Over 130.000 visitors at the UB Botanical Garden “Dimitrie Brandza” in the first two months since the opening of the exhibition “Garden of Lights”

Over 130.000 visitors at the UB Botanical Garden “Dimitrie Brandza” in the first two months since the opening of the exhibition “Garden of Lights”

The “Garden of Lights” exhibition, themed Alice in Wonderland, has brought over 130.000 visitors to the Botanical Garden “Dimitrie Brandza” of the University of Bucharest in the first two months since its opening.

The record number shows the popularity of the event and the public’s desire to experiment the magic offered by the spectacle of lights. At the same time, the “Garden of Lights” has become an attractive destination for foreign tourists as well, with a significant number of visitors coming from other countries. They were impressed by the beauty and authenticity of the exhibition, which helps promote tourism in Romania.

“The great number of visitors encourages us to continue creating and organizing exhibitions which inspire people and bring them together. We want to be a meeting place for families, friends and all those who share the passion for lights and stories”, declared Michal Chojnacki, CEO Wonderful Lighting.

 The “Garden of Lights” exhibition debuted on November 3rd 2023, catching the public’s attention and interest since its opening, with 10.000 people visiting it during the first weekend. The exhibition is organized as a one-way trail, with different entry and exit ways in order to avoid the overcrowding of access ways and alleys.

While on the track, visitors can admire over 30 light installations and will encounter characters and themed scenes from the magic world of Alice in Wonderland. The exhibition has over 1 million LED lights, the main attraction points being the 200 meters long lighted tunnel, a lighted playground for children and a series of light and sound shows.

 “Garden of Lights is attracting a record number of visitors, which shows the constantly increasing popularity of the event. We wanted to cast a new light on the Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest during the cold season, and we are thrilled by the great number of people which have chosen to make our mission visible. There is an obvious need to deliver the public projects that bring more value and novel experiences accessible to anyone, and the Botanical Garden “Dimitrie Brandza” is a special place that deserves everyone’s attention”, said Ştefania Kadima, Managing Partner Republika, the agency in charge with the communication campaign for this project.

“Together we bring back the shine of the UB Botanical Garden in the cold season” is a campaign using a wide mix of communication channels to captivate the public’s attention and promote a unique and memorable experience. Garden of Lights was brought to Romania by the Wonderful Lighting Company, owner of the brand “Garden of Lights” and will continue to light up the Botanical Garden “Dimitrie Brandza” of the University of Bucharest until March 3rd 2024. Tickets can be purchased online, on the webpage www.gardenoflights.ro, or at the pay desk situated at the entrance of the Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest.

About the University of Bucharest

With a history of 160 years and a constantly confirmed prestige, the University of Bucharest is today a dynamic and inclusive academic space, student-centered and characterized by creativity, innovation and pragmatism. An institution of excellence in both education and research, the University of Bucharest has made the training of its students for life and profession a priority. Thus, UB acts constantly and firmly to ensure the highest quality of services offered, which guarantee its graduates an easy and efficient assimilation on the labor market, regardless of the field or study program.

Central player of Romanian and European higher education, the University of Bucharest is an institution in a permanent process of adaptation and internationalization, open to multiculturalism and diversity. And the membership of CIVIS – European Civic University -, along with nine other top European universities, confirms once again that UB is an organization strongly anchored in the societal transformations of today’s world, being a civic and socially engaged institution, connected to the more important local, national, European and global challenges.

In 2024, the University of Bucharest will organize a series of events to celebrate its 160th anniversary and 330 years of continuity of higher Education in Bucharest, since the founding, in 1694, of the Princely Academy by Constantin Brâncoveanu.

About “Dimitrie Brandza” Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest

With a living history that begins in 1860, “Dimitrie Brandza” Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest is an environment of active interaction of knowledge and professional research. It has an area of ​​over 18 hectares. The Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest houses over 4,000 plant species from various geographical and climatic areas and numerous rare plants and includes 10 outdoor sectors, organized thematically, a large and varied exhibition, the old greenhouse and a fascinating botanical museum. The Botanical Museum was added to the Botanical Garden in 1882 by the famous botanist Dimitrie Brandza. The museum is structured in 22 rooms, dedicated to the history of the Botanical Garden, medicinal plants, curiosities from the world of plants, special collections, etc. The greenhouses of the Botanical Garden are a study and research area, but also a space for recreation in an exotic environment. The greenhouses include a rich selection of lush and unusual species from tropical, subtropical and equatorial areas around the world.

About Wonderful Lighting

The company, based in in Poland, is present on the market since 2020 and has organized its first exhibition of lights, the Stanislaw Lem park Garden of Experiments, in Cracow, exhibition which brought a record number of visitors.  This year, 4 more cities have added to their portfolio: Riga, Budapest, Belgrade and Bucharest. The Garden of Lights exhibitions are inspired from the most popular fairytales: Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Aladdin’s Lamp or Snow-White. The company has recently received license for the Smurfs fairytale and will organize exhibitions on this theme in Warsow and Cracow, the Smurfs being the ambassadors of the 17 Objectives for Durable Development.

About Republika

Republika is the communication agency with digital DNA launched on the Romanian market in 2008. The company has over 15 years of experience in creating integrated communication campaigns, offering complete services on national level: communication strategy and brand positioning, Digital Marketing, PR & Influencer Marketing.


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