Dear colleagues,
Dear students,
We are now facing a crisis like no other. A global crisis that we are all confronting, , not only us Romanians or members of the academic community of our university. I strongly believe that only together we will be able to overcome this crisis properly.
It is a crisis that causes uncertainty and need to adapt. It is about quick change of how we work and interact, about quick change of the social reality of our everyday life. We have to quickly adapt, make decisions for new situations and accept social isolation. Yet, it is together that we must act. We should now be resilient and have civic attitude, for our own good and of those vulnerable.
Suspending “face to face” courses and working remotely is one of such necessary decisions. I am aware that most of us, employees and students altogether, are either at home, in the students’ hostels, or at work, behind their computers, and checking their phones to find out what happens and what will be next.
I talk daily, on the phone or through videoconferences, with many of you. I am aware there is a serious concern. Yet, there is also much trust and hope. I’m asking you to be calm and solidary. This unusual situation, that brings so much change into our life, unites us. Many teachers, students and employees have a good response to the situation. They get organized on their own, responsible, cooperating and helping others.
From the very beginning of this situation our colleagues are working to make the transition process to online learning as easy as possible. The Coordination Group for Online Educational Activities, at university level, has already embarked on the challenging task to draft instructions for how to use the online platforms and will soon make them available to the faculties. You will get technical care and support. Support groups are being formed, at each faculty, to support the teaching-learning activities and the research activities. Many students and teachers got organized on their own, and already communicate on different platforms (virtual platforms, social networks etc.) Either by traditional or modern means, the teachers have already sent class support materials and information to students or their representatives. We welcome all these initiatives, as they are of real help. There should be no concern about the fairness of working with students. There is no required way to work with students. Although there will be university or faculty institutional support, any other way to communicate between the teachers and students is accepted and encouraged, so that a continuous education and training process is assured. At the end of the crisis we will recover what was not possible to teach online, such as some laboratories or various forms of immediate assessments.
It is important to go through this first stage of the crisis. I am confident that Romania, Bucharest, our university, are strong and will overcome the crisis properly!
We should obey the authorities’ rules in order not to overload the healthcare system and to protect the vulnerable.
We should also keep on working together.
Let’s stay connected from our homes, offices, students’ hostels, from our computers and phones and, which is more important, keep on working together. Thus, after the activity will be resumed, there will be less work to keep up with.
For each one of us this is a time that changes our behaviours, drags us out of our comfort zone, both professionally and personally. It’s together that we’re strong. It is important to stay isolated, to temporarily adapt to the new conditions and continue to keep in touch with each other.
Dear colleagues, dear students,
The true spring, that is the end of the crisis, will come later this year. ”Face to face “ courses may be suspended until after Easter , which is the celebration of the Resurrection and of rebirth. Sooner or later, we will return to the spaces of our university and resume our normal, everyday life.
Let’s move forward and overcome this unprecedented situation together. I assure you that everything will be fine eventually because common good always wins.
With solidarity and trust,
Marian Preda