Approximately half of the investment, financed through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
The University of Bucharest will invest, by the end of September 2025, over 6,5 million euro (32.783.325,60 de lei) for the rehabilitation and increase of energetic performance of dorms G3 and G4 from the Măgurele student campus in Ilfov. The investment, financed through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, will lead tot the creation of 154 new accommodation places, allowing the University of Bucharest to ensure its students a modernized university infrastructure.
The objective of the institution is represented by the development of the resilience of university campuses by creating new accommodation spaces endowed with lecture halls and recreation spaces that respect the safety and quality standards adapted to the needs of students with disabilities. At the same time, the project will lead to the reduction of the annual level of greenhouse gases and energy consumption. Thus, through the rehabilitation and energetic performance increase for student dorms G3-G4 of the Măgurele Campus, it is estimated that energy consumption used for heating will be reduced by at least 50% in comparison to the annual consumption of energy for heating before the renovation of the building, as well as the reduction of CO2 emissions.
40% of all modernized accommodation places, destined for students coming from underprivileged environments
The modern spaces will host, with priority, students of the University of Bucharest coming from underprivileged environments, with disabilities, ethnic minorities or single-parent families. The rehabilitation of the two student dorms in the Măgurele student campus in Ilfov is part of the strategy of the University of Bucharest to reach its objective to modernize the existing material base and extending it by rehabilitating and increasing the number of accommodation places for students.
Project e-PNRR 295827334 is financed through the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNNR), part of the call Modernizing university infrastructure for an equitable academic space, pillar VI – Politics for the new generation, component 15 – Education, investment 17 – Ensuring university infrastructure (student dorms, refectories, relaxation and lecture halls). The implementation period of the project is July 19th 2024 – September 30th 2025, and the total value of the project, including financing, totals 32.783.325,60 lei, out of which the eligible value from the PNRR is 13.473.450 lei.
PNRR. Financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU
PNRR – Funds for modern and reformed Romania!
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