The Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest once again turns into the Garden of Lights and brings to life the magical world of the Beauty and the Beast fairytale

The Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest once again turns into the Garden of Lights and brings to life the magical world of the Beauty and the Beast fairytale

The Dimitrie Brandza Botanical of the University of Bucharest turns, for the second consecutive year, into the Garden of Lights for the next four months, bringing to life the magical world of the Beauty and the Beast fairytale.

Following the success  recorded during the first edition, when the Garden of Lights themed Alice in Wonderland brought over 130.000 visitors to the Dimitrie Brandza Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest in the first two months since its opening, the company Wonderful Lighting, owner of the brand Garden of Lights proposes tens of unique attractions which await the visitors: thematic scenes, artistical installations, lighted trees as well as light shows.

Free access to the exhibition for the employees of the University of Bucharest on the basis of a UB ID

Visitors will have the chance to see light installations that depict Belle, the prince transformed into a beast, the enchanted rose, the castle of the prince and other magical elements. The exhibition also offers numerous photo areas – perfect for immortalizing this magical trip. The tunnels of light, the multimedia river, the enchanted lamps or the field of lights will offer an amazing background for unique photographs. The longest tunnel in Europe will be set up within the exhibition. The tunnel will be 220 meters long and will have more than 230.000 lights.

Last year, we accepted with great enthusiasm, the proposal of those from the Garden of Lights and we are thrilled that visitors have, again, the opportunity to admire the botanical garden in another context and witness how light can transform and highlight the beauty of nature, declared professor Paulina Anastasiu, PhD, director of the Dimitrie Brandza Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest.

The gardens of light are themed exhibitions organized in open spaces which bring amazing fairytales to life through lights and music, special events combining light artistry and the beauty of nature. For children, it is an occasion to meet their favorite fairytale characters, and for grown-ups it is a sentimental return to childhood and a moment of rest, away from the daily routine. It is, at the same time, a wonderful opportunity to spend time with loved ones and to experiment another dimension of beauty and creativity in a natural environment.

The best time to visit the exhibition of lights is in the evening or at night, when the darkness amplifies the effects of light and creates a mysterious and romantic atmosphere. Visitors will have the chance to wander through the garden admiring the light installations and enjoying the beauty of plants in a unique way. The light and sound shows where light installations are synchronized with music and sound effects will create a multi-sensory experience.

Entry tickets can be purchased from the Garden of Lights webpage and the network. Besides one entry tickets, visitors can also purchase a seasonal subscription for the entire duration of the exhibition.

This season, Bucharest will shine with thousands of lights, taking visitors on a magical journey in the world of the Beauty and the Beast! Regardless of age, visitors will be transported to the enchanted castle, where each alley leads to the most beautiful moments of this timeless story. After darkness, the Botanical Garden will transform into a fairytale land, filled with glowing lights bringing to life the characters and scenes from the Beauty and the Beast. For puzzle lovers, we have prepared a captivating game – all you need is a smartphone to scan QR codes which will reveal the secrets of the castle and bring you prizes, said Michal Chojnacki, CEO of Wonderful Lighting.

About the University of Bucharest

The university of Bucharest has celebrated this year 160 years since its founding, through Decree no. 765 from July 4th /16th 1864 signed by Ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Successor of the higher education structures inaugurated by the Princely Academy (1694), the University of Bucharest has contributed, and is continuing to contribute decisively to the development and modernizing of Romanian education, science and culture.

The University of Bucharest nowadays comprises 19 faculties, offering 95 bachelor programs, 223 master’s programs, 23 doctoral schools on specific fields and an interdisciplinary doctoral school, fosters over 50 centers and 9 research facilities.

Starting 2019, UB has been a part of CIVIS – A European Civic University alongside 10 other prestigious European universities: the University of Aix-Marseille, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Sapienza University of Rome, Stockholm University, “Eberhard Karls” University in Tübingen, University of Glasgow, University of Lausanne, the University “Paris Lodron” in

About the Dimitrie Brandza Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest

With a living history dating back to 1860, Dimitrie Brandza Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest is a setting of active interaction and a space of profile knowledge and research. Spanning over 18 hectares, the Botanical Garden of the University of Bucharest hosts more than 4.000 species of plants from various geographic areas and climates, and various rare plants, also including 10 exterior sectors organized by themes, an ample and diversified exhibition glasshouse, the old conservatory and a fascinating botanical museum. The Botanical Museum was added to the Botanical Garden in 1882 by the famous botany researcher Dimitrie Brandza.  The museum has 22 halls, dedicated to the history of the Botanical Garden, medicinal plants, curiosities from the world of plants, special collections etc. The glass houses represent an area of study and research, but also a space of relaxation in an exotic environment. The glasshouses include a rich selection of luxuriant and unusual species coming from tropical, subtropical and equator areas from around the globe.

About Wonderful Lighting

Wonderful Lighting is based in Gdynia, Poland and is present on the market since 2020, having organized its first light exhibition in Cracow, within the Stanisław Lem Park, which attracted a record number of visitors. In the following two years, the company created other gardens of light bringing in over 150.000 visitors a day. In total, over 1,2 million people visited the exhibitions organized in different cities. This year, the story continues in several cities in central and eastern Europe: Riga, Budapest, Dinant, Cluj Napoca and Bucharest and, for the first time, Ohio in the United States. The Garden of Light exhibitions depict the most popular fairytales: Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Alladin’s lamp, Snow-white, the Smurfs or African Animals. Wonderful Lighting benefits from the technology offered by the American company S4 Lights – global market leader for multimedia and decorative lighting, a company that has collaborated with Disneyland, SeaWorld and Silver Dollar. Wonderful Lightings’ investment in arranging an exhibition can reach 600.000 to 1.000.000 Euro.


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