The University of Bucharest is the Romanian university with the greatest involvement in activities linked to sustainable development, according to the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023, 5th edition, one of the best-known rankings in the international academic milieu. UB is ranked in the first 201 – 300 universities in the world out of 1,591 institutions that were included in this year’s ranking.
The criteria according to which higher education institutions are evaluated in this ranking are based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN) included in the 2030 Agenda. The classification methodology takes into account for each institution the scores for the first three most well-positioned objectives, to which must be added “Objective 17 – Partnerships for the achievement of objectives”.
This year, the University of Bucharest reported for 9 of the 17 objectives and achieved the best results for “Objective 4 – Quality Education”, “Objective 5 – Gender Equality” and “Objective 16 – Peace, justice and effective institutions”.Thus, the University of Bucharest is in 23rd place out of 1,304 institutions in “Objective 4 – Quality Education”, in 19th place out of 1,081 institutions in “Objective 5 – Gender Equality” and in 10th place out of a total of 910 institutions in “Objective 16 – Peace, justice and effective institutions”, while for “Goal 17 – Partnerships for achieving the goals”, UB falls in the range of 201 – 300.
Compared to the previous year, data was collected and reported for one more objective “Sustainable cities and communities”, and the results place UB above the average of the participating institutions, in the range of 101 – 200.In the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023, the University of Bucharest is followed, in the range 401 – 600, by two other member universities of the “Universitaria” Consortium: “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. Additional information on the results and reporting methodology can be accessed here.