The second edition of the Science and Technology Summer School from Măgurele started on Monday, the 26th of August 2019. Over 50 high-school students are expected to cross the platform research institutes threshold, where, for two weeks, the high-school students deployed complex research activities, under the coordination of big mentor teams – researchers, academics from higher university STEM fields, experienced specialists and practitioners in the proposed research areas. Other 50 teachers and school counsellors joined them in the week 2nd-6th of September when they will attend workshops, seminars and dialogues facilitated by specialists in education sciences and school counselling.
“Breath – Learn – Measure – Share” was the summer school interdisciplinary workshop’s motto. These interdisciplinary workshops were attended for two weeks by high-school students all over the country. Between the 24th of August – 6th of September 2019, the Măgurele Platform research institutes and the faculties of the University of Bucharest hosted workshops that were mainly about the environment study, the human activities impact on climate change and on the biosphere, but also about some other related topics.
This year’s topics under debate tackled subjects from physics, biology, geography, mathematics, informatics, engineering, science communication and plastic arts and they aimed to develop four types of skills: increasing theoretical knowledge and scientific fields understanding, developing practical and applying science notions skills, using informatics technologies in science and transferring the results from science to society. This year’s research topics tackled subjects such as air quality monitoring, solar energy conversion into electric energy, methods to represent scientific data using virtual reality, computational chemistry, scientific experiments automation etc.
Besides, this year’s main topic is the development of an automated capsule that monitors air quality and meteorological parameters. The mentors team together with the coordinated high-school students will monitor in real-time the most important pollutants resulted from human activity together with the environment factors influencing their dynamics.
Last but not least, this year’s Summer School of Science and Technology edition integrates the humanistic component, through science communication workshops, stimulating entrepreneurial thinking and visual arts.
The whole list with the 22 research topics, as well as the mentors’ list could be found on the website:
The official opening of the Summer School, the high-school students’ section took place on Monday, the 26th of August 2019, in the IFIN-HH event hall, at 09:00. Acad. Nicolae Victor Zamfir PhD (IFIN-HH Director), Prof. Lucian Ion, PhD (UB’s Faculty of Physics Dean), Marian Petrache (Ilfov County Council President), Narcis Constantin (Magurele City Mayor), high-school students, representatives of the scientific communities of the University of Bucharest and of the research institutes on the Magurele platform were expected to attend the event.
The teachers and school counsellors were expected to attend the Summer School on 2nd of September 2019. The official opening of the section dedicated to STEM discipline teachers and school counselors took place in the IFIN-HH event hall, starting at 3 pm.
Acad. Nicolae Victor Zamfir, PhD (IFIN-HH General Director), Prof. Mircea Dumitru, PhD (UB’s Rector), Prof. Marian Preda, PhD (UB’s Senate President), Marian Petrache (Ilfov County Council President), Constantin Ionescu (INFP General Director), Narcis Constantin (Magurele City Mayor), school teachers and counsellors, representatives of the University of Bucharest and of the research institutes on Magurele platform attended the event.
For a week, STEM disciplines teachers and school counsellors enjoyed applicative workshops, debates and scientific and psycho-pedagogic laboratories, actitivies named “The abilities and careers of the future”. Fifty teachers and school counsellors attended the debates on different topics, such as automation and digitalization, assessment of learning outcomes in STEM fields, authentic learning experiences, innovative pedagogies and other current topics in STEM fields.
The detailed program of the Summer School of Science and Technology from Măgurele could be accessed here:
The Summer School of Science and Technology from Magurele is an educational project organized by in a partnership between the University of Bucharest, Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) and the National Institute for Earth Physics (INFP), under the aegis of the Education Community for Science.
This year’s Summer School of Science and Technology edition benefitted from the involvement and support of numerous institutions – partners, sponsors and media partners – which accepted the invitation to support the STEM education and the high-school students research activities, teachers and school counsellors, which attended between 24th of August-6th of September 2019 on the Magurele platform research and at the University of Bucharest faculties.
The Summer School was organized with the help of the following partners: ELI-NP, INFLPR, INFM, INOE, ISS, ICUB, CINETic, Magurele Science Park and STEM Association for Education and is sponsored by SCIENTIX, BRIO,, LEGO, SNK Association, Romanian Commercial Bank, Bucharest Community Foundation and IKEA Romania.
The current‘s edition media partners are EduPedu, Școala9, Educație Privată, Hotnews and Radio România Cultural.