Tuesday 18th November 2019 saw the celebration of the official kick-off of CIVIS, the European Civic University, hosted by Sapienza University of Rome, in Palazzo Baleani, Rome.
On this occasion, the rectors and representatives of the eight partner universities, ambassadors of the relevant countries and officials attended the event in Palazzo Baleani to celebrate this historical moment.
The event also marked an important cornerstone for CIVIS on building the university of the future as the eight partner universities signed umbrella Erasmus agreements which will allow students, academics, researchers and admin staff to study, work, and share their knowledge & experience as freely as in their institutions of origin.
Afternoon sessions were organised on 19th and 20th November to pursue the strategic development of the European University Initiative.
Speeches of Prof. Eugenio Gaudio, Rector of La Sapienza Università di Roma and current President of the CIVIS Alliance, and Prof. Yvon Berland, Rector of Aix-Marseille University can be read and downloaded from here and here.