On the 18th of October 2018, the Social Sciences Section of the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest organizes the event “New Secular Religions” with PhD Prof. Nicu Gavriluță. The presentation will take place at 16.00 in the Council Hall of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance (9, Schitu Măgureanu Street).
Nicu Gavriluță is PhD Professor, former Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences of the University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” from Iași during 2008-2016, sociologist, anthropologist and essayist, member of the Romanian Writers Union, former President of Romanian Sociologists Society.
He published numerous author volumes, among which we mention: Mentalities and Magical – Religious Rituals (Polirom Publishing House, Iași, 1998); Culianu, The Mind Games and the Multidimensional Worlds (Polirom Publishing House, Iași, 2000); The Social Imagery of the Romanian Transition Period (Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2001); The Fractals and the Social Time (Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2003); The Hermeneutic of the Religions Symbolism (AXIS Foundation Publishing House, Iași, 2003); Social and Cultural Anthropology (Polirom Publishing House, Iași, 2009); The Mother of Fools is Always Pregnant. The Sociology of Every Day Pathology (European Institute Publishing House, Iași, 2010); The Sociology of Religions. Beliefs, Rituals, Ideologies (Polirom Publishing House, Iași, 2013); Myth, Magic and Political Manipulation (European Institute Publishing House, Iași, 2015). Also, he is coauthor of the volumes: Sports’ Sociology. Theories, Methods, Applications (Polirom Publishing House, Iași, 2010); Religion and Violence in Secular Europe (Trinitas Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016; ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Publishing House in Iași, 2016); Globalization and Romanian Identity (Junimea Publishing House, Iași, 2018).
In his work “The New Secular Religions. Political Correctness, Future Technologies and Transhumanism”, published in 2018 at Polirom Printing House, Nicu Gavriluță analyzes the breach between traditional religions and new secular religions, which are expanding and leading to major shifts in our live. Internet, finances, new mass-media, political correctness, transhumanism or posthumanism trigger radical changes in politics, society and university environments, generating new religions, with rules and norms yet unknown.
More information on the “New Secular Religions” event is available here.