Stockholm University invites MA students from all CIVIS universities to join in open online courses in the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023, starting January 2023. The courses, organized under CIVIS aegis, cover a series of thematic areas.
Stockholm University’s offer for the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023 includes four online courses:
Cultural evolution: theories and observations (16 January – 26 March 2023)
Cultural evolution: project (20 March – 4 June 2023)
Cultural Heritage and Politics of Memory – Europe in the 20th Century (16 January – 26 March 2023)
Transnational practices: Diversities in a globalized world (16 January – 26 March 2023)
The application deadline for these open online courses, starting in January 2023, is 17 October 2022.
The list of courses available in the academic year 2022-2023 is available on the CIVIS site, here.
Interested students are required to fill out this CIVIS form at the same time as they apply through the Swedish system, available in the courses listing. They must complete both processes in order to join an Open Online Course at Stockholm University and receive the CIVIS Passport afterwards. The students should check with their home universities if ECTS credit points earned will be recognised as part of their programmes of studies.
More details about the open online courses organized by Stockholm University can be accessed here, while more details about CIVIS open online courses and about the offer at other CIVIS universities can be accessed here.
CIVIS is a European University Alliance gathering 11 member universities: Aix-Marseille Université (France), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), University of Bucharest (Romania), Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), Sapienza Università di Roma (Italia), Stockholm University (Sweden), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany), University of Glasgow (UK), Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (Austria) and University of Lausanne (Switzerland). Selected by the European Commission as one of the first 17 European Universities pilots, it brings together around half a million students and more than 70 000 staff members, including 37 400 academics and researchers.