Future students invited to meet Humanum, Sociona, Geon, Machina and Numera, the UNIBUC Superheroes
With over 8,000 financed places open for competition, the University of Bucharest is waiting until July 30 for its candidates for the 2022 admission summer session. They will be joined by Humanum, Sociona, Geon, Machina and Numera, the UNIBUC Superheroes, during their studies.
For the bachelor’s and master’s programs, the admission competition to the faculties of the University of Bucharest – the summer session – takes place throughout July 2022, and the deadline for the the results is July 30, 2022. We specify that each faculty has its own calendar, and the data can be consulted by all those interested in, on the websites of the faculties. We also note that registrations for the UB Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, which started on June 23, 2022, will end on Tuesday, July 5, 2022.
To support candidates, the University of Bucharest also offers the possibility to pay the registration fee online, by completing the form available at www.po.unibuc.ro.
For undergraduate studies, the University of Bucharest offers those interested in studying at one of the 19 faculties a number of 4,459 financed places, while for candidates for master’s studies, UB offers 3,250 financed places.
Of these, over 200 places are allocated to Romania’s priority development areas, 132 are intended for high school graduates located in rural areas and another 110 places are allocated to candidates of Roma ethnicity. Candidates coming from the social protection system can apply for the 11 places intended for them, while people with special educational requirements can apply for the 9 places dedicated to them. We mention that another 50 places are allocated to candidates who wish to study within the didactic master’s programs run by the University of Bucharest.
More details on the number of financed places put up for competition by each faculty are available in the document here (for the bachelor’s degree) and in the document here (for the master’s degree).
New bachelor’s and master’s programs, as well as a new field of doctoral university studies – the news of admission 2022 at the University of Bucharest
For the 2022 admission – July and September sessions – the University of Bucharest proposes several new study programs, developed in response to the current socio-economic dynamics and the challenges of the future. It is about the undergraduate programs Psychology – Cognitive Sciences (at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences), Tourism Geography (at the Faculty of Geography, Focșani branch, in the autumn session) and Robotics (joint program of the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Mathematics) and Informatics, in the autumn session), as well as the master’s programs Psychology: Psychotherapy focused on emotions and Psychology: Cognitive-behavioral therapies (at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences).Last but not least, the Doctoral School of Sociology of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work will organize admission, for the year 2022-2023, to the first field of doctoral studies in Social Work accredited in Romania.
The University of Bucharest, the place where Superheroes develop
Real spaces of becoming, where Superheroes discover and develop their powers to change the world for the better, the 19 faculties of the University of Bucharest offer candidates a mixed admission process – online and offline. Detailed information on the methods of admission to the undergraduate studies of the 19 faculties can be consulted here. Regarding the master’s programs in the educational offer of the University of Bucharest, the admission methods can be accessed here.
Once he becomes a student at the University of Bucharest, each person will be guided by the right Superhero to achieve the aspirations.Thus, if you are oriented towards self-knowledge and the discovery of new meanings of the spirit and the world, or if you wish to deepen and support the human diversity and cultural richness of this world, Humanum will guide your studentship at the Faculties of Philosophy, History, Foreign Letters, Languages and Literatures, Baptist Theology, “Justinian the Patriarch” Orthodox Theology and Roman Catholic Theology. Discover Humanum and all the superpowers he possesses at https://supereroi.unibuc.ro/humanum.And Sociona is waiting for you to discover student life at the Faculties of Business and Administration, Law, Journalism and Communication Sciences, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Sociology and Social Work and Political Sciences. If you are interested that thing work well in your community, where you want to contribute to building responsible institutions or to the promotion and protection of human rights, Sociona will be your best friend. Discover Sociona and all her superpowers at https://supereroi.unibuc.ro/sociona.If you wish that, through your daily activity, you bring harmony between people and nature, if you are interested in the prevention, through science, of natural disasters and the protection of nature and the earth’s resources, Geon will be your companion in the student journey at the Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Geography and Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest. Discover Geon here: https://supereroi.unibuc.ro/geon.On the other hand, if you want to work for a better future for humans and robots, or if you want to open, through your science and work, new horizons for various forms of intelligence, we invite you to meet Machina, which awaits you discover student life in specializations such as Technological Biochemistry, Technological Physics or Computers and Information Technology. Discover Machina and all her superpowers at https://supereroi.unibuc.ro/machina.Last but not least, if you wish to have the power to turn life into chemistry and chemistry into life, or if you want to fight for life by mastering numbers, Numera will accompany you on your student journey at the Faculties of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Bucharest. Discover Numera and all the superpowers she possesses at https://supereroi.unibuc.ro/numera.
Accommodation in the UB dormitories and free access to the “Dimitrie Brandza” Botanical Garden for 2022 admission candidates
To support the candidates, the University of Bucharest provides them, during the admission period, with free accommodation in the UB dormitories, within the limit of available places, for three nights. Accommodation will be at Căminul D Grozăvești (Splaiul Independenții no. 204) and will be possible on the basis of presentation, at the administration of the dormitory, of the competition card and the identity document.
Candidates can also benefit, along with three other people, from free access to the “Dimitrie Brandza” Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest, daily, until July 30, 2022, between 8:00 and 20:00. Access is based on the participant’s ID card for the admissions competition. The University of Bucharest will constantly communicate information on the admission from this session on the website dedicated to admission: admitere.unibuc.ro and on the Facebook, Instagram and YouTube accounts.
In addition, candidates are advised to follow both the websites and social media pages of the faculty/faculties of interest, depending on their options, to keep up to date with useful admission information.