Pr. Lect. Cosmin Pricop, PhD
Vice Dean
Pr. Prof. David Pestroiu, PhD
Department of Church History, Biblical Studies and Philology
Fr. Assoc. Prof. Marian Vild, PhD – Director
Department of Systematic Theology, Practice and Sacred Art
Fr. Prof. Nicuşor Beldiman, PhD – Director
Sf. Ecaterina Street , no. 2, sector 4, Bucharest, 040155
The official inauguration of the Faculty of Theology took place on the 12th of November 1881. Its headquarters was situated in the University building, and the staff of professors was composed of 7 professors who taught the courses to approximately 50 students with no compensation. The Law regarding the Faculty of Theology in Bucharest was published in the Official Gazette no. 74 on the 3rd / 15th of July 1890, which acknowledges the establishment of this Faculty.
Another step in the history of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology was determined by the new political situation after 1948, which changed the judicial background. The official inauguration of the courses of the new Theological Institute took place on the 30th of January 1949. In the academic year 1991-1992, the Faculty returned as part of the University. The protocol established between the Ministry of Education and Science, the State Secretary for Religious Cults and between the Romanian Patriarchy regarding the inclusion of theological higher education within the state Universities, issued on the 30th / 31st of May 1991 stipulated in Art. 2: “Academic Theological Institutes in Bucharest, Sibiu and Iaşi shall become Faculties of Theology within the State Universities of the corresponding cities beginning with the academic year 1991-1992”.
The protocol stipulated in Art. 4 that the total number of student places would be decided upon for the Pastoral Theology specialization by the Romanian Patriarchy, and for the double specialization, by the Patriarchy and the higher education institution.
It also mentioned:
“The participation of students in theology to the liturgical programme established by the Church for the Faculties of Theology remains an indispensable component of the theological formation programme and is therefore mandatory”.
Starting with the academic year 2005-2006, the structure of academic theological education was changed according to the requirements of Romania’s admission to the European Community and according to the principles of the Bologna Declaration. Thus, Bachelor’s degree studies were organized into only one domain, that of Orthodox Theology, having four specializations: Pastoral Orthodox Theology (4 years), Didactical Orthodox Theology (3 years), Social Assistance Orthodox Theology (3 years) and Sacred Art (3 years).
Also, the “Justinian the Patriarch” Faculty of Orthodox Theology organizes Master’s degree academic studies, 2 years, and Ph.D. academic studies, 3 years.
Today, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology functions within the University of Bucharest and is under double coordination: that of the Romanian Orthodox Church and of the Ministry of National Education. His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, as Archbishop of Bucharest, leads the Faculty of Orthodox Theology from a clerical point of view. The administrative structure as well as the staff of professors both function under His Beatitude’s blessing.
The personnel which assures a good development of didactic activity is made out of titular members of the academic staff – professors, associate professors, lecturers and assistants who have the necessary experience to lay out an optimum teaching and scientific research process, and who are renown on a national and international level.
After a contest, the best of the graduates may occupy assistant positions in the field of higher education. The graduates of the Pastoral Orthodox Theology specialization may be ordained as priests for parishes or for chapels (in hospitals, asylums, military units or penitentiaries) or they may focus on research.
Graduates of the Didactic Orthodox Theology may receive the title of professors of religion in the pre-university educational system. Graduates of the Social Theology specialization may work as social assistants in parishes, archpriestships and episcopacy centres, asylums, foundations, underage care centres etc. which sit under the patronage of the Church and of various associations.
Graduates of the Sacred Art Theology specialization may become churchly painters, church or clerkly painting restorers.
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