In February 2023, CIVIS launches the second series of Blended Intensive Programmes – BIPs, a new format of Erasmus+ mobility.
The deadline for application is 28 February 2023.
All BIPs applications take place through the CIVIS mobility portal, which can be accessed directly from the listings in the CIVIS Course Catalogue here.
At the moment, the BIPs available on the CIVIS Courses page are the following:
- Child, migrant, refugee voices for viable cities
- Civic engagement in Europe: A transdisciplinary approach
- Coastal zone geomorphological interactions: natural vs human-induced factors
- Critical care
- Culture and politics. New forms of engagement in the Mediterranean area (2000-2022)
- Digital learning for the development of soft skills
- Drug design and discovery
- Entrepreneurship – How to create a legitimate business
- Environmental challenges facing the Danube River
- Europe and the rule of law
- French travellers in Mediterranean lands
- From medicinal plants to drug products
- Going public – challenges of contemporary anthropology and folklore
- Governing in times of crisis
- H2O Pollution: holistic approach & nature based solutions
- Heritage & Innovation: Art Nouveau, past, present & future challenges
- Latin America in the global networks
- Madrid CIVIS Orchestra Academy 2023
- Making visible the invisibles
- Meanings and understanding via proofs. Logical and epistemological approaches
- Organoid Models in Immunology-Oncology
- Sacred sounds, sacred spaces : the Occidental Mediterranean
- Science communication: sharing knowledge and creating connections
- Sustainability, reforms and environmental challenges: The future of EU
- The Ethics of Narratives: between old and new media
- The science, ethics & governance of Human Genome Editing
- NANOSUM 2023: International Summer School on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies
- Landscapes and Tourism – Exploring the touristscapes of Bucharest
- The role of sport and exercise on mental health
- Understanding Earth
Additional information about BIPs is available on the dedicated webpage here, while the catalogue of these CIVIS courses can be accessed here.
Every BIP combines online teaching with a short period of physical mobility, where you can spend 5 days at another university with students from across the CIVIS Alliance. By combining online sessions with a short trip for face-to-face teaching, this innovative format opens up opportunities for international study to new groups of students.
Each BIP is developed, organised and taught by academics at three or more CIVIS member universities. Academics across the Alliance meet through the CIVIS Hubs to work together and develop these exciting new educational programmes for students.
CIVIS believes in education with impact, so the CIVIS Hubs and all CIVIS programmes, among which the BIPs, are developed to respond to one of the 5 CIVIS Challenges. These are some of the biggest issues facing our societies and our world:
- Health
- Cities, Territories and Mobility
- Climate, Environment, Energy
- Digital and Technological Transformations
- Societies, Culture and Heritage
To tackle these issues, CIVIS uses interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Anchored in academic excellence, these courses often cross the borders of traditions subjects, university cycles or faculties.
More information about CIVIS – A European Civic University are available here.