 of the Group of technical-scientific support regarding the management of highly contagious diseases in the territory of Romania, issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs – Department for Emergency Situations;
3. The University of Bucharest monitors the evolution of the situation at national and local level and is in constant dialogue with the competent institutions of the state, acting promptly on the future evolutions of the situation;
4. At this time, March 9, 2020, at 4:00 pm, there is no suspicion or confirmation of Coronavirus COVID-19 infection in the academic community of the University of Bucharest. The coordination and monitoring group is in permanent contact with the faculties and the administration, in order to constantly monitor the situation;
5. The coordination and monitoring group can be contacted at the e-mail address to communicate any situation that may have to do with the evolution of Coronavirus COVID-19.
Preventive measures are essential to avoid contracting the COVID-19 virus. Hygiene measures are mandatory and effective, and treating the current situation globally with responsibility helps to avoid and reduce the natural anxiety associated with this context. Even when it is not possible to evade from agglomerations, it is important to wear the protective mask and use specific hygiene products: washing hands with soap and water, washing the face, using disinfectants based on alcohol or chlorine.
The University of Bucharest recommends that all persons who have been in the last 14 days in areas at risk of infection with Coronavirus COVID-19 or have come into contact with persons tested positive for this virus to remain in voluntary isolation at home for a period of 14 days and avoid contact with others. If symptoms such as fever, headache and cough appear during this period, the person is obliged to call the emergency service 112 and inform about the situation.
At the level of the National Institute of Public Health, subordinated to the Ministry of Health, the TELVERDE line (0800 800 358) has been operationalized for citizens who want information regarding the prevention of infection with the Coronavirus COVID-19 virus. Calling the unique emergency number 112 is only for emergency situations, and for the information request citizens are asked to call the TELVERDE line.
We recommend all people with flu symptoms to remain in voluntary isolation at home for a period of 14 days. We also recommend to all members of the University of Bucharest community to act calmly and responsibly, the states of excessive concern or panic preventing the appropriate reactions to a situation that can be managed, within specific limits, by both competent entities and each of us.
We assure the academic community of UB that we put the safety of the students and employees of the University on the foreground and, depending on the evolution of the situation and the decisions of the central authorities, we will take all the necessary measures.
Executive Office of the Board of Directors of the University of Bucharest
March 9, 2020