Dear candidates,
Citizens of EU/SC/EEA countries and asylees of Romania that want to pursue an academic path in the University of Bucharest must follow the admission process directly at the faculty of their choice.
Here you can find the 19 faculties of the University of Bucharest and their academic offer
Frequently Asked Questions
If your school/University can provide you with a provisional degree certificate, you can apply with it. Note that the provsional certificate must be not older than one year. However, as soon as your diploma is issued, you need to submit it in original/translated and certified copy to the university (if you’ll get to be enrolled).
Yes. While applying for the study visa, you need to present in original the letter of acceptance and the proof of payment of the study fees.
No. To be officially accepted you need to make the enrollment, in person, at the UB, presenting all the documents required in original, all of them legalized by the Embassy of Romania. The letter of acceptance is issued for visa purposes only.
You have to submityour original documents personally at the International Relations Office within the deadline specified on the website. The IRO staff will verify them and will send them to the Faculty. Only then you will become officially student at UB.
Legalization is the official confirmation that a signature, seal or stamp on a document is genuine. Without it, the candidate’s educational documents are not valid in Romania. The legalization is done by the Romanian Embassy, therefore a candidate needs to contact the Romanian Embassy in his/her country (or the one that is closer to his/her country). If the country, where the document was issued, has signed the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, legalization is replaced by Apostille attached to the document. The list of countries – members of the Convention is available on the following website:
Generally, not. However, some faculties may require an interview in order to evaluate the candidates.
If you pay a tuition fee for the first year of your studies and then fail to get the study visa, the tuition fee will be reimbursed (repaid) to you acoording to the methodology of reimnoursement.
Yes, if the study programme you are interested in is offered in English or French. Please check our academic offer from the site.
For candidates who are not speaking Romanian language and want to attend a study program offered only in Romanian, UB offers a preparatory year of Romanian language (one year course) in order to get the necessary linguistic competencies in order to join a BA/MA/PhD program next year. For information regarding the admission requirements, please access the section dedicated to the admission.
No, the University of Bucharest does not offer scholarships. For scholarship opportunities please access the websites of the Miistry of Education and Research and/or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Romania.
Yes, there are different study fees according to the field of study. Please access the section dedicated to admission for more information.
No, there is no age limit in order to apply for studies at UB.
According to the metholodogy for accommodation, UB accommodates with priority international students who are scholarship holders (based on interguvernmental agreements). Upon availability, we can accommodated other categories of students.
Yes. After the enrollment, all international students enrolled in a higher education institution in Romania will have to register to the Immigration Office (obraining the residence permit) and to the National Healt Insurance House. The IRO officers will guide you through the process by providing all the information in this regard.
The study fee must be paid integral from the beginning, since the proof of payment is one of the docuents needed while applying for the study visa.
The schedule is issued by the faculty. We advise you to get in contact with the secretary of the faculty or search on the faculty’s website.
The Romanian authorities allow you to work part-time (4h/day).
You can pay the tuition fee online by bank transfer or going to a bank to make the payment. The bank account information is written on your letter of acceptance. The proof of payment must be sent to the International Relations Office and to the Secretary’s Office of the Faculty.
Please contact us as soon as possible so we can put you in contact with the Immigration Office. Please contact us with at least two month before your residence permit expires in order to be able to regulate your stay in Romania on time.
The reexaminations are paid starting with the third attempt. The fees are available on the site..
If you need a student certificate, you can request it from the International Relations Office. Please note that if you need it in French or English, you are required to pay a fee at the cashier’s office.
A power of attorney is a legal document that grants a person the legal authority to act on another’s behalf and make certain decisions for them. A power of attorney needs to be signed in front of a licensed notary public in order to be legally binding.
The power of attorney is needed in case the student cannot personally bring the necessary documents for admission or send them by dhl DHL courier company. The student can designate a representatives to submit the file. Upon submission, he needs to present the power of attorney in original.
The study fees must be paid after receiving the letter of acceptance, but before applying for the study visa. Note that one of the documents required for obtaing the student visa is the proof of payment.
—————————– VIDEO —————————–
Foreign students and the Romanian language
Study in Romania
Things to do in Romania
The world without Romania
International Relations and Foreign Students Office
Telephone: +4021-305.46.42
Facebook: International Relations Department University of Bucharest
Blog: Coolturing higher education
Monday-Thursday: 13:00 – 15:00
90-92 Șos. Panduri, 4th floor, room 404, Bucharest, 050663, Romania
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