Following the recommendation of State Secretary Raed Arafat, the Board of the University of Bucharest decided to extend the suspension of the courses until March 31st, 2020
The teaching activity will take place in the online system
The University of Bucharest has decided to temporarily suspend the courses face to face beginning today, March 11, 2020, at 14:00, until March 29, 2020. In these conditions, the teaching activity will take place in the online system, and the administrative services will continue to be insured. Depending on the evolution of the situation, the aforementioned period may be extended and the measures taken may be modified.
The decision, adopted by the Board of the University of Bucharest, involves temporarily suspending the courses face to face and continuing them in the online system. In this regard, a Coordination Group for Online Educational Activities will provide technical support and will assist teachers and students in the transition process to online communication and teaching, decided for this period.
Through this strategic group, the University of Bucharest will be in permanent contact with the members of the academic community, offering digital solutions, advice and technical support where needed.
Regarding the implementation in the online system of the didactic activities in the next period, the university will give priority to the organization of activities with students from the final years, so that the risk of not completing the study cycles in time can be reduced.
The Board of Directors of the University of Bucharest today decided to reschedule the extracurricular activities (conferences, book launches, lectures, workshops, sports competitions, shows, etc.) that were to take place during the aforementioned period.
Regarding the social services provided to students, we mention that all student dormitories remain open. On the other hand, we mention that the University of Bucharest has prepared a number of rooms for students and students who may need to enter self-isolation. In order to support those who will be in such situations, a group of volunteers made up of university staff and students will be set up at the rector’s level.
Starting tomorrow, March 12, 2020, the activity of “Mihail Kogălniceanu” Canteen is suspended until March 29.
The students of the 19 faculties of the University of Bucharest will be able to interact individually with the administrative services, with the secretariats or with the teaching staff only for the activities that cannot be carried out online (obtaining signatures, study documents, etc.). We recommend that students, as far as possible, use online payments.
The University of Bucharest will request the Central University Library to temporarily close the reading rooms located in the buildings of the faculties, with the open keeping of the loan centers.
Last but not least, it was decided to cancel the trips of employees and students in risk areas and to temporarily stop those trips abroad that may be delayed.
The University of Bucharest assures the entire academic community that the decisions taken are meant to protect the safety and health of students, teachers and administrative staff. Depending on the evolution of the situation and the decisions of the central authorities, all the necessary measures will be taken. The University will be in permanent contact with the members of the university community and will constantly communicate all the decisions taken.