From 1 to 14 July 2019, at the University of Sapienza of Rome will take place the Summer School in Classical Studies entitled “The changing landscapes of classical World. Archeology and History of the Roman City and Its Rural Hinterland”. Organized in the Consortium of CIVIS, the School is coordinated by Prof. Paolo Carafa of the University of Sapienza and will have 40 participants (five per university included in the CIVIS).
From the University of Bucharest, a team attended the Summer School in Rome, including PhD students Alexandra Iulia Ion, Master Claudia Târcylinder and Conf. Florica Mihuts (Bohîlătă), as co-ordinator professor (from the Department of Ancient History, Archeology and The History Of Art of the History Faculty), but also PhD students Diana Baraboi and Petru Molodet-Jitea (from the Department of classical Philology of the Faculty Of Languages and Foreign Literature).
Proposing to cover as wide an area as possible of topics within the field of classical studies, the Summer School was structured on two sides, combining theoretical and practical activities and discussions and discussions with field visits to the archaeological sites in the area of Rome. More details about the event are available here.