Between November 25-26, 2021, within the international project “The Dynamics of the Prehistoric Communities Located in the Mostiștea Valley and Danube Plain (between Oltenița and Călărași)”, coordinated by the University of Bucharest, a scientific meeting took place, held at the University of Kiel (Germany).
At the event attended by researchers from Romania as well as from Belgium, Italy, Ukraine and Germany, the preliminary results of the summer 2021 field research in the Lower Danube region, carried out in the archaeological sites of Sultana, Chiselet and Șeinoiu (from Călăraşi county) were discussed. The purpose of the meeting was both to deepen the collaborative relations between the international researchers involved in the project, as well as to develop the publication plan and establish the field strategy for the 2022 campaign.
At the meeting, UB was represented by several researchers of the ArchaeoSciences Platform within the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest: Cătălin Lazăr, Cristina Covătaru and Bogdan Manea. They were accompanied by the representatives of the internal partners in this project: Adrian Bălășescu, Mihaela Golea and Vasile Opriș.
On this occasion, a short film promoting the project, made by the Kiel University journalism team, was released and can be watched here.
The meeting was considered a success by all participants, the first results being promising, while the direction of research and collaboration between the partners in the project is clear.
The international project will be completed in 2025
The main objectives of the international program are the reconstruction of the paleo environment and paleoclimate in the interval 5500-3000 BC. in the geographical area targeted by the project; studying the Neolithic and Eneolithic settlements in the area proposed for research, with all the component elements (tell, necropolis, flat and off-tell settlements); exploring the socio-economic network developed by the respective settlements, both geographically and chronologically, in order to establish the relationships of priority, contemporaneity and posteriority between them.“
The Dynamics of the Prehistoric Communities Located in the Mostiștea Valley and Danube Plain (between Oltenița and Călărași)”, represents the largest international archaeological project in Romania and aims to research the landscape, environment and human habitations from the V-IV millennia BC.
The next workshop within the project carried out in partnership with Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU), (Germany), HoGent (Belgium), the Bucharest City Museum, the Lower Danube Museum Călărași, the Oltenița Culture Directorate – the Gumelnița Oltenița Civilization Museum, and “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archeology of the Romanian Academy will take place in March 2022, in Bucharest.
More details on the project can be consulted both on the Facebook page of the ArchaeoSciences platform and here.