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A promising year ahead! UBtalks, the competition for #10/10 projects, continues in 2025. Registrations are open until February 10, 2024!
Events, UB Student, UBtalks, UB NewsPostări asemănătoare: UB TALKS 2024: the #10 project competition continues in 2024. Registrations are open until February 11 The #10 Project Competition Continues in 2023. Registration, Open until February 10th Registrations are open...
Call for Applications for Members of the Academic Community of the University of Bucharest to the Summer Institute for Scholars Program Organized by the Public Diplomacy Office of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest
Research, International, Calls, Announcements, UB NewsPostări asemănătoare: Prizes totaling more than 500.000 lei for the most deserving members of the academic community. The University of Bucharest has opened applications for the 8th edition of the UB Senate Awards Prizes totaling more...
The University of Bucharest Introduces the Focus Platform to Support Researchers and Academic Staff in Reporting Research Results
Conferința de Comunicare a Rezultatelor Cercetării la Universitatea din București, Events, Research, UB NewsPostări asemănătoare: The University of Bucharest steps towards digitalization through the EDIS project. Trainings dedicated to the development of digital competencies for the UB academic community – teaching staff, students and...
The Workshop Geophysics for Civil Protection & Sustaining Humanitarian Aid Operations, the closing event of the RO-GEO4HUMANITY project
Research, UB Student, UB NewsPostări asemănătoare: The project RO-GEO4HUMANITY and geophysics for civil protection The Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest, part of the project RO-GEO4HUMANITY The University of Bucharest, important...
The project RO-GEO4HUMANITY and geophysics for civil protection
Research, UB Student, UB NewsPostări asemănătoare: The University of Bucharest, important presence at the plenary meeting of the NATO Civil Protection Group, organized at the NATO headquarters in Brussels The Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of...
The Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest, part of the project RO-GEO4HUMANITY
UB NewsPostări asemănătoare: Prof. eng. Mihai Emilian Popa, PhD. Director of the Doctoral School of Geology of the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest, DHC of the University of Petroșani About dinosaurs and their...