During 17-28 June, 2019, within Erasmus+ Teaching Partnership Addressed to Refugees`s Instances Strenghtening project will take place a summer school which will focus on psychological counseling formation, international jurisprudence and communication skills in the work with migrants and refugees. The event will take place in Enna, Sicily, Italy.
Those interested in participating in the project must submit during 13-21 May 2019, at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences or at the University of Bucharest Erasmus + Office, an application file containing a recent curriculum vitae, with data contact details, a letter of intent in which it will be specified the reason for the application at the Summer School, copies of extra-curricular documents (volunteer actions, etc.), as well as a copy of a certificate of knowledge of English (at least B2 level).
There are 10 available places for students from all study cycles (Bachelor, Master and PhD) from the University of Bucharest, especially for those who are preparing for fields of humanistic study.
In the summer school, the necessary money will be provided for transportation, accommodation (Hotel Enna Kore Hotel – rooms with 2, 3 and 4 beds, 3 * hotel) and meal (3 meals per day) during the entire event. During the school, will be visited also a center that hosts and manages refugee issues from Sicily.
Each student will be able to choose between two course combinations – psychological counseling / international jurisprudence and intercultural communication. Each course has a theoretical and applicative section, based on analyzes and case studies.
At the end of the summer school the participants will receive diplomas for participation and credits from the University of Bucharest.
More information on the Erasmus+ Teaching Partnership Addressed to Refugees`s Instances Strenghtening (PARIS) project can be accessed here or can be obtained at the following address: violeta.rotarescu@fpse.unibuc.ro , contact person: Assoc. Dr. Violeta Rotărescu.