The University of Bucharest strongly recommends that all members of its academic community (students, teaching body, administration) having returned to Romania within the past 14 days from high-risk regions that are most affected by the COVID-19 Coronavirus should remain at home in voluntary self-isolation for a period of 14 days and should avoid any contact with other persons.
Should such individuals experience typical flu symptoms including fever, headache, and dry cough, they must call the 112 emergency number and inform about their situation and request assistance.
Additionally, we recommend that any other individuals exhibiting flu symptoms should remain at home in voluntary self-isolation for a period of 14 days.
Teaching, research, and administrative activities are to continue unless competent state authorities (such as the ministries of health, education, or foreign affairs) report clear suspicions or confirmed cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) infection within the University of Bucharest.
Working under the authority of the Ministry of Health, the National Institute of Public Health is currently providing information regarding the prevention of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) infection via the TELVERDE green line (0800800358).
Please be advised that the 112 emergency number must be used exclusively to require emergency assistance in serious cases or situations as those outlined above, whereas the TELVERDE line is merely designed to provide information.
Additional information regarding the Coronavirus situation is also currently made available by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and by the World Health Organisation as well as Ministry of Foreign Affairs.