European week of Geoparks 2024: a marathon of events in the Hațeg County International UNESCO Geopark, administered by UB

European week of Geoparks 2024: a marathon of events in the Hațeg County International UNESCO Geopark, administered by UB

The Hațeg County International UNESCO Geopark, administered by the University of Bucharest, has once again participated to the European Geoparks Network Week-EGN Week. The 2024 edition of the pan-European event was organized in the 109 geoparks from 28 countries on our continent, between May and June. The European Geopark Week aims to increase awareness regarding the importance of themes in the field of geo-preservation and promoting geological, natural and cultural patrimony, by participating to various activities on education and tourism.

In Hațeg County, the event debuted with the launch of the project House of Volcanoes 10 years at the Geopark House. Thus, 25 volunteers were present at the first of the activities that mark, this summer, a decade since the creation of one of the most successful projects dedicated to volunteering and education, administered by the Association Drag de Hațeg, institutional partner of the Geopark. The project, financed by the foundation for Partnership and MOL Romania, is unreeled in partnership with the secondary schools in Sântămăria-Orlea and Densuș, with the contribution of the Association of Women in Sântămăria-Orlea and the Retezat Association of Tourism.

Meetings with over 150 pupils and professors in three regions

Ambassadors of the Geopark, selected out of the best volunteers that served the Geopark throughout the generations, were also involved in a series of events meant to share their experience to other youths. In Costești (Vâlcea county), Rupea (Brașov County) and Buzău, the ambassadors had meetings with over 150 pupils and professors from the three regions, and told them about the experiences they went through and the role that volunteers can have in the durable development of their communities. The three meetings were organized in collaboration with the aspiring Geopark Oltenia under the Mountain, the Buzău County International UNESCO Geopark, the Romanian Geoparks Network and Groupe Société Générale (BRD).

The book The last dinosaurs, written by Cristian Ciobanu, local coordinator of the Hațeg County Geopark, represented a real invitation to read about and discover the world of living creatures that animated the Hațeg Island 70 million years ago. In addition, the Cărturești bookshop in the center of Cluj-Napoca hosted a workshop packed with information and interesting activities. The event was organized together with the Romanian Ornitological Society in Cluj and Humanitas Press.

Land prospects made by 10 researchers from the University of Bucharest and ELTE University in Budapest

The European Week of Geoparks promoted geodiversity not only on land, but also in the air. In the center of the village Râu de Mori, the organizers held an action to promote the UNESCO Hațeg County Geopark, with the support of 10 radio-amateurs from the Silver Fox Deva Sports Club. The event was allotted special code YP2GEO. In addition, the radio amateur team printed a special QSL card that promotes the Geopark, which was sent to correspondents across the country through the network of the Romanian Federation of Radio amateurism, while foreign correspondents received it in electronic format.

In a territory so important for worldwide paleontology such as the Hațeg County, the organizers promote science among young people by facilitating meetings between scientists and volunteers, whenever it is possible. Thus, youths had the chance to participate in land prospects made by 10 researchers from the University of Bucharest and from ELTE University of Budapest and to find out information, straight from the source, about what field work means and how it can lead to remarkable scientific discoveries.

Based on the experiences acquired during the activities, the Geopark volunteers have the possibility to share, at national and international level, the values of the Geopark. Thus, part of them attended classes followed by a final exam that allows them to be mediators – guides for tourists who visit the exhibition Mythological monsters, Dragons, Dinosaurs from the Geopark House during the summer holiday. At international level, 7 volunteers won the right to represent the Geopark in the experience exchange that took place at UNESCO International Geopark Djerdap in Serbia.

The activity was possible thanks to the “Nea Marin” prize established in the memory of Dumitru Huzoni, former member of the Geopark management and supporter of the idea of youth development in Hațeg County through volunteering.

Project Sustainability at work!

Just before the end of the school year, pupils, professors and volunteers of EduGeopark involved in the project Sustainability at work! (the first project in Romania financed by UNESCO and abrdn Charitable Foundation) were asked to respond to a challenge. Under the guidance of 20 professors, 80 pupils and volunteers had to take samples of drinking water from alternative sources and analyze them to establish the quality. The results obtained in this citizen science project will appear on a water quality map of the Geopark. In addition, the participants also had the opportunity to meet two UNESCO representatives present in the Hațeg county for a monitorization visit.

The European Geoparks event was an excellent occasion to share from the experience of Romanian Geoparks that obtained the recognition of UNESCO to those Geopark that aspire or are preparing to receive the prestigious status, but also to acquire new knowledge from the colleagues involved in the promotion of urban nature. 20 representatives from the member organizations of the Network of Geoparks in Romania and the Network for Urban Nature met in Brașov to decide on common action strategies. The meeting had the support of BRD.

Project The river flowing from ancient times

Project The river flowing from ancient times, initiated by the secondary school in Sântămăria-Orlea and the Association of Women in Sântămăria-Orlea, and the event Romanian Shirt day, organized by Cooperativa Hațegană, also contributed to the promotion of the rich local patrimony of the Geopark, in international context.

Through the activities that took place in this year’s European Week of Geoparks, the Hațeg County Geopark administered by the University of Bucharest has contributed to the promotion of our geological, natural and cultural inheritance, and also to the involvement of the local community and partners in the durable development of the territory.


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