The project RO-GEO4HUMANITY and geophysics for civil protection

The project RO-GEO4HUMANITY and geophysics for civil protection

The project RO-GEO4HUMANITY gave students of the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest (FGG-UB) the opportunity to participate in inter- and transdisciplinary activities specially designed for enhancing advanced knowledge in using geophysical data for ensuring peace and security around the globe, as part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Organization (UN-SDGs).

Regarding this project, its author, Lect. Dr. Eng. Florina Țuluca, from the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest, president of the Romanian Society of Applied Geophysics (SGAR) and Vice-Chair al NSGC-EAGE explains: „The project represented an exceptional opportunity to work on complex research issues meant to respond to several societal challenges. Its main objectives focus both on enhancing the competences of participating students and on communicating to the public relevant information regarding the critical importance of geophysics in the context of present security challenges, and consolidating the connection between academia and the public. All of these would have not been possible without the visionary position of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists – SEG and SEG Foundation-USA, which supported the implementation of the project by awarding a grant within the competition of projects SEG Field Camp 2024”.

The practical activities organized until this moment include the analysis of signals from the north-Korean nuclear tests, the analysis of geophysical signals from the explosions generated by the recent military actions in Ukraine, aeromagnetic measurements using drones, IR-UAV scanning, and ground geophysical measurements for the detection of military objects presenting hazardous risk.

Besides its educational innovative character, the project proposed by the Bucharest Student Chapter and the host institutions (FGG-UB and SGAR) within the competition of SEG Field Camp has a potential social significant impact at an international level, especially for students from countries facing hazardous situations due to the presence of anti-personnel mines.

At the same time, the project RO-GEO4HUMANITY represents the basis of an intense collaboration between the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest and several institutions: “Henri Coandă” Air Force Academy from Brașov, Romania (represented within the project by Col. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cătălin Cioacă and Dr. Eng. Sebastian Pop), The National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP), Romania (represented within the project by Dr. Daniela Ghica), The National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-Ecology – GeoEcoMar, Romania (participant within the project with a team led by Dr. Eng. Radu Dimitriu and Dr. Eng. Irina Stanciu) and GeoSphere Austria (represented within the project by Dr. Ulrike Mitterbauer).

The practical fieldwork focused on the practice of geophysical techniques for detection of unexploded ammunition, buried mines and other equipment used in military activities. The participants took part in hands-on training with the cutting-edge technology used for the detection of UXO both on land and in water. The practical part also included training for the operation of airborne systems (drones), training for the use of airborne geophysical equipment and ground geophysical equipment for the detection of mocking military objects.

The fieldwork took place in a specially selected workshop-perimeter, approximately 1 Km north of the village of Vadu. On the flanks of the Ghiaurchioi promontory, are three massive casemates from reinforced concrete, meant to ensure the strategic defense of the area after the Second World War and to resist intense bombing. Placed in strategic points, they offered excellent visibility of the surroundings and maritime access. Besides these three casemates, the area witnessed supplementary military engineering constructions, like defensive trenches. From these perspectives, the location offered a training spot suitable to the purpose of the project.

The local context also allowed the students participating in the SEG Field Camp to learn information about the local history by exploring the archaeological potential revealed through the high-resolution geophysical methods of a possible shipwreck buried beneath the sands of Ghiaurchioi Gulf. Its presence was deducted from the advanced processing of the aeromagnetic data made by Dr. Eng. Radu Dimitriu (GeoEcoMar). In addition, Dr. Ing. Irina Stanciu (GeoEcoMar) supervised and coordinated students in conducting in-situ magnetic susceptibility measurements performed directly on archaeological artifacts (such as ceramics, bricks and adobe), rock outcrops and soil deposits, aiming to assess the magnetic properties of the materials found on site and of the geological background.

These activities created synergies with the project H2020 DOORS („2024 Best Project Award-category winner”), coordinated by GeoEcoMar and promoting the cultural heritage of the region as a driver for the development of new opportunities in the blue economy.

A detailed presentation of the activities developed within the project will be delivered during the International Symposium Geoscience 2024, organized by the Romanian Society of Applied Geophysics.

More information about this event is available here.

The project RO-GEO4HUMANITY is coordinated by the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest and the Romanian Society of Applied Geophysics (SGAR) together with cu key-members of the BSC-SEG Society (Ana Suditu, Daria Măciucă, Andreea Mihaela Răducanu, Vlad Catarig-Iancu, Timeea-Maria Manolache, Mario Lazu, Gheorghe Turturea, Eduard Dragnea, Robert Alexandru Birta).

The implementation team had the unconditional support of Prof. Dr. Eng. Lucian Petrescu, dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest, Dr. Adrian Stănică, general director of the National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-Ecology  – GeoEcoMar, Romania, Dr. Eng. Constantin Ionescu, general director of the National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP), Br. Gen. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marius Șerbeszki, commandant (rector) of “Henri Coandă” Air Force Academy from Brașov, Romania, Dr. Mihaela Melinte, scientific director GeoEcoMar, and Dr. Crișan Demetrescu, director of the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy.

In addition, the project received support from colleagues Prof. Dr. Eng. Dumitru Ioane, Dr. Eng. Raluca Dinescu, Ioana Grigore, Lect. Dr. Eng. Ioan Munteanu, Lect. Dr. Eng. Mihaela Roca and PhD Candidate Florin Pitea (in different stages of the project), as well as all participating students.


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