A week dedicated to the celebration of 160 years since the founding of UB and 330 years of higher education in the Romanian space. Happy anniversary to the University of Bucharest!

A week dedicated to the celebration of 160 years since the founding of UB and 330 years of higher education in the Romanian space. Happy anniversary to the University of Bucharest!

The University of Bucharest celebrated 160 years since its founding and 330 years of higher education in the Romanian space through a series of events that took place between July 16th – 19th 2024, organized under the patronage of the Ministry of Education. The anniversary program comprised many academic and recreative events, including conferences, debates, book launches, guided tours, picnics and theatre plays, an educative treasure hunt, creative guitar workshops, as well as an anniversary stamp album.

The inaugural event, hosted by the Bucharest National Opera

The series of important events that marked the double anniversary debuted Tuesday, July 16th 2024, with an official ceremony hosted by the Bucharest National Opera. The reunion gathered teaching staff, researchers and students, representatives of the civil society, public policy makers and representatives of central and local authorities in Romania.

The scene of the Bucharest opera turned into an educative interconnection space and cultural and trans-generational dialogue in which the past, present and future of Romanian higher education became sources of reflection, debates, and academic visioning.

Thus, the program of the official ceremony included, besides the official speeches and interventions, several retrospective moments of the 160 years of existence of the University of Bucharest, presentations regarding the evolution of our students, poetry readings, chess representations, scientific experiments, classical music recitals, as well as the launch of the UB 160 stamp edition.

The event was honored by the presence of the Minister of Education in Romania, Ligia Deca, the Minister of Innovation and Digitalization in Romania, Bogdan-Gruia Ivan, as well as of the rectors of the University of Bucharest from the post-communist period, professor Emil Constantinescu, professor Ioan Pânzaru, professor and academician Mircea Dumitru, professor Romiță Iucu and the current Rector of UB, professor Marian Preda.

Speeches were also delivered by the current and former board of the University of Bucharest, by the Chief of the Romania’s Prime Minister Chancellery, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, the Roman-Catholic Archbishop of Bucharest, the General Director of Romfilatelia and by professors, researchers and students of the University of Bucharest. Messages were also presented on behalf of the President of Romania, the President of the Romanian Academy and of the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church.

In addition, the pupils-beneficiaries of the SEED program – Educational Support for Underpriviledged Children were also invited onstage. The program is developed and implemented by the Virtute et Sapientia Foundation of the University of Bucharest, along with the National Pupils’ Council, the Agency Together and World Vision Romania.

True to its permanent preoccupation to promote the great national cultural values, Romfilatelia was invited to mark the event by launching a stamp album. Within it, in the images reproduced on the stamps included the portraits of the most remarkable personalities of the institution, among which that of its founder, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, and its architect, Alexandru Orăscu.

 In the first day of anniversary events, the members of the UB community and its guests participated to guided tours in important memory places of Bucharest, guided tours at the Museum of the University of Bucharest and the Botanical Museum, as well as to an official reception at the Dimitrie Brandza Botanical Garden of UB.

The analysis of the evolution of Romanian higher education, done by specialists from various fields

Wednesday, July 17th 2024, the University House  hosted the conference The University of Bucharest – 160 – catalyst of the Modernization of Romania. With a strong interdisciplinary character, the event reunited specialists in various fields who discussed and analyzed the evolution of Romanian higher education.

The main goal of the conference was to generate new analytical and methodological approaches regarding the history of education, with a strong accent on the institutional development of the University of Bucharest as a main vector of progress in the Romanian space.

At the same, during the reunion, UB launched the volume The University of Bucharest: 1864 – 2024,  a new and revised edition of the anniversary volume launched a decade ago, on the anniversary of 150 years since the founding of UB.

Solutions to current society challenges identified at the debate 160 years of International Relations

Thursday, July 18th 2024, UB brought together, at the Rectorate of the University of Bucharest, to the event 160 years of International relations. UB and the European and international university Alliances, representatives of the international networks UB is part of (such as CIVIS), next to decision makers from national institutions relevant in their relation with the European Union, who analyzed and identified solutions to the current challenges society is facing. 

The debate was moderated by professor Romiță Iucu, member of the UB Board of Trustees. In the first part of the event, professor Marian Preda, the Rector of the University of Bucharest, associate professor Constantin Vică, vice-rector for International Relations and Public Relations of UB, associate professor Sorin Costreie, coordinator for the CIVIS Alliance and university networks in UB and the president of UNICA – Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe – and Ligia Deca, the Minister of Education in Romania, and  Janina Sitaru, state secretary for inter-institutional relations, all shared their insights on the subject proposed.

In the second part of the event, at the series of discussions, the word was given to the representatives of the international networks and members of the decisional forum in the national institutions relevant in their relation with the European Union.

On the same day,  Thursday, July 18th 2024, volunteers and students of the Museum of the University of Bucharest and the UB Faculty of History organized an educative treasure hunt at the Palace of the University of Bucharest, thus challenging the UB community to discover, in a unique way, the history of the building designed by architect Alexandru Orăscu.

Come discover the 160 years story of university history in a fun way, at the treasure hunt organized by the Museum of the University of Bucharest in collaboration with the students of the University of Bucharest, was the challenge launched by the organizers, who enjoyed the participation of tens of exploration loving students.

The mysteries of sciences and a representative theatre play, offered to the participants at the Dimitrie Brandza Botanica Garden of UB

Friday, July 19th 2024, the university community of the UB was invited to the Dimitrie Brandza Botanical Garden, in the picnic area, to an event that closed the week dedicated to the celebration of 160 years since the founding of UB and 330 years of higher education in the Romanian space.

Realized in partnership with George, the first intelligent banking and with students of the I.L. Caragiale National University of Theatre and Film in Bucharest (UNATC) and of the Students’ Association of the University of Bucharest (ASUB), as well as with the teams conducting the SciResCareer and ResPonSE projects and with the support of the UB Learning Centre, the event offered the attendants  – students, professors and researchers of the University of Bucharest, as well as pupils from high schools and secondary schools – a live DJ set with Christian Thomson, financial education lessons, prize contests, a photo corner, a time capsule and an inspiration messages wall.

In the first half of the event, the participants had the chance to get insight into the mysteries of complex sciences such as biology, physics, ecology, geography, psychology and education sciences, from teaching staff, researchers and students of UB.

The central element of the event was the theatre play The last night of love, the first night of war by Camil Petrescu, which brough to the public actors Vlad Anghel, Adriana Mitu, Silvia-Alexandra Bem, Paul Pristavu and Fabian Ciobanu, students of UNATC.

The series of events dedicated to the anniversary of 160 years since the foundation of the University of Bucharest and 330 years of higher education in the Romanian space were organized under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and with the support of the Romanian Commercial Bank – BCR, KPMG Romania, Kaufland Romania, the Civil Society of lawyers Stoica & Asociații and Aqua Carpatica.

On this anniversary occasion, the University of Bucharest offered, between July 16th – 18th 2024, free access to the spaces of the Dimitrie Brandza Botanical Garden and invited nature lovers to discover the over 3.500 plants it fosters.

Not lastly, the largest event dedicated to art in Romania, Art Safari, opened its gates to the UB community and offered free access on Tuesday, July 16th 2024, to all students of the University of Bucharest to the exhibitions in the series Mysteries and treasures. Thus, UB art lovers could explore the Dacia-Romania Palace (18-20 Lipscani Street, Bucharest) to discover the exhibitions The history of Romania in 100 portraits, The gold in Brukenthal, The secret museum, Eustațiu Stoenescu. The portrait of aristocracy and the Pangratti workshops.

 More information regarding the series of events organized by UB with the occasion of the 160th anniversary since its founding are available on the website dedicated to the anniversary, 160.unibuc.ro.


The University of Bucharest was established by Decree no. 765 from July 4th/16th 1864 signed by Ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Successor of the higher education structures inaugurated by the Princely Academy (1694), the University of Bucharest has contributed, and is continuing to contribute decisively to the development and modernizing of Romanian education, science and culture.

Comprising 19 faculties, with 95 bachelor programs, 223 master’s programs, 23 doctoral schools on specific fields and an interdisciplinary doctoral school, over 50 centers and 9 research facilities, UB has established itself as an institution dedicated to achieving excellence in education and research, whose priority is preparing its students for life and professional activity.

Starting 2019, UB has been a part of CIVIS – A European Civic University alongside 10 other prestigious European universities: the University of Aix-Marseille, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Sapienza University of Rome, Stockholm University, “Eberhard Karls” University in Tübingen, University of Glasgow, University of Lausanne, the University “Paris Lodron” in Salzburg.


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