The University of Bucharest, research concerning the attitude of Romanians towards volunteering

The University of Bucharest, research concerning the attitude of Romanians towards volunteering

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024, the University of Bucharest launched, during an event hosted at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, the results of a broad research regarding the attitude of Romanians towards volunteering.

A project of UniBuc Consult – the Training and Consultancy Service of the University of Bucharest in partnership with Kaufland Romania and the research company iSense Solutions, the study shows that only 6% of Romanians constantly and actively engage in volunteering actions, although 92% of them consider volunteering calls a positive practice, no matter if they worked as volunteers or not.

Volunteering, whose origins reside in the military structures and which was later adopted by various social environments, has become a fundamental pillar in supporting social or ecological cases in society. Numerous studies prove that there is a positive correlation between getting involved in volunteering actions and a longer and happier life of the volunteers. In fact, happy persons, with a good social level, are those who get involved in such actions the most, thus contributing to the welfare of society. Volunteering not only improves the lives of those helped, but also offers volunteers a profound satisfaction and higher quality of life, said professor Marian Preda, the Rector of the University of Bucharest.

The research of the UB researchers, one of the broadest studies initiated in the private environment in the last years

Nearly half (43%) of Romanians have not yet participated in volunteering activities in an official and organized frame, and emotion is the main factor that motivates volunteering supporters. Associating volunteering with positive labels such as goodness (90%), responsibility (86%) or civic engagement (82%) meets high degrees of agreement, the study shows.

Results show, at the same time, that the majority of respondents associate volunteering with positive aspects and mention a wide variety of reasons for which they choose to spend their time in this manner.

More than half of the respondents do not volunteer out of lack of time or other obligations (55%), because they don’t want to (52%), or because the state and other institutions should resolve society’s problems (51%).

Based on this data, Kaufland Romania is launching a complex communication campaign which aims to promote the role of volunteering in developing a society and to increase the level of involvement of residents across the country. The goal of the campaign and the results of the study confirm that there is a high potential to increase civic involvement possibilities at individual level, in day-to-day activity. As such, we need communication and awareness actions to create a culture of volunteering in Romania, beyond the emotional perception.

In what concerns the institutionalized frame for volunteering, two thirds (64%) of respondents are not aware that there is a law regarding volunteering, and a similar number (74%) exppressed their desire to have a well defined legislative frame to unreel these activities. This indicates the need for a maturation of the concept, transitioning from good deeds and civic sense to a well-organized activity, done according to legitimate rules and in agreement with the strategic objectives that can answer the current needs of society.

I believe in the power of volunteering to transform a society. That together we are capable of great things, once we understand that you are truly fulfilled when you know that you leave behind – a place, a person – better than you found them. It is the third year in which I dedicate social causes an equal number of hours to my age – meaning 48 hours – until the end of 2004. And at Kaufland, all colleagues have two extra free days for volunteering activities which they choose personally. I am proud to see them eager to help. And I am confident that through this campaign, we will increase in number and will help Romania become as we wish, concluded Marco Hößl, CEO Kaufland Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

In what concerns information sources concerning volunteering opportunities and mobilization for such causes, social media networks (32%) and friends/acquaintances (24%) come first. On the same note, the most credible sources for organizing volunteering activities are for Romanian the citizen groups (29%), churches (27%), NGOs (25%).

The fact that the first place is occupied by groups of citizens, without institutional/formal support, shows an image of civic involvement not as the result of a culture of volunteering, but rather a culture of good, constructed on spontaneity, cases which make an impression and not long-term projects, institutional support and trust in institutions, indicate the results of the research.

At the same time, the level of involvement in volunteering actions increases with the level of education.

Comparative analyses within the selected group showed that volunteering is more spread among those in the urban setting, with a higher income, age and education levels. However positive attitude towards volunteering is largely spread in all socio-demographic categories.

The data of the survey were taken between April 19th – May 14th, 2024. The volume of the selected group was 1005 persons and is representative for the uninstitutionalized population of Romania, with ages over 18.

About UniBuc Consult – The Training and Consultancy Service of the University of Bucharest

UniBuc Consul, the Training and Consultancy Service of the University of Bucharest, reunites high-expertise domains of research academic staff, with the aim to valorise them in projects with a practical impact or at a public policy level.

UniBuc Consult develops the infrastructure and internal practices concerning the transfer of knowledge and innovation to public or private partners, through projects and different consultancy activities, in different fields of activity. Thus, the University of Bucharest creates an even stronger connection between the academic environment and the national and international socio-economic environment, solving current challenges of contemporary society, contributing to the development of the quality of life in various communities by fundamenting strategic interventions and development initiatives.

For its external, public and private partners, UniBuc Consult has the role of understanding their needs and to identify within the teams of the University of Bucharest the experts who can develop and implement adequate solutions, facilitating the access to last-hour research, to support them in getting information about the new evolution and tendencies in their fields and to improve their products and/or services. 

The experts involved in consultancy activities are part of various faculties and departments of the University of Bucharest and have a solid expertise in their fields, and the approach they have in developing and implementing adapted solutions is based on evidence and scientific proof.

More details on the activity of The Training and Consultancy Service of the University of Bucharest – UniBuc Consult are available here.


About Kaufland Romania

Kaufland is among the largest retail companies in Europe, with over 1.540 stores in 8 countries, over 155.000 employees and a network of 179 stores in Romania. Assuming social and ecological responsibility is an essential aspect of Kaufland corporate politics. The belief of the company is that the world can be a better place by involving each one of us, so that is why, in 2018, Kaufland developed the platform Involvement makes a difference, under which all social responsibility actions are communicated. The largest part of CSR projects of the company are made in partnership with regional or national NGOs and pursuit the creation of complex social programs addressed to large groups of beneficiaries. More details concerning the actions and activities organized by Kaufland are available here.

About iSense Solutions

iSense Solutions – The Modern Consumer Company – uses the most innovative exploring and analysis methods of modern consumers. Founded in 2014, the company offers complete market-research services and brings a mix of innovation and efficiency for clients. More information about iSense Solutions can be found here.


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