Between September 27th – 28th, the University of Bucharest will organize, as part of the ReCoNnect consortium, several events meant to popularize science and create connections between researchers and the broad public within the European Researchers’ Night. The events will take place in Bucharest, Măgurele (Ilfov) and in the Geoparks administrated or supported by UB and are part of this year’s theme related to project Science for Peace and Security. Entry is open and free for the public for all events. Thus, the researchers of the University of Bucharest invite all the teaching staff at pre-university level, as well as all pupils interested in the contributions brought by science to the development of society to take part in the experiments, demonstrations and projects they have prepared.
Friday, September 27th 2024, starting 4 PM, in park Lumea Copiilor in Bucharest, researchers of the University of Bucharest, the Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, the National Research-Development Institute for the Physics of Lasers, Plasma and Radiation, the National Research-Development Institute of Material Physics, the National Research-Development Institute for Earth Physics, the Institute of Space Sciences, from the Institute of Atomic Physics and well as other invited institutions, will present innovative projects, original experiments and surprising demonstrations of natural phenomena and state of the art technologies. From experiments with detectors of invisible substances from the air and water to earthquake simulations on miniature models and from 3D printing to demonstrations of the Two-Photon Polymerization printing technique, the public will have the chance to participate to live experiments and discover how Romanian research can contribute to the security and improvement of day-to-day life.
Moreover, both in Bucharest and in Măgurele, UB researchers and representatives of the SciResCareer project Regional Research Career Guidance and Counseling Center – Bucharest – Ilfov – from pre-university education to advanced research will present to the public the manner in which science can bring its contribution to developing solutions for global security and peace.
Complex themes approached in accessible ways and events organized throughout the country
The events offer the opportunity to approach complex scientific themes, such as cybernetic security, environment protection, the physics of elementary particles or spatial sciences, in a manner accessible to the broad public. At the same time, participants can experiment the way in which these domains have a direct influence on daily life, as well as the solutions offered by researchers for the global societal challenges.
Thus, between September 27th – 30th 2024, 21 places in Romania will host the European Researchers’ Night as part of the series of Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions included in the Horizon Europe program of the European Union.
The European Researchers’ Night is an event that takes places since 2005, having as its mission to bring science closer to society and increasing young people’s interest in research. Each year, at the end of September, researchers from 23 countries and over 400 cities in Europe celebrate together with the public the contributions of science for the sustainable development of a better society. An interactive map with the events organized in Romania in 2024 during the European Researcher’s Night is available here.
ReCoNnect 3: Building a Community is a project unreeled within the Horizon Europe program through Grant Agreement number: 101162613 — ReCoNnect 3 — HORIZON-MSCA-2023-CITIZENS-01. Each year, the ReCoNnect consortium organizes a series of events meant to promote science education which facilitates meetings between researchers and the schools throughout the country, such as the ReCoNnect science caravan, Different ReCoNnect School, the National ReCoNnect Science contest, the Summer School of Science and Technology in Măgurele.