Prizes totaling more than 500.000 lei for the most deserving members of the academic community. The University of Bucharest has opened applications for the 8th edition of the UB Senate Awards

Prizes totaling more than 500.000 lei for the most deserving members of the academic community. The University of Bucharest has opened applications for the 8th edition of the UB Senate Awards

Tuesday, October 1st 2024, the University of Bucharest has opened the applications for the 8th edition of the UB Senate Awards. The awards will be given to the most deserving members of the academic community for their exceptional contribution, in the previous academic year, in fulfilling the mission of the University of Bucharest.

Applications for the UB Senate Awards for the academic year 2023-2024 are open between October 1st – 31st 2024, by filling in the Google form corresponding to each category of prizes. The prizes will be offered for the following fields of study: Humanities, Social Sciences, Earth and Life Sciences, Exact Sciences and Engineering. For each of these fields, proposals can be made for the following prize categories:

Professor of the Year

Nominations can be made by student associations or groups of students, based on argumentation letters supporting the proposal, which must be completed with the results of the professors’ evaluation by the students for the previous academic year (confirmed by a document signed by the dean/department director), as well as other materials which can support the proposal (handbooks, learning materials, photographs, video materials etc.)

Nominations for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

The most innovative course/teaching method/ learning material

Nominations can be either self-proposals or proposals coming from the faculties/departments, and they consist of an argumentation letter for the proposal and course materials in electronic format. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

The most innovative study program/postgraduate program (granted to the initiator/coordinator)

Nominations can be either self-proposals or proposals coming from the faculties/departments, based on a motivation letter comprising the presentation of the program and its innovative elements. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

The most prestigious article/publication (book)

Nominations can be either self-proposals or proposals coming from the faculties, based on the article/book published during the previous academic year (1.10.2023-30.09.2024) or a functional link where it can be found. Proposals for these categories can be sent by filling in the forms available at this link, for articles, and this link, for books.

Author/Project/Research team with the greatest scientific contribution with an impact in society

The prize is granted for innovations, inventions, laws, public policies or other similar contributions which had a positive impact on certain groups or communities or for society in general.

Nominations can be either self-proposals or proposals coming from the faculties/departments, based on an argumentation letter and the evidence regarding the positive impact.

Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

Best Doctoral Thesis

It is offered to both the author and coordinator. Nominations can be self-proposals or proposals from the faculties/doctoral schools, based on: the proof of the Minister’s Order confirming the PhD title, the PhD thesis and, optionally, a copy of the evaluation made by the members of the examination commission. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

Best Dissertation

It is offered to both the author and coordinator. Nominations can be self-proposals or proposals from the faculties/departments, based on the dissertation paper and, optionally, on the written evaluation of the paper pertaining to the coordinator. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

Best Undergraduate Thesis

It is offered to both the author and coordinator. Nominations can be self-proposals or proposals from the faculties/departments, based on the undergraduate thesis and, optionally, on the written evaluation of the paper pertaining to the coordinator. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

Emeritus Professor of the Year

The award is granted for lifetime achievements. Nominations can be self-proposals or proposals from the faculties/departments, based on the activity memoir and the list of publications. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

Associate professor of the year

Nominations can be either self-proposals or proposals from the faculties/departments, based on the memoir of activities, the list of publications and, optionally, a support letter. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

Alumnus of the Year

The prize is granted for the greatest achievements after graduation. Nominations can be either self-proposals or proposals from the faculties, based on an activity memoir highlighting the results obtained after graduation. Nominations for persons who are currently Master’s or PhD students, or staff of the University of Bucharest, will not be accepted for this category. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

Employer of the Year (the employer with the highest rate of UB graduate employees)

Nominations can be either self-proposals or proposals from the faculties/departments /Master’s programs coordinators, based on the list of UB graduate employees and their position within the organization. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

Best magazine (for magazines edited by UB collectives)

Nominations can be either self-proposals or proposals from the faculties/departments, based on the description of the magazine and the presentation of its most recent editions. The magazine must explicitly mention the editors’ membership of the University of Bucharest. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.

The best civic initiative

Nominations can be either self-proposals or proposals from the faculties/departments /student associations, based on the detailed description of the initiative. Proposals for this category can be sent by filling in the form available here.


The University of Bucharest will designate the winners of the Grand UB Senate Awards out of the winners for each field of study,: Professor of the Year, Graduate/Postgraduate program of the Year, Author of the Year, Research project of the Year, Undergraduate Thesis of the Year, Dissertation of the Year, Doctoral Thesis of the Year, Alumnus of the Year, Employer of the Year.

Applications for the UB Senate Awards for the academic year 2023-2024 can be submitted between October 1st – 31st 2024, by filling in the Google Form corresponding to each category of prizes. Please note! Filling in the forms and loading documents can only be done by using a Google account!

The total value of the prizes for 2024, proposed by the Senate of the University of Bucharest, rises to 505.460 lei. The value of the prizes for each field represents 1/3 of the value of the Grand Awards. The patrimonial benefit for a Grand Award cannot be cumulated to that associated to a section.

The patrimonial benefits associated to the Awards are decided by the University of Bucharest and can consist in: money, for permanent teaching staff/cumulative; participations to conferences or the acquisition of goods and services necessary for the profession – for UB employees; excellence scholarships – for students.

The Awards (including the Grand Awards) for Alumnus of the Year and Employer of the Year are honorary and do not comprise a patrimonial component.

The full regulations regarding the granting of the annual Awards of the Senate of the University of Bucharest are available in this document, and the calendar of the 8th edition is available here.


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