Scholarships for studies in accredited higher education institutions in Romania are granted through a file-based application assessment by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Ministry of Education and Research (MER). 85 study places are subsidized for bachelor, master, and doctoral studies.
Deadline for submitting the application: April 30, with results being announced on July 15.
85 study places are distributed between three levels of study:
- Bachelor’s degree programmes are addressed to graduates of high school studies or pre-university studies, at the end of which they obtained a baccalaureate degree or equivalent, as well as candidates applying for further university studies in Romania. The complete programme runs for a period of 3-6 years, depending on the specialization followed, and ends with a bachelor’s exam;
- Master’s degree programmes are addressed to undergraduates, run for a period of 1 year, 1.5 years, or 2 years, and end with the dissertation exam;
- Doctoral programmes are addressed to graduate students or equivalent and run for a period of 3-5 years, depending on the profile of the chosen faculty, and end with the presentation of a PhD thesis.
Eligibility: Foreign citizens from all non-EU countries (with a few exceptions mentioned in the Methodology, like, for example, citizens of Romanian origin that are entitled to different scholarship programmes).
To promote the Romanian language and culture, the beneficiaries of the scholarships granted by the Romanian state for undergraduate and masters studies study only in Romanian.
The exception is doctoral scholarship holders, who can opt for studies in Romanian or a foreign language set by the doctoral school.
For candidates who do not speak Romanian, a preparatory year is granted for the study of the Romanian language before the actual university studies, except for doctoral scholarship holders who have opted for the form of education in a foreign language set by the doctoral school. Other exceptions are described in the Programme Information.
See Chapter (4). Documents required to complete the file of the mentioned Methodology.
The application files must be sent by the candidates, in electronic or physical format (preferably in electronic format), only through the diplomatic missions of Romania. Please consult chapter (2) of the Methodology for the exact details of submitting your file, including exceptions and conditions that will lead to the rejection of the application.
Expenses covered by the scholarship include: tuition fees; accommodation expenses in the dormitories, through the budget of the Ministry of Education and Research, within the limit of the subsidy allocated for this purpose (accommodation will be provided to the extent of available places); granting a monthly financial aid of the equivalent in lei (Romanian currency) of the amount of 85 EURO, for PhD students; financing the tuition expenses for the Romanian language preparatory year; medical assistance in case of medical-surgical emergencies and diseases with endemic-epidemic potential, under the legislation in force; local public, ground, naval and underground transport, as well as domestic car, railway, and naval transport, in the same conditions as those offered to Romanian students, according to the legal provision.
Expenses not covered by the scholarship: costs of international transport and of domestic transport from the Romanian border crossing point to the university. In this regard, candidates must be prepared for personal financial support of the additional costs.
If you are accepted, you will receive a letter of acceptance for studies in Romania, however, in some cases, for example for doctoral studies, you will still need to take the admission contest and be declared successful to enrol.
!!! Kindly note that the information presented above are excerpts from the Programme Information published on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and are intended to provide a general guideline. Before starting your application, you should read the entire document here.
For further information, please contact the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or address the Romanian Diplomatic Mission in your country.