In 2024, in the context of the anniversary of 160 years since the founding of UB, UBtalks dedicates a panel to this subject. If you have a project researching the history of UB or you want to propose a course or an innovative method of teaching, or if you have identified solutions for a situation relating to the student experience, send us your project at and register for the competition.
Based on your idea, we invite you to present, in the finale of the competition, a 10-minute speech which will captivate the audience’s attention and interest.
But no worries, if you will be selected, you will participate to the first stage of the program, consisting of an online training session, during which teaching staff of the University of Bucharest and experts in communication will counsel you in order to elaborate your final presentation, which will help you form the basis of new strategies to sell your ideas, and will help you perfect your public speaking techniques. At the end of the training session, coordinators will decide the finalists of the 11th edition of UBtalks.
The presentation must be attractive and comprehensible for a public outside your studies domain, well documented, original, relevant, creative and solidly argued. It can be accompanied, where needed, by photo, video, or audio materials.
Aqua Carpatica, BCR, Kaufland, Untold, Neversea and 5 to go, UBtalks partners. The 2024 edition, prizes totalling over 15.000 lei
Aqua Carpatica, BCR, Kaufland, Untold, Neversea and 5 to go have joined us, as partners, in organizing the 2024 edition of the UBtalks competition.
Thus, for the 11th edition of the contest, Aqua Carpatica offers three prizes worth approximately 3.400 lei for the most innovative, clear and original projects.
BCR will also offer UB students from all levels of study three prizes worth approximately 3.000 lei, while Kaufland has another three prizes worth 2.200 lei for the most innovative, sustainable and original projects.
Not lastly, UNTOLD and NEVERSEA festivals will offer winners two prizes which sum up over 5.000 lei, in the form of two invitations for all the days of the festivals hosted in Cluj and Constanța.
Besides the experience of getting to know other groups of students and the knowledge acquired during the workshops, you can also win access tickets to the School of Creativity organized by the University of Bucharest in Cumpătu, Sinaia, in August 2024.