On Friday, June 9, 2023, the UBtalks jury announced the winners of the tenth edition of the competition. Of more than 70 BA, MA and PhD students who registered in the competition, 30 were selected and supported their projects, in front of the jury, in the final of the event.
The diversity of the topics, the interdisciplinarity of the subjects addressed by the participants and the originality of the presentations made the work of the jury, chaired by prof Liviu Papadima, PhD, a difficult one.
In addition, the most creative presentations were awarded by the University of Bucharest with 6 places at the Sinaia School of Creativity, organized between July 31 and August 6, 2023.
Cash prizes from Aqua Carpatica, shopping vouchers from Kaufland and tickets to Neversea and Untold for the winners of the UBtalks 2023 competition
In addition to the exchange of experience and making new friends with students at other faculties of the University of Bucharest, the lucky finalists were awarded by Aqua Carpatica, BCR, Kaufland Romania, Neversea and Untold with shopping vouchers, cash prizes, tickets to the festival, as well as with places at the School of Creativity from Cumpătu, Sinaia.
The jury of the 2023 edition, chaired by prof. Liviu Papadima, the founder of UBtalks, was composed of Prof. Alexandra Crăciun, PhD, teaching staff at the Faculty of Letters of UB, Ada Roseti, freelancer and specialist in science communication, Valentina Vesler, head of PR & communication at Aqua Carpatica, Teodora Vlad, 5 to go marketing specialist, Andreea Aniculi, internal communication specialist at Kaufland Romania, Alexandru Ion, Kaufland Romania communication specialist, and Alexandru Glodeanu, Kaufland Romania human resources specialist.
Aqua Carpatica awarded with 300 euros, for Accuracy of the speech, the project “Looking for Dolores. A visual journey through the covers of the novel “Lolita” presented by Oana Mică, student at the Faculty of Letters, with 200 euros the project “Elucidating the mysteries of the mind through psychometry – revolutionizing psychiatric practice”, presented by Gabriel Zanfir, student at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, and with 200 euros the project “Barbie: between myth, stereotype and reality”, presented by the team formed by Mădălina Nadolu and Natalia Ghimfus, students at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest.Partner in UBtalks competition since 2022, BCR awarded, with 100 euros each, the projects presented by Laurentiu Ion, a student at the Faculty of Letters (When the music speaks: The impact of songs in the national language at Eurovision), by Ilinca Maria Drăgoi, a student at the Faculty of History (An allegory of the senses or a political tribute? – Multiple levels of interpretation in the painting “The Vision” – Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel), by Kristina Kaso, student at the Faculty of Letters (How does it help you to be a polyglot and the aspects delightful of this “art”) and by Ștefan Cosmin Petruț Rizea, student at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (Bullying and Cyberbullying).
To these are added the four prizes of 50 euros each, awarded to the presentations given by Aurelia Spînu, student at the Faculty of Letters (Dynamics of double cyclicity in comparative literature), by Ligia Matei, student at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences (No fake), by Raul Furdui, student at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work (Say stop to school dropout) and by Daniela Ioana Vasilache, student at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences (Staging the public image – celebrity as a product).
Kaufland Romania awarded with 1,000 lei, for Sustainability, the project “Reducing school dropout – solutions and public policies” presented by Răzvan Bădău, PhD student at ISDS-UB, with 700 lei, for Innovation, the project “Amity Toy – a bridge between the two worlds: autism – non-autism”, presented by Amelia Negoi, student at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, and with 500 lei, for Originality, the project “Binge-Watching: Problematic Hobby”, presented by Cristina Felicia Constantin, student at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.
Also, Neversea awarded Creativity of the “Photography or proof that you were” project, presented by Isabelle Alexandra Toma, with a double invitation to the coolest festival of the summer, and Untold awarded the Public Speaking skills of Maysara Alnawati, who spoke on “How we can ‘read’ people’s minds if we pay attention to non-verbal messages”, with a double invitation to Untold.
Last but not least, the University of Bucharest awarded the most creative presentations with 6 places at the School of Creativity. The event will take place between July 31 and August 6, 2023 in Sinaia, and the award covers the costs of accommodation, meals and workshops for students Andrei Rareș Iancu, Răzvan Bădău, Mădălina Nadolu, Natalia Ghimfus, Oana Mică and Laurentiu Ion.