Local CIVIS Days Bucharest 2021: meetings with civil society, conferences, contests and games, organized by the University of Bucharest for the academic community

Local CIVIS Days Bucharest 2021: meetings with civil society, conferences, contests and games, organized by the University of Bucharest for the academic community

Out of the desire to increase the institution’s involvement as a responsible actor in the community, the University of Bucharest organizes, between December 6-10, 2021, in hybrid format – offline & online -, the Local CIVIS Days Bucharest 2021.

The agenda of the event will include meetings and discussions with ambassadors of CIVIS member states, local authorities and representatives of non-governmental organizations, a conference on the future of higher education from the perspective of European alliances, as well as a series of conferences, competitions and presentations dedicated to the students at the University of Bucharest.

Designed to bring together students, professors, administrative staff, decision makers, innovators and local authorities, the meetings of Local CIVIS Days Bucharest 2021 aim to create an adequate context for discussion and cooperation in order to strengthen CIVIS by identifying innovative solutions to the societal and local challenges encountered by the academic communities of the alliance.

Thus, during the five days, professors, students and administrative staff from UB will have the opportunity to discover the opportunities offered by the CIVIS Alliance, discuss with colleagues from the other nine partner universities and participate in the development of the future of the Consortium.

The series of events organized by the University of Bucharest on the occasion of Local CIVIS Days Bucharest 2021 began on Monday, December 6, with the first edition of CIVISthon UB, a project competition in which students from the 19 faculties of the University are invited to submit initiatives that consider social involvement and are oriented towards the identification and provision of solutions in the main areas of interest of the consortium.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021, will be dedicated to creating better cohesion between academia, public authorities and civil society.

Thus, the University of Bucharest organizes an online meeting of the academic community with local authorities and representatives of non-governmental organizations. The event will begin with an official presentation of CIVIS activities and mission and will focus on the development directions of the CIVIS Consortium and the relationship between the University of Bucharest and the community to which it belongs.

Also, in the “Ioan Mihăilescu” Amphitheater of the Rectorate, a meeting will take place with the ambassadors of the states with CIVIS member universities and the representatives of the national public authorities.

Based on the experiences of CIVIS, the University of Bucharest also proposes a debate on the construction of the European Higher Education Area, from the perspective of European universities. Thus, on Thursday, starting with 14:00, the conference “University of the future. Bucharest – CIVIS – Europe. A debate on the perspectives of the Romanian higher education”. The event will also be streamed live on the Facebook of the University of Bucharest

The conference will be attended by Ms. Ligia Deca, Presidential Adviser – Department of Education and Research, and Professor Marilen Gabriel Pirtea, PhD, Rector of the West University of Timişoara and coordinator of the RO European Universities group.

On behalf of the University of Bucharest, the event will be attended by Professor Marian Preda, PhD, Rector of the University of Bucharest, Associate Professor Sorin Costreie, PhD, Vice-rector of the University of Bucharest and institutional coordinator of the CIVIS project, Profesor Romiță Iucu, PhD, President of the COAS of the University of Bucharest  and Coordinator of the Subgroup for European Diploma within the FOR EU Group – European Commission, as well as Angelo Petre, student of the Faculty of Geography of the University of Bucharest and member of CIVIS Global Student Council.

The final of the CIVISthon UB competition will take place online on Friday, December 10, 2021, starting at 10:00. The winning projects of the CIVISthon UB competition must offer creative, efficient and realistic solutions, correctly describe the social, cultural and economic context in which the issue is identified, demonstrate knowledge of the CIVIS consortium, its areas of interest, projects and directions and be presented in a persuasive and professional manner.

The series of events organized by the University of Bucharest on the occasion of Local CIVIS Days Bucharest 2021 will end with the award ceremonies for CIVISthon UB and for the “CIVIS Student Journal” contest. The event will be streamed live on the Facebook page of the University of Bucharest, and the prizes for the most interesting, sustainable, creative and appreciated projects will be offered by BCR, Fland Gruppe and Kaufland Romania.

The full agenda of events can be found here.

CIVIS – a European University, ten university campuses, countless opportunities

European Civic University CIVIS is a European academic alliance that brings together ten of the most important and reputable universities in Europe: Aix-Marseille Université (France), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), University of Bucharest (Romania), Université Libre de Brussels (Belgium), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy), Stockholm University (Sweden), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany), University of Glasgow (UK) and Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg (Austria).

Selected by the European Commission among the top 17 European pilot universities, CIVIS brings together a community of over 480,000 students and 70,000 employees, of which 32,000 are professors and researchers.

More information on CIVIS can be accessed both on the official website, www.civis.eu, and on the page on the website of the University of Bucharest, available here.


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